Awareness of dental health Whether long-tern care facility staff are aware of the implications of dental disease and infections on the residents' physical health depends on a number of factors, including the respective staff's training, the emphasis placed on dental care and disease in each facility, staff inservice and continuing education, and the staff's general knowledge. In this study, 20 of the 21 responding directors said that, "yes," their staff were aware of the implications of dental disease and infections on the residents' physical health. All 21 directors believed that their staff were aware of the effects of good dental health and hygiene on the residents' quality of life (e.g. the residents' ability to speak, socialize and eat in front of others). Six facilities provided staff dental inservice training annually or more often. The training included general mouth care with the activities of daily living (two facilities), an inaugural inservice by the visiting dentist on basic dental care (one facility) or a video on oral care and the importance of good mouth care (two facilities). The sixth facility was about to begin an annual inservice the month following the questionnaire completion. Training was primarily by lecture, although slide shows and videos were also used. The trainers variously included the director of care, the assistant director of care, a registered nurse, a dentist, a dental hygienist, the staff development coordinator and the local public health department. When asked which staff groups would benefit from future dental inservice education, the directors most often chose nurses (20 facilities), nursing assistants (18) and health care aides (7). Eleven facilities would like to offer dental services once or twice a year, seven once a year, and three, three or more times a year. All facilities would like these sessions to be done inhouse. Two facilities commented that they would like to have training sessions on a rotating basis to ensure that all staff members have an opportunity to attend. Most facilities (n=19) would like to have inservices on both denture cleaning and the cleaning of natural teeth. All facilities would like to have further education on the assessment of the mouth for abnormalities. From a dental standpoint, it would be a useful adjunct to professional dental services for appropriately trained facility staff to provide regular assessments for signs of oral abnormalities. Early interception and referral for appropriate dental care would ensure that residents maintain as healthy an oral environment as possible. Another positive finding in this category was that 18 of the facilities desired further education on the medications that can affect the health of the mouth and teeth, and 16 were interested in medication-induced dental disease. Equally welcome was the fact that 17 of the facilities indicated that they would like to have more information about the impact of dental health on the diet. Many people who provide primary care to elderly individuals are acutely aware of the role of the mouth and teeth in maintaining an adequate intake of nutrition. The more information that can be disseminated at the facility level, the more likely all facility staff will understand the importance of maintaining preventive dental practices in the institutionalized elderly. Only 10 facilities requested more information on infection control during dental procedures. it is feasible that nursing staff currently have an adequate background in infection control to deal comfortably with this issue. It would be useful to investigate whether the level of infection control knowledge is equally high among nursing aides and dietary staff. Only one facility requested more information on the impact of dental health on the general state of health, confirming the fact that this connection is often overlooked. A variety of preferred providers of dental inservice programs were indicated, including the dentist who provides resident care (four facilities), a local dental hygienist (seven), the public health unit's dental director (six) and a lecturer from a faculty of dentistry (one). The "train-the-trainer" approach was a popular choice, with 10 facilities selecting this option. Interestingly, 13 of the facilities indicated that they would like a local dentist with training in geriatric dentistry to provide their inservice training. What is not commonly known is that no formal graduate training programs in geriatric dentistry are provided by dental faculties. Continuing dental education in geriatric dentistry is also limited, Most geriatric training is therefore derived from journals, peer discussion, clinical experience and short courses. Finally, facilities were asked, "How important do you feel dental inservice education is to your staff's ability to maintain the health of the residents' mouth and teeth?" Ten facilities responded "extremely important," 10 "very important" and one "moderately important." Apparently, the maintenance of dental health is a serious issue for the long-term care facilities. Discussion Overall, a stronger alliance between the dental community and long-term care facilities is indicated by the results of the survey. Despite the stated importance of dental health to the surveyed facilities and the recommendations, only one-third of the facilities offered treatment by a dental team and few residents received an initial dental assessment. The dental community could provide practical support to facilities in these areas. From a prevention perspective, it is disappointing that only 11 (52%) of the responding facilities would like to provide twice daily oral hygiene for their residents. While it is commendable that over half the facilities would like to provide periodic inspection of the residents' mouths, more emphasis on primary prevention practices could lead to better oral health for residents and, thus, less detection of oral conditions at periodic inspections. One of the most striking findings in this survey was that 18 of the respondent facilities would like to provide treatment by a dental team. Both the financing of such a service and how this service would be provided within the facility were beyond the scope of this survey. While