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By Homer Dental Centre At our downtown dental clinic we often see people with cavities after the holidays. We thought we would share some tips to help you take care of your teeth during the sweet season. It is that wonderful time of year where we often let ourselves enjoy the lovely taste of sweets and hard candies. Sharing  chocolates, cookies and hard candies  at work is common. Receiving candy as gifts is synonymous of this time of year.  How do we enjoy our sweets, save our precious smile, and  continue to be cavity free over the holidays.  These tips will ensure you keep your teeth in top notch condition over holidays. We love see our patients at our downtown vancouver dental clinic however we also want to make sure you enjoy the holidays without needing a dental visit. Only have a bit of Candy. With Shortbread, gingerbread, candy canes, chocolate, and so much more we often fill our bellies with things we normally wouldn't touch. No one wants to skip the holiday treats. It is important to be aware of what and how much candy you are eating. Hard candies and toffees can have the worst impact. Brush your teeth often. After eating candy it is always a good idea to get that sugary substance off your teeth. If you do brush right after you have a crunchy or sugary candy your teeth will thank you  and your smile won’t be damaged once the holidays are done.  This simple act will reduce the risk of tooth decay. Keep a Routine: The holidays often change routines as we jet here and there to see loved ones. It is important to keep brushing twice a day. And if eating candy brush more often. Be Prepared: put that toothbrush and a mini toothpaste in your purse or bag for those  just in case moments. If you do find yourself without a toothbrush while enjoying the festive season get some sugarless gum. Chewing helps stir up saliva which can help get rid of food debris. Flossing: We all know we should floss but this is the time of year where it is most essential.  This little act twice a day or more could save you a dentist visit in the coming months. We at Homer Dental Centre, your downtown Vancouver dentist hope you have a wonderful holiday season. We wish you and your pearly whites the best. Keep Brushing Yours Truly Homer Dental Centre

  Dental Service is the maintenance of healthy teeth with sparky smile. Simplepay give you more of what you want, the type of dental care you deserve!   If you don't have insurance, Don't worry. Simplepay Dental Discount Plan is here to rescue you! Simplepay offers a variety of Dental Payment Plans to help you to best suit for your Dental Care: with Special offers, discount plans and flexible financing.   Here we would like to introduce an infographic which helps you make your dental services  more affordable. For further details visit our official website:   You can speak to Our Experts now CALL: (888) 720 4120  or simple contact SimplePay anytime.    Mailing Address: 340 S Lemon Ave Suite # 9426 Walnut CA 91789    

Everyone likes white teeth.Everybody loves a bright, white smile, and there are a variety of ways to achieve it.We all start out having sparkling white teeth because of the porcelain-like surface of enamel. But over time, the enamel wears gone and then sustains micro cracks due to chewing and gnashing, exposing the yellowish colour of dentin, which is underneath your tooth’s enamel. Dirt and debris enter through these cracks, and combined with the porous plane of teeth, makes an perfect playground for bacteria that contribute to the discoloration of your teeth. 1. Lemon Juice Paste and Baking Soda Baking Soda isn’t a shocker here. Sodium bicarbonate (its official name) is mildly abrasive; gently scrub away surface stain to return teeth to a whiter shade. It’s also very alkaline so I would think if you have an extremely acidic mouth or eat a lot of acidic food, it could help balance out the Ph rate, which would be helpful as acid breaks down enamel-this is strictly speculation on my part. 2. Using Powered charcoal.  Get a good covering of charcoal over the toothbrush; you will need sufficient to cover all of your teeth. It may help to pour a little amount into a cup. This way you can avoid getting water in the important bottle of charcoal. Make sure to use a separate toothbrush for brushing usually and brushing with charcoal. 3. Coconut Oil Pulling I know this sounds completely mad but rinsing your mouth with coconut oil is a unique, old, remedy that people swear by to help to make the teeth Wight. It doesn’t feel like the most pleasant thing in the world, but I actually don’t mind the taste, and I think it does make a difference in the colour of your teeth. 4. Orange or Lemon Peels There have been reports that orange or lemon peels will also do the trick of whitening your teeth. Guess you don’t know until you try.  Then again, these food products are very healthy and good for your health but the acid content might eventually wear away the enamel on the teeth. So if you try to use lemon or orange peel always rinse afterwards to be on the safe side. 5.Whitening kits There are many whitening kits available, including paint-on whiteners and strips. How effective these are depending on the amount of whitening agent they have. Regulations on the sale of these vary from country to country and a number of of the products on the market are not successful. Always ask your dental team for advice before trying to whiten your teeth at home. Apart from all these there is easy step always. You can find teeth whitening professional to clean your teeth. 

