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A lot of work needs to be put into establishing a dental business, from deciding whether you will have a partner, to determining how many employees you are going to need and how you will market your new dental business. This is why we are writing this article, to cover all the important things you need to know and help you in setting your new business up for success. When you are starting a business, you need to be properly prepared, meaning that you need to take time to explore all the options before you settle for one. A dental practice also involves a lot of financial planning, so it is very important to perform some research and include all the important financial information in your business plan. This includes equipment, licensing fees, salaries, building a website and various other costs. So, let’s get started. A Business Plan The first step you need to take when you are opening your dental practice is to create a business plan. It represents a detailed description of your business and includes your overall strategy, costs, operating procedures, earnings and other important financial information. If you want to obtain a loan for your dental practice, you are going to need a good plan. There are many online resources that can help you in creating a business plan, and you can easily find templates by doing a quick search. Before you set aside your time for researching, create a general outline of the information you want to include in your plan. Another important thing when you are creating your business plan is to have an exit strategy. Yes, we know that you have not even set up your dental practice, but you need to think about the long-term. For instance, if you purchase a dental practice that is known for one thing and you want to make it known for something else, or if the name of the practice has a specific word in it that you do not really like, then you need to think about rebranding to get your dental practice where you want it. A Partner This is the time where you need to decide whether you are going to open a dental practice on your own or are you going to have one or more dentists as partners. Teaming up with another dentist can help you offset the costs of opening the practice and acquiring the loan. A potential downside of opening a practice with another dentist is that it can be difficult to find a person who will share your vision. This is a major consideration on your hand and a big commitment if you decide to go into business with a partner, so make sure that you put in some careful thought into this. Also, don’t forget that if you cannot envision yourself with a partner when you are creating your business plan, you can always come back to this later if you experience difficulties when gathering finances for your new business. Location Another crucial decision you need to make is deciding where the location of your dental practice will be. This particular step requires a lot of research, so before you even begin looking for office spaces, find out how many dental practices are already there in the area you want to set up your business. We hope that you have already chosen the city where you want your business to be, and if you haven’t, then ask yourself where you want work and live and do some research on the best places for you. Once you know where you want to open your practice, research the competition and the population of the area you want to practice in. The average number of dentists on every 100 000 citizens is approximately 55, but this number tends to vary from state to state. When you are choosing a location for your practice consider the potential for walk-ins. It would be great if you can be on the first floor or on some of the upper floors of a commercial property. If your business is located on the ground floor, your construction will be more cost-effective, but on the other hand an upper-level floor has more affordable leasing options. Another thing you need to consider when choosing a location is the number of parking spaces and general convenience. Licenses and Permits Another thing you need to do before you open up your dental practice is to have all the necessary licenses, permits and other things that are required to practice dentistry in the area you have chosen. Consider joining professional memberships if you believe that they are necessary or will benefit your dental practice. Regulations and laws vary from state to state, so research this step carefully in order to leave yourself sufficient time and budgeting to obtain all the required permits before you open your practice. Equipment Perhaps one of the biggest expenses in opening a dental practice is the cost of the equipment, and in addition to that you will be needing furniture, medical billing software, computer systems and many other items. Find a reputable salesperson to help you with the equipment, someone who can help you obtain quality and affordable equipment, and do the research before you make any large purchases. In addition to the dental tools, you will be needing business management software, instrument management software, call tracking system and other, so to choose the best software you can take a look at some of the best dental practice management software reviews and also test out some of the programs before you decide which one you will use. Financing Unless you already have funds, you need to gather finances to open your dental practice. After reviewing your business plan, you can apply for a loan from a lender or a bank. If you are not able to obtain the finances you need, then you need to consider teaming up with another dentist, even if you have planned to open a dental practice on your own. Depending on what your situation is, you need to wait because obtaining the required finances is a slow process. The average upfront costs for a dental practice are $500 000, so start talking to different lending institutions to see how willing they are to lend to dentists. Personnel Since you won’t be able to do everything on your own, you need to think about the staffing needs, and it is better to do it sooner than later. You will be needing a receptionist, IT staff, dental assistants and perhaps even an office manager. Decide how many people you will need for your practice to operate properly, and finding employees is not an easy task, so if you want to set yourself for success, plan ahead. After that, determine an average salary for each position, and put that information into your business plan to determine your financial projections. Dental Marketing Strategy Every business needs a website because a presence on social media is not enough. Having a website for your business will help you attract new patients, make your dental practice recognizable and serve as your primary marketing tool. There are a couple of different ways to build a website, you can do it by yourself with a website building platform like WordPress, or seek the help of an online marketing firm or a web designer. In addition to having a website, it is advised that you employ the services of an SEO firm so that your dental practice can attract more potential patients and become more profitable. If you get started early, you will attract the attention before your dental practice is operational. So, make sure to invest in SEO and other online marketing efforts. The process of opening a new dental practice is not an easy venture, there are many decisions you need to make, but you can use this article as your starting point. Many decisions you will make will be crucial for the success of your business, so it is important to make sure that you have done everything right. Take enough time when you are planning your new dental practice, and do not be afraid to ask for help. We hope this article will help you in discovering some beneficial details you need to pay attention to when you are opening your own dental practice, and remember, despite all the hard work you need to put into, having your own practice is a very rewarding experience. You are your own boss and are doing something you love. So, we can only wish you luck on your journey, and hope that you will run a successful dental practice. 