some facilities have already addressed the issue of providing staff with a sound knowledge of dental health and the practical skills to conduct routine preventive dental services for residents, there is still a long way to go in this area. Again, the dental community needs to work collaboratively with facilities to address their needs for relevant inservice education. Staff who have a sound knowledge of how and why oral health affects an elderly person's general health, nutrition and ability to socialize are more likely to accept their role in dental service delivery. Nurses, nursing assistants and health care aides are the staff members most commonly responsible for the dental health care of longterm residents as well as the staff most frequently selected as those for whom continuing dental education would be of most benefit. Given the different training and responsibilities of these health care workers, thought should be given to providing different inservice programs to meet the needs of each. For example, nurses might find education on medications and dental health useful, while nursing assistants and health care aides might benefit most from training in specific oral hygiene care, how to modify toothbrushes for physically challenged residents and so forth. Because of the many demands placed on nurses in a long-term care facility, it would be of great benefit if nursing assistants and health care aides had sufficient knowledge and skill to conduct most oral hygiene care under nursing supervisions.6 Two concerns should be kept in mind when planning inservice education. First, a combination of training methods is most valuable. The lecture format allows a comprehensive overview of dental services, while videos and demonstration sessions offer a practical environment in which staff can practice their skills and obtain immediate feedback. Second, a train-the-trainer approach, in which at least one staff member in each facility is capable of training new staff members, would ensure that new staff have ready access to a resource person and to basic knowledge of dental health and care techniques. To ensure that the continuing dental education needs of long-term care facility staff are met requires the collaborative effort of the dental community and the long-term care facilities themselves. Clear lines of communication between these two groups are key to staff understanding of the benefits of continuing dental education. When staff have a sound knowledge of the role of dental health in general health, nutrition and socialization of the elderly, there is more likely to be acceptance of staff roles in preventive dental service delivery. Only then will elderly residents of long-term care facilities be assured of the best dental care possible.
Online therapy has its pros and cons and we'll explore some of those in this article. Note: for the purpose of this article, we define “online therapy” as any form of psychotherapy that uses the power and convenience of a digital medium to facilitate simultaneous and asynchronous communication between an individual and a licensed psychologist or mental health counselor. Advantages Online therapy makes it easier to see a therapist if you live in an area where it isn't easy to find a therapist either because you can't find a therapist with whom you feel comfortable or there simply aren't any at all. It is also beneficial to individuals who are either housebound or always on the go. If you're someone who has a busy schedule or physically disabled and driving to and from the therapist's office regularly really isn't an option, online therapy might be right for you since you can practically go to a session as long as you have internet connection and an internet-enabled device. If you're hesitant about seeking assistance because of the stigma associated with receiving therapy or you just don't feel comfortable being seen by others in the waiting room or on your way to or from your therapist, online therapy might be the answer since it allows you to see a therapist from the privacy of your own home. Therapists usually don't charge as much for online sessions because they can see you without having to go to the office. Another thing that makes online therapy more cost-effective is the absence of the need to spend the money travelling to the therapist's office. Disadvantages While the advent of online therapy addresses several issues with which some people may have a problem, it has its limitations, too. For example, technical issues like an unreliable internet connection or sudden failure of your device to perform may disrupt an ongoing session or even prevent one from starting. Online therapy requires an internet connection and internet-enabled devices for the therapy session to take place and technical issues are an inherent potential risk. Online therapy is also not suitable for people experiencing an emergency or serious crisis with serious psychiatric illness. If you're experiencing a life-threatening emergency, please go to your nearest emergency room or call 911. Even though online therapy is more affordable than conventional therapy, its cost isn't always covered by insurance so it would be wise to check with your insurance provider first to make sure your plan covers online therapy. Currently, teletherapy is refunded by law in 27 US states (although fortunately that number is growing). If the internet connection is not strong, another disadvantage of online therapy is the hearder-to-read non-verbal cues the therapist can observe from the patient, which might otherwise give her some valuable insight on the patient's state of mind. Deciding whether or not to opt for online therapy might seem overwhelming and it can really be so. However, if you've decided you're going to give it a go and doesn't quite know where to find a therapist or counsellor who does online therapy, websites like are a good place to start. You get a much wider choice than if you had to stick to therapists near you: with online therapy, you can see any therapist licensed within your state of residence. By option for online therapy, your options immediately increase. While online therapy might not be for everyone, it truly is a wonderful thing; we at sincerely believe that.
