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  Dentist at Invisalign Coquitlam helps you to find your confidence and a broad smile. We have expertise in dental care as well as general and cosmetic dentistry. Here are the services that you can find at the Invisalign Coquitlam. General Dentistry We are offering all kind of dentistry services to help you out to fight from your regular dental problems. Our team of dentists help you to preserve the natural shine of your teeth as long as it is possible for them. They ensure that you have a long-lasting healthy teeth and gums.  If you want to have crown and bridges or root canal treatment then we are here to help you at Invisalign Coquitlam. Cosmetic Dentistry No one wants to look ugly, uncomfortable due to their teeth and if you have any oral problem then you can visit us and we will treat it. Our cosmetic dentists can help you to gain confidence. We have expertise in services like: • Teeth Whitening • Dental Implants • Porcelain Veneers • Porcelain Inlays/Onlays • Dental Bonding • Gum Contouring You can consult us to have any of above mentioned cosmetic treatments and our dentist will do their best to help you out. Child Dentistry Children are not like adults in any manner and hence we do not treat them like adults so when they have any oral or dental problem why we should not treat them like adults. Our child dentists are especially for children and they knew how to maintain a child’s oral hygiene. We know how difficult it is for a child to teeth his/her first child when you visit us with a child’s first tooth we know his/her dental history and if any problem occurs we know how to treat it. If you are suffering from any oral health problem and looking for a dentist then you can visit us at Invisalign Coquitlam.

  Dental implants can offer even better value in the long run than conventional denture options. When a person receives dental implants for the first time, they can almost immediately experience the unusually natural comfort and stability offered by implants. This comfort and stability are the main reasons why dental implants are so popular. Here are five main reasons why dental implants are one of our most popular treatments for tooth loss. Preserve and Protect the Jawbone If there are voids left in the mouth after losing teeth, the jaw under them may deteriorate and compromise the stability of the surrounding teeth. Dental implants are the only dentures that stimulate the growth of new bones while preventing additional bone loss. Unlike dental bridges which demand that adjacent teeth be ground so that the bridge can be anchored, implants only need treatment in the immediate area of where ​the ​tooth was lost. Natural Look and Comfortable Fit Dental implants look, feel, and act like your natural teeth. Additionally, implants give patients the courage to smile, eat, and engage during social events. People do not need to think about their missing teeth or their prostheses falling out. Improved functionality Another main advantage of dental implants for most people is the improved functionality. If you wear dentures, eating and biting can be problematic or painful. Your dentures may come loose or fall out of the mouth at the wrong times. Your denture may also break, leaving you toothless for several days or even weeks while you wait for repairs. However, dental implants are permanently attached to the jawbone. This tooth replacement works like your natural teeth. You never have to risk falling or breaking dental implants. Your biting, chewing, eating, and talking will be restored. Not to mention, your daily tasks will return to normal, just like before you lost your tooth/teeth. With dental implants, you can enjoy your favorite foods or dishes without worrying about your dentures falling into your mouth or falling apart. High Success Rate Dental implants are much more robust and safer than other replacement options. They have the highest success rates. In fact, according to the latest statistics, the success rate is about 98% for dental implants. Dental implants are a permanent solution for tooth loss. Since they are durable, there is no slipping, breaking, or falling out of the mouth. They Last a Lifetime While some other prosthetic treatments need to be replaced every five to 10 years, dental implants are designed to last for several decades if properly cared for. Although implants are a big investment from the very beginning, you don't have to invest in maintenance beyond regular oral care and good dental hygiene. Disadvantages of Dental Implants One of the main disadvantages of dental implants is that the treatment from beginning to end lasts longer than any other procedure. If a damaged or broken tooth has not yet been removed, you should have it removed. Then, you need to wait about two to three months before the surgeon can place the implant and ensure a healthy bone around the implant. Thereafter, you will have to wait about two or three months more for the implant to heal and connect with the bone. In the next phase, you’ll need to wait two weeks for the tooth crown to be made and then put on top. This is a long time compared to a traditional bridging treatment that usually takes a maximum of three months from start to finish. Additionally, implants cost more than a bridge, even though they are cost-effective in the long run because they have a longer shelf life. Implants cannot have cavities, but they can negatively impact your gums if they are not well-maintained.  As you can see, there are so many obvious reasons why many New Zealanders are opting for dental implants instead of the more common tooth replacement solutions. Admittedly, dental implants are the more expensive solution, but the rewards are well worth the cost.