Posted by Dento Clinic

Cosmetic Dentistry is widely popular. While that is said, you may have a series of questions before you opt for it. In this article, I will outline the most frequently asked questions along with their answers and you are sure to find them useful for your cosmetic dentistry research. First Question: Can whitening my teeth damage them? What are the side-effects? With Laser Teeth Whitening, your teeth will become more sensitive to cold, heat and sweets. Being a new technology, it's long term side-effects are still unknown. In order to maintain the whitening, regular Bleaching is suggested. Second Question: Because I used antibiotics as a child, I now have darkened teeth. What can I do to make them white again? Discoloration of your teeth is called intrinsic stain and can be treated effectively with bleaching. The ideal suggestion in this case is to ask your dentist on the options that you may have. He may suggest placement of porcelain laminate veneers or crowns as a more long-lasting treatment. Third Question: Why do a person’s teeth discolor upon aging? Teeth discoloration could just be a part of aging. The surface of an individual’s teeth becomes thin during his or her lifetime. Thus, it stops allowing the underlying dentin to shine through or in some cases become exposed to the surface. Some people are less motivated to take action to prevent it and thereby cause their oral hygiene to suffer. Fourth Question: I am a little scared about using laminates for my teeth. Does it hurt to have my teeth prepared for them? Can you tell me more about the procedure? Dental Implants or laminates do not hurt a bit. It is simply a cosmetic dentistry procedure that takes not more than two visits to your personal dentist. You could also opt for a local anesthesia if you are a highly sensitive patient. Local anesthesia is necessary in less than 40% of the cases. Fifth Question:  I would like to know if there are advantages of laminates versus orthodontic treatments. What is the time required for both of these cosmetic dentistry procedures? Yes, these two cosmetic dentistry procedures are totally different by all means. Orthodontic treatments require a span of a year and a half in most cases towards a complete treatment while that is not the case with Porcelain Laminates. They take only two visits to your local dentist, who will remedy crooked teeth usually better than an orthodontic treatment. I hope I answered your queries effectively and the above data was helpful for your cosmetic dentistry research.    