We at Homer Dental  will always try to show you your  different options when it comes to choosing what to do with your teeth. Most things change over time, your teeth are no different. Today we are going to share some information about teeth whitening.  Many different factors contribute to the discoloration of our teeth. As we age our teeth change colour. This can be due to what we eat and drink or just our DNA make. Even if we brush, floss, and go for our regular checkups our teeth naturally become less bright over time.   Even environmental factors such as air quality can contribute to teeth losing their natural radiance. Professional teeth whitening is an effective way to lighten, brighten, and  eliminate  stains. We all want that naturally white smile. Nowadays teeth whitening is a common practice.  And like anything there are choices. You can either whiten your teeth at home or you can go and see your dentist to get the procedure done.  If you choose to  go to the drugstore you will find ample shelf space dedicated to tooth whitening products.  There are many over-the-counter  name brand products to choose from. However if you are unsure or squeamish about the whole at home whitening thing the best thing to do is go and speak to your dentist. Getting your teeth professionally whitened might be the best option for you.  Dentist-supervised treatments are safer and  offer more dependable results. One thing to be aware of when whitening your teeth is that the results will vary depending on the treatment you choose.  Most people are satisfied with the outcome of their whitening treatment as the teeth become shades lighter making your smile brighter.  Most people are very pleased with their bright new smile  following the professional procedure. The terms "whitening" and "bleaching" are often used interchangeably. However the FDA uses the term "bleaching"  to define only products that contain bleach better known as hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)/carbamide peroxide (CH6N2O3). Bleaching can lighten teeth shades beyond their natural shade state. Teeth whitening is a common practice and a low-risk procedure today. As this is a non-invasive procedure the side effects seen are mild and rare. Not only can whitening teeth contribute to one's overall dental health it can  also help achieve that pearly white smile that often boosts one's self confidence. The Cost of whitening one's teeth will depend upon which type of treatment is chosen, your dentist, the duration of your treatment, and more. The Average cost of an over the counter treatment at home treatment is about $50.00. You can get cheaper but like anything the cheaper something less effective it can become hazardous. One should be aware of the levels of peroxide in each brand as that can have a damaging effect. The take home treatments from the dentist are usually around $200 dollars. Some dentists even throw this in if you go to them for your initial procedure.  In office dentist whitening is usually between 200 and 400 a visit.  It is however the most effective and safest route to go. You are being monitored, cared for, and in the hands of trained professionals. Each of these methods vary with risks, price, and outcome. There are different dentists, different brands, different cost, different teeth. All these things contribute to the outcome and experience of teeth whitening The best thing we can say about teeth whitening is that when done properly patients feel more confident, happy and ready to smile. They truly have a pearly white smile. Homer Dental Center - Dental clinic in downtown Vancouver Dentist

Any product which you utilize or consume in respect to food, cloth, medicines or chemicals may have an adverse effect on your health. At times, best quality skin products also becomes the source of allergy. Likewise, some of us are also allergic to certain ingredients used in the formulation of toothpastes. However, the percentage and risk from these toothpastes is very low. Studies and research has revealed specific names of ingredients which may hinder sensitivity and trigger spontaneous reaction. There are many ways through which allergies can be diagnosed; tested through knowing the symptoms and the causes. How to setup a blog, consisting all the factors of oral health care depends on the content. TYPES AND CAUSES OF ALLERGY FROM TOOTHPASTE: The most worrisome fact about allergies because of toothpaste remains present which is basically due to lack of knowledge and misconceptions. In order to recognize allergies from toothpaste it is very important to know the symptoms. Some of the symptoms are mentioned below, occurring while or right after brushing teeth. In some cases, allergy is noticed after few hours of brushing too. 1.      Contact Dermatitis: rashes seem to develop around lips, edges of the mouth which further spreads downwards. 2.      Canker Sores:these are typically found in the form of open sore which causes mouth ulcer. 3.      Perioral Dermatitis:acne which can be peeled off, formed in patches like that of rashes and has extreme itchiness. 4.      Upset Stomach: bad stomach happens when toothpaste is swallowed. 5.      Cheilitis: it causes dryness, itchiness, irritation and cracked mouth. Also in some worse cases, it develops pus. Note: To remove pimples, spots etc Keeva trea Oil is great product in the market.   HOME REMEDIES OF ALLERGY CAUSED BY TOTHPASTES: 1.      At times what really helps is a good ointment which is prescribed by dentist upon visit. 2.      To avoid bacterial growth, gaggling warm water with salt really works well. 3.      Ulcers which are developed in mouth because of ingredients in toothpastes can be killed by consuming more vitamins, particularly E and C. 4.      Using toothbrushes with soft bristles help in avoiding bleeding. Fluoride based toothpastes also take care of our oral health and hygiene. 5.      Mouthwashes are also very helpful in this regard. HOW TO PREVENT FROM ALLERGIES FROM TOOTHPASTE: Companies who get the reports and complains of certain ingredients which causes allergies, try to work on their formulation and eradication. One of the cases in 1998 showed severe allergy from the spearmint used in toothpaste. This allergy caused cracked and chipped lips. All in all, it is the need of time to get things straighten out for the sake of less allergies. How it can be done is simply; report and bring it in the information of company, the manufacturers of certain toothpastes and let them know about the allergies. They always take care of the complaints by helping them find the right toothpaste which can be used as an alternate. Besides all these things, the important aspect of toothpastes needs to be revised and thought.