Periodontal disease is a slow, progressive disease that can wreak havoc on our oral and systemic health. Many of the symptoms of periodontal disease sneak up on us and are often ignored. It is important not to ignore these signs and symptoms as periodontal disease is the #1 cause of tooth loss. Periodontal disease comes in many different forms including aggressive, chronic, necrotizing periodontitis, and periodontitis associated with systemic diseases. Each of these types of periodontal disease has its own distinct characteristics and symptoms, and all require prompt treatment by a dentist to help halt subsequent bone and gum tissue loss. Risk of periodontal disease increases with age. For younger people, dental caries are a more important risk for tooth loss, while for older people, periodontal disease is the more important risk factor. Risk Factors Of Periodontal Disease -Age. Studies have shown that over 70% of all Americans aged 65 and older have some form of periodontal disease. -Tobacco Use (including smoking). We are well aware of the health effects of smoking on our overall health. These diseases include various types of cancer, lung disease, and cardiovascular (heart) disease. Research has also shown that tobacco use also increases a persons risk for periodontal disease. -Family History (Genetics). Some people are more susceptible to periodontal disease than others. This is because of our genetic makeup. -Stress. Studies have shown that stress can make it more difficult for the body to fight off infection, this includes periodontal diseases. -Prescription Drugs (Medications). Some drugs, such as oral contraceptives, anti-depressants, and certain heart medicines, can affect your oral health. Just as you notify your pharmacist and other health care providers of all medicines you are taking and any changes in your overall health, you should also inform your dentist. -Bruxism (Teeth Grinding). Bruxism can put excess force on the supporting tissues of the teeth and could speed up the rate at which these periodontal tissues are destroyed. -Presence Of Systemic Disease. Many systemic diseases can interfere with the inflammatory process. These include cardiovascular (heart) disease, diabetes, and rheumatoid arthritis. -Poor Diet/ Nutrition. A diet low in important, essential nutrients can compromise the body’s immune system and make it harder for the body to fight off infection. Because periodontal disease begins as an infection, poor nutrition can worsen the condition of your gums. Periodontal Disease Signs And Symptoms -Bleeding Upon Brushing, Flossing, Or Even Eating. This is one of the most common signs that periodontal disease is active. It is often overlooked as not a big deal. Periodontal disease is an inflammatory disease. As the bacteria and toxins build up in the mouth, the body responds by activating the inflammatory process, rushing our cells to stop the attack. This will cause the gum tissues to become inflamed and red. It is important to also note that bleeding gums can also be the sign of something more sinister like leukemia and blood platelet disorders. -Unexplained Pain Or Swelling. Periodontal infections present in this manner. When an oral infection occurs, it is essential that you get to a dentist as soon as possible for evaluation and treatment. If the infection is left unchecked it will cause damage to the gum tissues and the bone supporting your teeth. It can also be carried to other parts of the body through the blood stream affecting your overall health. -Persistent Halitosis (Bad Breath). Bad breath can occur from many things but peristent bad breath can mean progressive periodontal disease . As the gum tissues are destroyed, the areas where the oral bacteria can flourish will increase causing a foul odor in the mouth. There are other causes of chronic halitosis that should also be ruled out by your dentist prior to treatment. -Change In Your Smile Or Loose Teeth. As periodontal disease progresses, your teeth will loosen and move out of position. This will effect the way your teeth fit together and even alter your smile. -Teeth Become Longer In Appearance. As periodontal disease progresses it will lead to destruction of the bone and gum tissues. This will show up as gum recession. Once the gum tissues pull back they expose more of the tooth and root, making them appear longer than before. -Pus Drainage. This goes along with the periodontal infection mentioned previously. An active periodontal infection will create pus which can ooze out from between the teeth and gums causing a bad taste and bad breath (malodor). Periodontal Disease Prevention Dental and Periodontal Examinations Your dentist will complete a thorough examination with x-rays and periodontal charting. Notations about the visual condition of the gum tissue will also be recorded. In its earliest stages the gum tissue is usually red, puffy, and painless or slightly tender at this point. Plaque and tartar will more than likely be present to some degree. A periodontal probe will be used to measure around the teeth to see if your periodontal disease has progressed and to what degree. It is important to note that once bone loss has occurred you now have a more advanced form of periodontal disease. Following the examination, your dentist will recommend a course of treatment for