Posted by Matt Comfort DDS

According to the American Academy of Implant Dentistry, more 35 million individuals have missing teeth in at least one jaw due to injury or decay. Corrective measures including the use of bridges and crowns as dental implants are common, helping people have both the appearance and function of natural teeth. Dental implants are a proven method to replace missing teeth, having been used for more than three decades in adult patients. Although safe and effective, having dental implant surgery can create trepidation as individuals are unsure what to expect during and after the procedure. To help ease the mind of those facing dental implant surgery, it is beneficial to understand what takes place during the dental implant process and best practices for managing recovery after surgery.    Expectations for Surgery For most patients, dental implant surgery is performed as an outpatient procedure performed over multiple stages, but only after a comprehensive dental exam is done and a treatment plan is recommended. Each patient has various needs and anticipated outcomes for dental implant surgery, which may require meeting with dental specialists one or more times. However, once a treatment plan is suggested and agreed upon, the first step in the dental implant procedure is the safe removal of the damaged tooth, known as extraction. As the damaged tooth is removed, the mouth is then prepared for implant surgery. During the second stage of dental implant surgery, patients with weak jaw bones may require strengthening with bone grafting. In these cases, bone is taken from another part of the body and placed with care into the jawbone. Before having the implant and subsequent replacement tooth set, the jaw must be strong enough to support it. For some patients, a small bone graft can be done at the same time the implant is set, while others require a substantial amount of time between grafting and replacement. After the jaw is prepared, patients undergo surgery to place the implant. This process involves cutting the gum deep enough to expose the bone, and drilling to create holes where the supporting posts of the implant will sit. Over time, the bones of the jaw unify with the supporting posts of the implant, a process that can take up to six months. Once a sturdy base is attained, the artificial tooth is placed. Patients have the option of selecting a removable implant (similar to dentures) or a fixed implant which cannot be removed. The entire dental implant process can last a few to several months, depending on the need for bone grafting and the time frame for bone growth after the base of the implant is set.   Managing Aftercare Speedy and safe recovery after each portion of a dental implant surgery is largely in the hands of the patient. Recommendations to steer clear of extremely cold or hot drinks and foods are common, along with sticking to a liquid or soft diet. Additionally, individuals may need to apply ice to the jaw or cheeks for two to three days after each procedure to ensure swelling and pain are not major issues. After dental implant surgery, patients are often given pain medication to help subdue any discomfort caused during the procedure. Although common, pain is typically managed easily with over the counter anti-inflammatory medicines and rest. Slight bleeding is common after dental implant surgery, and so it is necessary for patients to ease this by biting down on gauze every few hours. If antibiotics are prescribed, patients should take great care to complete the entire prescription, per doctor’s orders. Maintaining a clean mouth is also crucial to the success of dental implant surgery, which can be done with hot water and salt rinses and careful use of a toothbrush and mouthwash as directed by the dentist. Safeguarding against Risks While dental implant surgery is both safe and effective when performed by a trained dental professional, the procedure does carry with it some risk. The most common issues that arise after surgery include the following:   ·         Damage to surrounding teeth, nerves or blood vessels ·         Infection at the surgery site ·         Pain caused by nerve damage ·         Issues with sinus function A group of dental negligence specialists with Patient Claim Line note that the majority of claims relating to dental implants are due to incorrect extractions or residual problems, like infections after removing a tooth; fortunately, claims related to dental implants are rare. Following the post-surgery care plan instructions provided by the dental surgeon is crucial in having both a safe and effective recovery after dental implants are placed. The replacement of damaged teeth provides not only a restoration of mouth function, but also a confidence boost for patients. The stages of dental implant surgery take time to complete, and differ for each individual, but ensuring the best possible result comes down to the aftercare. Minding the recommendations of the doctor after each stage of dental implant surgery allows patients the ability to heal well, without unnecessary side effects and undue risk.    