Before Teeth Don’t wait until the teeth come in, begin cleaning your youngster's mouth early before they grow. Use a wet washcloth or a piece of gauze after every meal to wipe her gums. You can likewise purchase thimble-like, soft rubber teething gadgets that you can fit on your index finger and use for wiping off food that stick on the gums. Take Proper Care Of Them Immediately Immediately the teeth start coming in, don’t wait, immediately start to take care of them. Many parents don’t take the first teeth seriously with the reason that permanent ones will soon replace them. In any case, these first teeth keep the space that the permanent teeth would occupy and help Baby bite and talk. In the event that they are not well taken care of they can get infected, prompting a gum disease known as gingivitis that affect how the permanent teeth will be spaced. Keep Off Cavities The main indications of cavities in infant's teeth are staining and pitting. Placing your baby to rest with a container of milk (or more terrible, juice) is commonly known for initiating cavities. Try not to leave your baby with a bottle for extended periods of time, particularly in the event that you notice he's not feeding anymore and is just playing with the bottle. Use Water after Meals Most newborn foods effectively wash off Baby's teeth just by taking water after the meal. However, it's great to present a toothbrush (pick a delicate one) as soon as possible, so that the child can get used to it inside their mouth. You most likely would not need to use the brush until they are eating table foods and have grown a significant number of teeth at about 18 months. However, if your toddler consumes sticky or sugary foods, you would need to use a toothbrush or a thimble-like cleaner to clean her teeth. Use Toothpaste When They Hit 2 Years Hamstead Ortho suggest that when your baby hits two years of age, start using a pea-sized toothpaste. Use non-fluoride toothpaste until they have learned to brush without swallowing the toothpaste. This is usually at about three years. Check on Your Baby’s Fluoride Intake Despite the fact that your baby is not using fluoride toothpaste, you need to make sure that they get enough fluoride that is essential for ensuring they don’t get a tooth decay. This fluoride you can get from tap water. Many of the communal water supplies have fluoride added to the water for your benefit. If your child does not take tap water, or if the tap water isn’t fluoridated, then you can consult your doctor for the correct fluoride supplements for your baby. This you should when your baby is about six months of age.

I Raise implant Is an innovative Israeli Implant designed with an internal channel that you can raise the Shneiderian membrane at the same time of placing the implant. One surgery that includes 2 procedures. You place the implant half the way than you inject a fluid through the hole in the implant than you inject a special GEL bone that you get in the implant kit and than tha sinus lift is do e and you continue to place the implant to the end ( crestal level) This is a minimally invasive technique Less side eff era to the patient Less swelling Less bruises Less pain Less expensive. Online training available for out of Montreal Canada dentists In Montreal Hands on courses evening time Sep. 24. Or JANUARY 21 Call 1 5149414450.