your periodontal disease. This will include a professional cleaning along with extra home care instructions. The goal in treatment is to reduce the inflammation and not allow progression of the disease. An antibacterial rinse (example, Listerine) may also be recommended for at home use. Yourdentist may also recommend repair of misaligned or crooked teeth to aid you in your home care efforts. Your dentist may also recommend a more frequent schedule(every 4-6 months) to control your periodontal disease. Following removal of plaque and tartar, bleeding and tenderness of the gums should begin to subside within 1-2 weeks after professional cleaning and careful dental hygiene. Warm salt water or antibacterial rinses can also reduce gum inflammation. Taking an over the counter anti inflammatory medication can also aid in pain and inflammation reduction. Healthy gums should look pink and firm with no bleeding upon brushing, flossing, or eating. Good oral hygiene must be maintained for your whole life, or periodontal disease will come back and possibly advance past the gingivitis form into advanced periodontal disease (also called periodontitis). Steps to prevent periodontal disease should include: -Routine dental visits. Usually recommended every 3- 6 months for examination and professional cleaning. -Maintain At Home Dental Care. Brushing after every meal and flossing at least once a day. -Rinsing with an antiseptic rinse as recommended by your dentist. Choose one with the American Dental Association (ADA) seal of approval. Consult your physician if the bleeding is severe or chronic, gums continue to bleed even after dental treatment, or you have other unexplained symptoms along with the bleeding from your gums. These could all be the sign of a more serious condition than periodontal disease and should be checked out as soon as possible. Conclusion Preventing periodontal disease is up to the patient. Luckily, it is preventable with diligence and effort. Maintaining good dental hygiene and seeing your dentist regularly will lead to a lifetime of healthy smiles. © 2015, Marielaina Perrone DDS. All rights reserved. Henderson Cosmetic Dentist
In the world of sports and health, to build muscle, lose fat is a common objective of many aspiring athletes and bodybuilders in particular. The two concepts at first sight seem to contradict each other as their physiological requirements are different. To build muscle, it not only requires high resistance, low repetition type of weight training, but also a high calorie intake to fuel the growth. To lose fat, science calls for a lower food and calorie intake. Thus build muscle, lose fat seems to be a contradictory phenomena. However, to build muscle, lose fat, we need to be able to focus on a few key physiological principles when training. Research has shown that muscles have a higher metabolism rate than most tissues in the body. As a result they take in more oxygen and burn more calories even at rest. By building more muscles, an athlete can actually burn more calories within the body system. Therefore, the first prescription to build muscle, lose fat is to bulk up with muscles. The increased muscle mass will aid the burning of fat as well. To achieve this, one can also make use of weightlifting supplements that make you acquire muscle mass. Of course we cannot do this in isolation. Any effective training program to build muscle, lose fat must take into account the dietary aspect as well. To gain muscle tissue with a slimming diet plan calls for a bit of ingenuity. Our body needs calories to burn when exercising. This comes from the food we take in. The predominant fuel the body uses first to generate energy is carbohydrates. Thereafter, the body will start burning fat stores within the system. If an athlete can consume a low carbohydrate, high protein diet, it will mean that less carbohydrate will be available for exercise. The body will than draw on the fat store in the body next, to fuel the exercise requirements. The muscle growth stimulated by exercise will make use of the building blocks from the higher protein intake. This combination of exercise and a low carbohydrate, high protein diet will actually help the athlete to build muscle, lose fat. Finally to enhance the effects of build muscle, lose fat, the athlete can look into the type of exercise activities been carried out. As mentioned earlier, to build muscles, high resistance, low repetition is the best form of training to induce growth. Once a certain level of muscle mass is achieved, the athlete can next alternate between high resistance, low repetition training and low intensity, high repetition training. The latter is very commonly known as ‘cutting training’. High repetition training is effectively aerobic in nature that burn more fat than carbohydrate in the body. This will facilitate the body to lose the excess fat in the system leading to a build muscle, lose fat physique. This three simple principles of gaining muscle mass, consuming a low carbohydrate, high protein diet and varying of exercise type and intensity will go a long way in helping people who wants to build muscle, lose fat achieve their objectives of a fitter and leaner body. Seeking toget the bestofferon Crazy bulk, nextstop bymy website for the greatestsuggestions about dianabol results for you.