Posted by Total Health Mag

Comme la popularité de la chirurgie esthétique se développe et la gamme de procédures augmente, la formation chirurgicale esthétique spécialisée est une nécessité. La formation de la chirurgie esthétique et la certification du conseil examen traditionnel se concentre principalement sur la chirurgie reconstructive avec une relativement faible accent sur les procédures cosmétiques. Pour les chirurgiens sur le chemin d'accès à bord certification en chirurgie plastique, bourses offrant une formation de chirurgie esthétique sont disponibles, mais ce niveau plus élevé de formation de procédure cosmétique est pas une exigence pour la certification du conseil en chirurgie plastique. Une alternative pour de nombreux chirurgiens est une formation officielle de chirurgie esthétique chez Medesoir de la communion avec la certification du conseil subséquente par l'American Board of Cosmetic Surgery (ABCs). Les candidats doivent d'abord prouver la certification du conseil avant dans l'une des sept spécialités chirurgicales approuvées, puis compléter un vaste un à deux ans la chirurgie esthétique de formation bourse. Ensuite, les ABCS exige que les candidats à passer par un conseil de certification du processus d'examen rigoureux et seulement des subventions pour les chirurgiens esthétiques qui peuvent passer avec succès toutes ces marques. "Qu'est-ce que peut-être embrouillé au public est que les chirurgiens disent:« Vous ne doivent nous faire confiance et personne d'autre, »souligne Dr.Pancholi. "Ce que le ABCS croit est que si vous avez un médecin bien formé en chirurgie esthétique, vous êtes plus susceptibles d'avoir un meilleur résultat."

  I aspire to start my day with a warm, strong cup of quality coffee. I don’t feel guilty about it…because according to the evidence, coffee is highly beneficial for health.    Do you know coffee might save your life?    There are lots of health benefits coffee provides to us. I would like to share some of those  with my readers.    8. Improves Energy Levels and Makes its lovers smarter   Do you need energy?   Coffee is the best choice. Research highlights that coffee is a stimulant that makes you more vigilant. You will be more cognitive during your job.     7. Enhances the Physical Performance   Coffee increases your physical performance. It contains polyphenols and antioxidants. Polyphenols reduce the risks of diabetes, depression, cardiovascular issues. Antioxidants fight against the obesity.     6. Protects from Alzheimer disease and Dementia   Most of the nutritionists agree that regular usage of coffee reduces the risks of Alzheimer’s disease,   especially in an elderly stage. The studies on human beings and animals also indicate that regular caffeine usage lowers down the risks of dementia.   5. Liver Protective agent   Coffee prevents the risks of Liver diseases especially liver cancer. The research highlights that drinking two cups of coffee reduces the risks of liver cancer.     4. Reduces the risks of Parkinson’s disease   Parkinson’s disease is a neurodegenerative disease and is very common in the western nations. Mostly, 60+ years old people can be the victims of this disease. Different studies are evident that caffeine lessens the risks of Parkinson’s disease.   3. Lowers the Cardiovascular diseases   Cardiovascular diseases occur due to the production of diterpenes. Unfiltered, brewed coffee removes all the diterpenes.   2. Reduces Post works muscular pain   Do you feel pain in your muscles after the long work day?   Coffee relaxes down the work stress in its users. So, the research highlights that people who take two cups of coffee daily, have lower post work muscular pain than non-coffee users.   1. Coffee burns the calories   Although I don’t have the weight problem, I found one study very interesting. Overweight research participants with green coffee beans extract lose significantly more weight than those who didn’t get the extract. This reveals that coffee helps losing the weight.   Coffee is good for health but its addiction may harm you.  The research reveals that coffee addiction causes multiple issues like sleep problems and anxiety issues.     In short, the integration of health beneficial bioactive compounds with the lower risks of multiple diseases and disorders – coffee is truly considered as a nutritious drink.       References:

Posted by X Dental

The staining and discoloration of teeth is something that affects everybody at some point, especially is you drink coffee. Besides causing bad breath or halitosis, coffee can cause your teeth to become thin and brittle because helps the bacteria in your mouth create acids that can lead to tooth enamel erosion. If you like to indulge a cup (or two) of coffee in the morning, here are some tips that can help you protect your teeth while doing so:  1) Use a Straw. When drinking a staining drink, then through using a straw you will reduce the amount of the drink that washes over your teeth and stains them. (We appreciate that you may look strange with your red wine) 2) Floss. The main cause for stain on the edges of teeth is due to the lack of flossing. Not flossing causes plaque to build up in between teeth. 3) Brush your teeth right after drinking coffee. Brush your teeth within half an hour of drinking a cup of coffee could ensure your teeth suffer worse damage. Even though our love/hate relationship with coffee is pretty much just love, it is important to remember that we should minimize the amount of coffee intake per day to one cup. Not only will this help our teeth … By minimizing the amount of coffee, we will reduce the effects of stains on our teeth and will be able to remove them easier.