People talk of wisdom teeth nightmares, but not all wisdom teeth are problematic. In fact, removal may be unnecessary if the teeth erupt in the proper position. Yet, some wisdom teeth fail to erupt all the way. Sometimes they grow in crooked; other times they remain in the jawbone. This may cause sore gums and discomfort, pain or infection. Before age 20, wisdom teeth have less developed roots and fewer complications. The American Dental Association encourages teens to get a wisdom tooth evaluation. This can help determine if removal is good prevention of future problems. Wisdom Teeth Symptoms Certain wisdom teeth signs and symptoms help dentists decide if extraction is necessary. Common signs include pain, infection, damage to other teeth, cysts, and gum disease. Tooth decay may also be a problem if there is poor access for a filling or crown. When wisdom teeth have no room to erupt, they can become trapped (or impacted) in the jaw. This often causes infection or cysts, which can damage the jawbone and teeth roots. Wisdom teeth that do not emerge all the way are a magnet for bacteria. Teeth that grow in crooked can crowd the mouth and damage other teeth. Wisdom Teeth Treatment The decision to remove wisdom teeth is not always clear. You Port Washington dental team here at 3V Dental, or oral surgeon, can help people choose the right treatment. Removal is almost always recommended for impacted teeth. Extraction is a routine dental procedure performed with care. It is effective for pain relief as well as for the prevention of future dental problems. Dentists and surgeons may recommend local anesthesia to eliminate discomfort during an extraction. If part of the tooth remains in the bone, a patient may need the relief of IV sedation or general anesthesia. In uncomplicated cases, a dentist may pull a wisdom tooth. If a person has an embedded tooth, a surgeon will cut into the gum to remove the tooth in sections. This minimizes the amount of bone lost during the extraction. After surgery, the patient receives care guidelines to follow. This includes biting down on a piece of gauze for 30 minutes to limit bleeding. The patient may need to change the gauze a few times until the bleeding stops. Some pain and swelling may occur after surgery, and the mouth may be sore from the procedure. This is normal and should stop in a few days. For prolonged pain, swelling, fever or bleeding, a call to the dentist is prudent. Wisdom Teeth Complications Dry socket is a complication associated with teeth removal. After an extraction, a blood clot forms in the tooth socket to help the mouth heal. Dry socket may occur if the clot breaks down or becomes dislodged. This causes the bone and roots to be exposed. Dry socket is most common during the first five days after surgery. Only two to five percent of people develop this complication. For those who do, it is very painful and requires a visit to the dentist. The dentist may prescribe an antibiotic to prevent infection. A prescription painkiller can ease the pain. With proper care and rest, dry socket usually heals in a week or so. Related Conditions Of the related conditions, pericoronitis is the most common. Pericoronitis is an infection that can develop with a partly erupted tooth. It occurs when food and plague become trapped under gum tissue that covers the tooth. Signs of pericoronitis are sore and swollen gums, pus near the tooth, and bad tastes or smells. Other symptoms include swollen lymph nodes and muscle spasms in the jaw. A warm salt-water rinse is a common treatment. A dentist may also prescribe an antibiotic and painkiller. If necessary, a surgeon can remove the affected tooth.