Acidic drinks and foods lower the pH level of the mouth so consuming those causes the teeth to demineralise. Drinks low in pH levels that cause dental erosion include fruit juices, sports drinks, wine, beer and carbonated drinks. Orange and apple juices are common culprits among fruit juices. Carbonated drinks such as colas are also very acidic. While exposure to acidic foods, such as lemons, oranges and grapefruits don’t directly cause cavities, it weakens the enamel on your teeth, which can weaken teeth and make them more prone to decay. One can minimize acid exposure by drinking juice in one sitting (not sipping for hours) and then avoiding other acidic foods and drinks for several hours. Keep teeth strong by limiting extremely acidic foods. Tᴏ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ᴅᴇɴᴛᴀʟ ʜᴇᴀʟᴛʜ ᴛɪᴘs ᴠɪsɪᴛ
The best thing about porcelain veneers, is that they are made of porcelain, which is very strong, smooth, and tooth- like in appearance. Once the color is selected to closest match the surrounding teeth, porcelain veneers are hard to differentiate from natural teeth. What are veneers? Porcelain veneers are very thin, wafer-like laminates, that adhere to the front side of your tooth. They are best for covering crooked teeth, to make them appear straight, for hiding gaps between teeth, for improving the look of broken or chipped teeth, and for improving the look of stained or discolored teeth. Although they are relatively new in cosmetic dentistry, they are very long lasting, and natural looking. How long do porcelain veneers last? Because veneers are relatively new to the cosmetic dentistry scene, no one can be sure just how long they will last. Everyone is different, some people grind their teeth, chew on ice or hard candy, there are any number of other traumas that could cause it to come off or otherwise break or chip. In a stress-free mouth, the porcelain veener should last in excess of 10 years. What are the benefits of porcelain veneers? The smooth, translucent surface of porcelain mimics the reflective qualities of a tooth’s natural enamel, making it look very much like a natural tooth. Generally, porcelain is very brittle, but when bonded to the structure of a tooth, it is reinforced, and becomes very strong. As long as the veneer stays intact, and does not chip or break, it can usually be re cemented to the tooth. If the laminate chips or breaks, then often, it will have to be replaced with another one. What are the disadvantages? Having porcelain veneers placed is not reversible. The tooth is ‘trimmed’ to prepare the surface for the bonding adhesive, and although this does not change the overall appearance of the tooth, it does remove the enamel layer on the front of the tooth, requiring it to always have some sort of cosmetic solution intact. What happens after the tooth is trimmed? Once the tooth has been trimmed, a dental impression is made, and the veneers are fashioned (usually by hand in a high tech dental lab) to fit the impression of your tooth. Sometimes temporary veneers are used while you wait for the lab to create your customized permanent veneers. How is the veneer cemented to the tooth? The bonding agent or cement is determined by the dentist, based on the color of your veneer, in relation to your other teeth. The bonding agents come in several different tints, and you will be able to see the final result before the cement is cured, because once the cement is cured, the color cannot be changed. How does one take care of a porcelain veneer? There are several things that you should do to maintain the integrity and beauty of your new porcelain veneer(s). brush and floss regularly don’t chew hard candy, ice or anything that could otherwise chip or damage your veneers. Do not use your teeth to open plastic bags, bottles, or bite your nails. if you suspect that you clench or grind your teeth at night, while sleeping, you should wear a night guard, to protect your veneers from this force. avoid coffee, red wine and cigarettes that stain teeth Are veneers right for me? You probably are not a good candidate for veneers, if you have weak or unhealthy teeth, if you grind at night, or if your teeth are severely broken or damaged. Your dentist will know what your best options are, and if you’re not convinced, get a second opinion. You don’t want to take chances when it comes to your health and your smile!