Posted by LightHouse Dental

Do you have sensitive teeth? How’s that working out for you? There are countless individuals around the world who are experiencing the same tooth sensitivities. Unfortunately, this can be more than just a random annoyance for some. As with any issue involving teeth, it needs to be managed on a daily basis. Dealing effectively with tooth sensitivity involves maintaining a proper diet and understanding your genetic predisposition to tooth decay. The foods you eat are directly related to the sensitivities you have, and unfortunately you may know it also affects your enjoyment of being able to eat at all. To combat the problem let’s go over a few tips for healthy management. Keep in mind that there are multiple factors involved for reducing sensitivity. In fact, there have been a few exceptional discoveries made over the last few decades regarding the root of the problem - the loss of tooth enamel. One of the most notable discoveries over the last few decades is how trace minerals and other dietary influences, if administered properly, will help to decrease tooth sensitivity by rebuilding the enamel. Essentially, the strength of your enamel and tooth sensitivity are an inverse relationship. Alongside rebuilding your teeth, there’s a few other basic habits you should be employing if not doing so already. The first and biggest is self-evident. You must take care your teeth every day. If you’ve heard it once, then you’ve heard it a thousand times. Consistently brushing and flossing can help to prevent bacteria from building up where it doesn’t belong. The sooner you brush and floss after eating the better off your teeth are going to be. Combine this with a dentist-recommended mouthwash, another proven way to reduce the amount of time the bacteria has to form. Even traditional fluoride treatments can help strengthen teeth, and taken together they can play a synergistic role in decreasing sensitivity. In the meantime, be careful with hot and cold foods until your enamel starts growing back. As you may have already experienced, a hot cup of coffee or a spoonful of ice cream can easily send you through the roof with pain.  Please note that this situation is not a permanent one; only if you allow it. With the creative use of a dental night guard or custom night guard you may further reduce sensitivities. As for other dietary methods that can build up enamel, coral calcium has been the subject of great discussion. Originating off the coasts of Japan near the coral reefs and unbeknownst to the residents, they were drinking this water infused with the coral calcium. As a result, they all had very healthy teeth and noticeably increased lifespans. While trace minerals are the real key here, it’s equally important to consider Japan’s recent radiation concerns so make sure to do the proper research before you buy.