Posted by AB Implants Canada

More and more people are taking advantage of everything that electric toothbrushes bring to the table today than ever before. Dentists all over the world are recommending people switch to electric toothbrushes if at all possible, and while it means you’ll toothbrush is still going to get the job done, the fact of the matter is your always leaving gunk, grime, and other filth and build up on your teeth when you aren’t cleaning with an electric toothbrush. Of course, getting your hands on even the very best electric toothbrush isn’t going to be able to do all of the “heavy lifting” for you as far as oral hygiene is concerned. You’re going to need to practice solid brushing habits and the appropriate brushing technique if you’re going to make the most out of an electric toothbrush, and unlock all of the advantages we outlined below. Electric toothbrushes offer the deepest clean There is no way of getting around it – you just aren’t ever going to be able to clean your teeth quite as thoroughly or as completely with a manual toothbrush as you will with an electric one. For starters, the electric motor is going to power those cleaning, brushing, and buffing pads on the end of your toothbrush so that they rotate a lot faster than you’d ever be able to reproduce on your own, and speed – not to mention the friction that it generates – is going to help you pull a lot more off of your teeth than you would have been able to otherwise. You’ll never have to worry about brushing too hard ever again Believe it or not, it’s definitely possible to brush your teeth too hard and too vigorously, actually making your smile worse when you think you’re doing everything in your power to make it better. Electric toothbrushes are set at speed ranges that will give you the ability to clean your teeth perfectly every single time, all without ever running the risk of “over brushing”. This keeps your teeth in tip top condition, practically guarantees that you won’t have to wear out your arm while brushing, and makes sure that you aren’t ever damaging your long-term smile with decisions you’re making today. Built-in timers make sure you brush for the right amount of time This benefit is more of a “convenience feature” than anything else, but it’s definitely going to be advantageous when you’re looking to brush your teeth in a hurry and want to make sure that you’re still “going the distance”. Rather than flip an hourglass over before you start to brush your teeth every morning and every night, you’re going to want to take advantage of the built-in timers that are included in just about every single a toothbrush made today. These timers run for anywhere between 30 seconds and 60 seconds or more, and take advantage of tooth brushing timing schedules shared by the American Dental Association. You’re going to be able to make sure that you brush your teeth for exactly the right amount of time from here on out with zero headache or hassle.

We are always happy to provide you with free consultation for any of your dental needs. Whether you require cosmetic, restorative or preventative services, our friendly professionals offer expert advice according to your personal preferences and dental health.

Posted by Lakeshore Dental

You’ve never thought this would happen to you, but it has: You have bad breath. Here are the most common causes.  You didn’t think it was that bad at first, but you’ve noticed people moving away from you when you talk, and you can feel something is off in your mouth. It’s becoming an embarrassing problem, and you need to do something to fix it fast.     First, you need to know what’s causing the problem.  1. You don’t brush and floss enough. Makes sense, right? If you don’t brush and floss enough, plaque will build up on your teeth and collect bacteria that leads to bad breath. And if you don’t floss, food left trapped in your teeth will only make the problem worse. So if you want to fight your bad breath, brush and floss twice a day. 2. You don’t rinse. Rinsing with mouthwash is a great way to put an end to your smelly little problem. Mouthwash gets rid of the bacteria that causes bad breath, leaving your mouth feeling fresh and clean. Not sure which mouthwash works best? Opt for one that kills germs. 3. You smoke. Not only is smoking bad for your health, it leaves behind a bad smell on your clothes and in your mouth. Stop smoking and that unpleasant stale smoke smell will go away. 4. You eat mints. Many people like to have a mint or two after their meal. They think it will leave their mouth feeling minty fresh, but these sugary mints actually contribute to bad breath. How? The bacteria in your mouth uses the sugar from the mints to create acid. This acid wears down your teeth and leads to bad breath. If you want fresh breath after a meal, chew sugarless gum instead. 5. You eat the wrong foods. Whether you like it or not, certain foods will lead to stinky breath—no matter how good they taste. Garlic and onions are among those foods. Now you might think you can just brush after you eat to get rid of these harsh smells, but sadly that isn’t the case. The substances that cause these smells actually get into your bloodstream and travel to your lungs. That means eventually, you’ll breath them out—a not so pleasant experience for whoever you happen to be talking to at the time. The fix? Avoid these foods, or only eat them when you know you won’t be socializing. 6. You don’t brush your tongue. Bacteria, food debris and dead cells all sit on top of your tongue, and if left there will cause bad breath. Pretty gross, and brushing alone won’t do the trick if you want to get rid of it. That’s why you have to remember to brush your tongue. Using a tongue scrapper is an even more effective way to get rid of this bad-breath causing bacteria, leaving your mouth feeling fresh and clean. Nobody wants to be the person with bad breath. Now that you know what might be making your breath not so fresh, you can take steps to fix it. If you still can’t figure it out, call your dentist. You may have a condition that requires treatment.