Gingivitis is the name of a moderate form of periodontal (gum) disease. Diseases causing irritation, redness and swelling (swelling) of the gums due to plaque accumulation along and under the gum line. Germs live and thrive in plaque, which stays with the teeth and attracts much more bacterial development. Gingivitis is a very common gum disease in the U.S. It takes place much more often in guys than women. What is Gingivitis Gingivitis is swelling, swelling and bleeding of the gum tissue triggered by the micro-organisms that normally coat the teeth. Bacterial form a sticky, whitish film on the teeth called plaque. If plaque is not completely eliminated every day, the bacteria produce contaminants that irritate the gums, making them red, inflamed and most likely to bleed effortlessly. At some point, the contaminants ruin gum tissue, triggering it to separate from the tooth and form pockets. This is periodontitis, an irreversible stage of gum disease that can damage the bone and soft tissue that support the teeth. Gingivitis develops due to numerous factors. Many typically, individuals get gingivitis from inadequate dental hygiene resulting in an accumulation of plaque along and under the gum line. When the gum become mentioned in plaque, inflammation of the gum and the possibility of infection result. This could result in a much more extreme kind of gum illness known as periodontitis, which, left unattended, might ruin the tissues that support the teeth, featuring the gums, the gum tendons and the tooth sockets (alveolar bone). The Signs and Signs of Gingivitis The signs and signs of gingivitis can be really mild. The illness course differs amongst individuals. Some individuals might not understand they have the condition, while others may have swelling, bleeding, inflammation and mouth sores. If you have gingivitis, do not break out those false teeth simply yet. Read on to the next to the next section for some ideas on the best ways to fight gum illness. How to Cure Gingivitis and Stop Gingivitis Gingivitis, also known as bleeding gums, is an inflammation caused by plaques, food particles and bacteria in the mouth. It often occurs if the teeth are not properly taken care of. This disease is a serious problem that results to bad breath and loss of tooth. Flossing and brushing your teeth and regular consultation to a doctor are essential to prevent gingivitis. If you are suffering from this condition, you should know how to cure gingivitis. Studies show that a large number of people are experiencing gingivitis. How to cure gingivitis? Curing gingivitis can be done in various ways, and these are the following: Daily Oral Hygiene Regular brushing and flossing of teeth is the most essential ways of combating gingivitis. Experts claim that the best alternatives to traditional mass brand toothpastes are herbal toothpastes. The typical examples of these are toothpastes with babool, mint, neem, charcoal, anise and baking soda. These ingredients reduce inflammation and prevent the infection from spreading. Apart from using toothpastes, you can also use mouthwashes with sage or peppermint oil, chamomile and menthol tincture. As advised, you can also massage your gums daily with a rubber-tipped stimulator. This can increase the flow of blood to the gums to promote good oral health. Supplements Health practitioners claim that patients with gingivitis are deficient in Coenzyme Q10. This nutrient is an essential substance needed by body cell. Taking various supplements with natural ingredients is a way to stop deterioration of gums. It also allows healing effects and healthy gums. Other supplements that help in improving your gums are folic acid and calcium. This reduces inflammatory response and Vitamin C that promotes healthy tissue.How to Cure Gingivitis Nutrition and Healthy Lifestyle Another way on how to cure gingivitis is through proper nutrition. Eating healthy foods can lead to healthy gums and teeth. Cranberries compounds have anti-adhesion properties which help in preventing plaque from sticking to teeth. Saturated fat foods and those foods that are loaded with fiber can also improve healthy gums. The common examples of these are fresh vegetables and fruits. Oily and spicy dishes can also trigger gingivitis. Other foods that you need to avoid are chocolates, pastries, sugar, white flour and soft drinks. As advised by doctors, drinking herbal teas can also help in treating your condition. Continuous smoking and drinking can also lead to gingivitis. If you regularly drink or smoke, vitamins in your body might diminish. This condition may lead to various health problems, including gingivitis. There are several ways on how to cure gingivitis. Whether you are suffering from this condition or not, it is best to understand this disease to prevent it. With your knowledge, you can help your family and friends to treat their problems without spending a lot of money. These different herbal and natural remedies are your way to combat this issue. Are you suffering from gingivitis? Then, stop worrying and start treating your condition now! For further details, you can consult your doctor and ask for immediate recommendations. You can also read health books and surf the web to understand gingivitis even more.