The daily life of men starts from the bed and continues with hard work at the office of the family, with the kids and ends up at the bed again. In the mid-time, they go through several meetings, nuisances, addictions, fast foods and from all those they develop some of the common issues, which make them a sufferer too. Here are some of the top such issues that they face in daily life, but the fact is that the ailments, stated below, are more common in the age group of 25-40. Cardiovascular ailment With lunchtime having no fixed hour and having drinks and smoking continuing as a background bass music in life, men often develop cardiovascular ailment sin their daily life. Smoking, alcohol, wrong food habits and uneven lifestyle all these, along with the tension of them in their life and in their profession together make them suffer from the ailment.   To be very much factual here, it is stated that every 2 out f 5 men in the US are sufferer of the heart-related issues in their daily life. Baldness Immense pressure at work, tension with their work and family and other issues including the lifestyle and food habit are making 25% of the male suffer from baldness. In the term of medicine and ailment, doctors call this as Alopecia, but the common name behind it is baldness and there is nothing it does but keeps the frustration of mind with the male in their daily life. This was common in the men of age 60+ once but with the change in the work-life and other things, this ratio has changed a lot and people of age 30+ are experiencing the same a lot. ED Problem Alcohol, smoking, high cholesterol levels and high glucose in the blood make this ailment and it is the illness, from which 50% of the males in US of the age group 25-40 are suffering right at this moment. Apart from the physical causes there are also the mental issues that are related to the ailment like stress, preoccupancy of brain and other nuisances in their workplace and in family life too.  Here the males will not find the feel good of their body or in one word will not be able to have intercourse with their partners and that makes them even more frustrated in life and that puts them out of the show at times too. If you want to get perfect solution of ED problem, then use Fildena 100 or Vidalista 20 ED Pills at Arrowmeds trusted pharmacy store. Fast ejaculation This is often termed as PE or Premature Ejaculation, where the males complete their coming after one minute of vaginal penetration. The sufferer here is both the female and the male but the effect of the same is so horrendous that the male counterpart finds nightmare of the same and that spoils the mental peace and everything that they have. The effect of the same is visible in their daily life, in their workplace mindset and at all the places and the men start feeling shy out of the same. Chaos in the house with the wife is common and at times that leads to separation too. The word of distress is that near to 30% of the males of 30+ males are suffering from the disorder and that is marking it as a menace for the society.  Acne issue Out of the teen and still getting acne regularly! This is not such a big issue as like the above stated four things, but this is surely problematic and that makes the males' life very much uneasy. It can be due to skin quality, but there are different issues like sleeplessness and too much proneness to alcohol or caffeine that causes the issue. However, the issues can be easily negated out here and the males can fix the issues too if they are bit careful in their life and their lifestyle. However, due to the work pressure and other things, it often happens that, males cannot get out of the thing by any means.    All the five elements have one thing common in them and that is the lifestyle that the males lead. There are work pressures and there are the nightmares related to work too. But along with those, the wring habits that they develop in them are very much responsible for the illness. A Simple check of the alcohol, smoking, timely having your suppers and time going to bed, relaxed with all the works put aside – these are the things that are going to keep you away from the ailments totally, and the best thing here is that you have the medication support in all the cases. So, consult a doctor and get the aid instantly in the same case to get a better edge. And make some minute change in your lifestyle to keep yourself away from all the five ailments from your daily life.

Posted by Arrowmeds

Good oral hygiene is a super important practice that most people often neglect. The truth is that keeping your teeth clean can protect you from developing periodontal disease or more commonly known as gum disease. It is important to try to prevent this from happening because if it is left unchecked it can cause more serious complications to your overall health. How Do I Know If I Need My Teeth Cleaned? Generally, it is recommended that you visit the dentists for a check-up at least twice a year. Visiting the dentist will allow you to know exactly where you stand in terms of your oral hygiene. For the most part, our teeth are always in need of constant cleaning. Every time we eat food it is bound to get stuck somewhere in between our teeth or inside our gums. Brushing and flossing in between dental visits are vital to maintaining your oral health. However, this will not mean you never have to visit the dentist. Even the best brushing and flossing techniques can not guarantee that you will not need professional teeth cleaning. Plaque and tartar develop over time and require a little more than a toothbrush to remove completely. What are the types of teeth cleaning? There are two types of dental cleanings. Regular dental cleaning and deep dental cleaning. A regular dental cleaning removes plaque and tartar build-up occurring naturally over time. Cleaning should be done at least once or twice a year. When cleaning is not performed regularly the chances of developing periodontal disease increases substantially. If this happens a deep cleaning will be needed to treat the gum disease. Do Regular Dental Cleanings Improve Dental Health? Yes! Having your teeth regularly cleaned can prevent the build-up of plaque. Plaque is a sticky substance that is created as a result of chemical reactions that occur in your mouth. It is usually formed with a mixture of food particles, bacteria, and saliva. If plaque is left uncleaned it will turn into tartar and it becomes much more difficult to remove from your teeth. Tartar can make your teeth appear yellow and also give you bad breath. Leaving plaque and tartar on your teeth for long periods of time can cause you to develop gum diseases such as gingivitis. If you start to develop these types of periodontal diseases then you will most likely be in need of deep cleaning. 