Do you feel tired or sense acute headaches when you wake up in the morning? Has your bed partner ever shifted to the next room during night, exhausted by listening to your snores, choke or gasp? If your response to these questions is positive, then you may have sleep apnea. It is a condition in which the upper passages of your airway close off, thus interrupting the process of smooth breathing and depriving you of getting enough oxygen until you wake up and start breathing again. The only way to check whether you have sleep apnea or not, is to have a sleep study. It is a test which records what happens while you sleep. The main warning signs of Sleep Apnea include: 1.       Loud and chronic (ongoing) snoring. 2.       Excessive sleepiness during the day, at work, or while driving (hypersomnia) 3.       Difficulty staying asleep (insomnia) 4.       Sudden awakenings accompanied by shortness of breath 5.       Pauses in breathing, along with gasping episodes while sleeping 6.       Morning headaches 7.       Dry mouth and sore throat when you wake up 8.       Memory or learning problems 9.       Irritability 10.    Depression 11.    Concentration difficulties 12.    Waking up frequently to urinate In kids, sleep apnea can cause hyperactivity, angry or hostile behavior and poor school performance. Youngsters who have sleep apnea may also feel breathing difficulty and may breathe through their mouths instead of their noses throughout the day. If you are doubtful that you may have sleep apnea, then do the following: ·         See a doctor. ·         Take with you a record of your sleep, fatigue levels during the whole day, and other symptoms that you might be having. ·         Enquire from your bed partner if he or she has noticed you snoring heavily during sleep. ·         Take an updated list of medications which you are taking presently, along with you. HOW A DENTIST CAN HELP IN SLEEP APNEA? Dentists recommend an oral appliance for sleep apnea. This appliance supports the jaw in a forward position to help retain an open upper airway. Visit to a dental clinic: First Visit: Dentist will conduct a full clinical evaluation. This will include the examination of your teeth, tongue, jaw and airway and probably an X-ray of the mouth. Making and fitting the oral appliance: The oral appliances are customized by using digital or physical impressions. These models or impressions are then sent to a dental lab where the appliance is made. Once the oral appliance is ready, you are called by the dentist to the dental office for adjustment or fitting of the appliance. After fitting, your sleep doctor may plan a sleep study for you to verify the treatment success. Follow-Up: Effective oral appliances are always custom fit and needs adjustment over time to ensure maximum effectiveness. These routine visits are very crucial for the long-term treatment success. Treating sleep apnea with oral appliance therapy will enhance the quality of your life. It can work great when you stay committed to your treatment and use it every night. You will sleep better, feel sharper throughout the day and feel more energetic. You will find that your bed partner begins to sleep healthier, too! Irresistible clinic is providing treatment for Sleep Apnea in San Diego. With the dentist’s help, you can improve your sleep as well as your health!

Restorative treatment is the preventive treatment for diseases of teeth to restore them back to their best. It is ideally a part of the comprehensive treatment plan. In case of children, it is the parents who can help dentists in preparing the best possible treatment plan. One question always blocks every parent’s mind is that what is the need of restoring a child’s tooth if it is to fallout? Yes, it is true that a baby’s teeth have to fall out at some point but this is also true that they are very important to a child for the time being. Primary teeth hold space for permanent teeth to grow in. When one temporary tooth is lost, the others start shifting to the empty space and this prevents permanent tooth from erupting. In addition, a decayed tooth causes significant pain, discomfort and functional impairment that may interrupt with the school performance, growth and development of the child. Here are few restorative dentistry treatment choices for young ones: 1.       Preventive resins: It is an excellent choice for a cavity ridden tooth. This treatment is preferred when there is a minute cavity on the chewing surface of the baby teeth or permanent teeth. It has an added benefit of being virtually invisible. Procedure involves: ·         Removal of tooth decay ·         Filling of tooth with a tooth colored resin ·         Coating with a sealant It is considered as a great preventive measure involving smaller investment. 2.       Tooth-colored fillings: This is good for smaller cavities in the back teeth. In this treatment, durable plastics called composite resins are filled into cavities. This material is less noticeable and more attractive than other types of fillings. Certain filling materials even release fluoride, resulting into a more resistant tooth. Resin filling is not for every cavity. It works best for those having small decay in low-stress areas. Amalgam fillings are less expensive than resin fillings. Also, the metal fillings are much more durable than plastic fillings. 3.       Amalgam fillings: It is a durable and practical option for children. These are silver colored fillings made of a mixture of metals including copper, silver, mercury and tin. They are relatively less costly, easy to maintain and more durable than other options but lacks the aesthetic appeal of composite resins. 4.       Stainless Steel Crowns: It is a very cost effective choice for severe decays. It saves teeth when other treatments fail. It is one of the strongest and durable services in dentistry. They cost less than other types of crowns and lasts longer than fillings. Advantage associated with it is that they are not appealing because of its silver color. 5.       Tooth colored crowns: Tooth colored crowns serves the same purpose as stainless steel crowns and they are preferred over stainless steel crowns because they are natural looking. These are recommended to treat severe decays and restore teeth with fractures or developmental defects. Parents have the responsibility to work with the dentist to help restore their child’s teeth. They can decide the best treatment plan with dentist to give their child an attractive and happy smile. Dr. Shahin Safarian, a brilliant Dentist in Vista, CA can aid parents in knowing the options and choosing the finest plan for their kids.