How can a business compete today without a professional presence? The fact is, either you’re visible, or you’re invisible. We’ve become a visual society that demands instant access to information. This is why it's imperative to keep your savvy customers in mind when developing your company and dental lab branding. Some dental lab owners will tell you that they just don’t have the time, resources, or budget to invest in marketing materials, and they plan to continue as they always have. But in today's economy and technology-driven age, your business cannot afford NOT to change with the times. While word-of-mouth used to be the best form of marketing, times have changed drastically. Technology has reshaped the way we do business in the dental lab industry. Many of your customers are focusing on vendors who offer website interaction, a social media presence, and professional videos and marketing materials. In order to compete with dental labs that offer the same quality of products and services, it is imperative that your lab demonstrates a strong professional presence. This forces dental professionals to change or risk becoming extinct. Using an outdated website and/or poorly designed marketing materials will only give your competition a marketing advantage. Worst of all, the absence of a strong professional presence, business brand identity, and most importantly, an online business, makes you just plain … invisible. You still have the choice to take charge of your destiny Ck2design and many companies like it work to bridge the gap between the professional side of dentistry and the digital age of marketing by offering creative media and online business solutions to the dental lab industry, from concept to completion. Understanding the needs of busy dental labs, these believe that each project should be approached differently and customized to match the client’s needs. By working with a professional company, a dental lab can create concepts that translate across multiple types of platforms, such as traditional marketing media, online business websites, videos, social media networks, photography, graphic design, motion graphics, company identity branding, trade show banners, events graphics, and more. Companies such as Ck2design work to find real solutions that help your dental lab be as successful as possible. Watch this video, “Avoid Becoming Extinct: Understanding the importance of dental labs having a real online business and professional marketing collateral” by Carrie Kuehn of Ck2design. The video reiterates that in order for dental labs to compete in today's market, a professional company branding along with a strong online presence is something to seriously consider. View article online at: http://
Preventing mouth and teeth injuries is as vital to good oral health as personal dental care and regular dental checkups. Take these simple dental precautions to avoid trauma and injuries. For Kids: Parents play a huge role in keeping their kid’s teeth clean and healthy. Daily oral hygiene and proper eating habits can prevent cavities. Below are some tips on how to prevent injuries. 1. Babies put anything inside their mouth, so keep hard things that may crack their teeth away or out of their reach. 2. When driving a car, always put them on infant car seats as well as a properly fitted seat belt for older kids. 3. Children are prone to fall when they start learning to walk. Always check their mouth for breaks, missing teeth, loose teeth or cracks and take them to the dentist if you suspect any of their signs. 4. If you kid plays outdoor games or any contact sports, you may ask your dentist regarding mouth guard or mouth protector to prevent dental trauma. Mouth protector or mouthguard serve as a cushion to avoid neck injuries, concussions and broken jaw. Tell your child to wear it at all times it will turn into a safety habit. Mouthguards come in three types – the stock mouthguard, custom-fitted and boil & bite mouthguard. • Stock mouthguards - they are cheap and are ready to wear. However, this type is bulky, making it hard to talk and breath. • Custom-fitted mouthguards – are personally made by your dentist. They provide a better fit but are more expensive. • Boil and bite mouthguards – they can be found at sporting goods shops. Because they can be softened in hot or warm water, they can easily fit to your mouth’s shape. They provide better fit than the stock mouthguard. For Adults: Here are some tips on how to avoid common adult dental emergencies and injuries: 1. Use scissors to cut thread or tape and not your teeth. 2. Don’t attempt to chew hard objects that may crack your teeth such as hard candy, ice or popcorn kernel. 3. Always wear mouthguard when doing sports or any recreational activities to lower chances of damage to your lips, cheeks, tongue and teeth. To prevent sports-related mouth and tooth injuries, it is important to wear protective equipment such as: • Face cages – this equipment can protect your face against trauma, particularly when playing specific positions such as hockey goalie or baseball catcher. • Mouthguards – the best way to protect the mouth and teeth is to use mouth protectors. • Helmets – always wear one especially made for the sport you are in. While most helmets won’t protect your mouth, they protect a very important area – that is, your head, against brain concussion. In case of knocked-out teeth, the good news is, it can be repaired. Knocked-out teeth can be saved when returned to the socket (by the dentist) within an hour of being knocked out. But regardless if your tooth can be saved, there are plenty of advances in dentistry – a dental implant, for instance, that can be used to aid in chewing, biting as well as for aesthetic reasons.