Posted by iSmile Specialist

In recent years there has been a growing demand and consumption of high energy drinks and diet sodas. Sodas have received bad press over the last couple of decades thanks to their high sugar content. Many now realize that consuming large amounts of sugar not only increases the risk of becoming overweight or obese, it can also promote acids in the mouth that will corrode tooth enamel. For many, it seemed that switching to diet sodas and fruit juices would be a better alternative, but recent research has indicated otherwise. The results show that your dental health can suffer over time dues to its corrosive effects. Studies That Link Energy Drinks and Dental Health A 2012 study published in the journal General Dentistry found that there is a high amount of citric acid in energy drinks. Testing the effects of sports drinks and energy drinks on tooth enamel, it was established that energy drinks stripped down twice as much enamel. An earlier NPR study published by the same journal also found that citrus fruit juices also tended to damage teeth. Lemon juice was found to be the worst culprit. These studies have prompted concern over peoples' tendencies to drink more of these drinks than those that neutralize pH like milk. In a 2007 study, also published in General Dentistry, it was reported that in order for tooth enamel to dissolve, it would have to be exposed to a substance with a pH of less than 4.0. Many energy drinks such as the popular Red Bull have a pH of 2.5-3.5. They can lower saliva pH to up to 2.0, with battery acid measured at 1.0. Another study published in 2009 by the University of Rochester Medical Center found that acidic fruit juices caused significantly more impact than many common professional and over-the-counter teeth whitening products. Orange juice was found to severely decrease hardness and increase the roughness in enamel. Some dental professionals are also reporting additional complications that arise from a high intake of energy drinks. The high sugar and caffeine intake cause some people to become hyperactive and grind their teeth. This adds to the damage. Others will suffer from acid reflux. Added exposure to stomach acids is more damaging to enamel and can encourage cavities. Why Citrus Fruit Is Not Necessarily the Better Option As mentioned, there have been at least two studies that found that fruit juices can badly corrode tooth enamel. Many people erroneously believe that fruits are safer because they are naturally sourced, and you do not need to add sugar to enjoy. However, the naturally occurring sugars and citric acid content are still a risk. Researchers found that daily consumption of these and energy drinks posed a significant risk to consumers. This was further enhanced in those that exposed their teeth to these drinks for long periods. Those that sipped slowly were more likely to suffer more damage than those that gulped down their drinks quickly. Safer Drink Alternatives For those that do realize the dangers associated with sports drinks, energy drinks, and fruit juices, there are safer options to enjoy.      1.  Simple tap water is the top pick. Drinking water helps to wash out any residual food and drink particles. It also encourages more saliva production that is great for protecting the teeth. Do note that flavored sparkling waters can be acidic and should be considered possibly eroding.      2.  Milk has a pH of 6.5, making it great for neutralizing acids in the mouth. It is also a good source of calcium, phosphorus, and proteins that strengthen bones and inhibit the growth of bacteria in the mouth.      3.  Coffee with no additives like sugar or artificial sweetener is just slightly acidic. A study suggests that this condition may actually make it helpful in preventing cavities.      4.  Freshly brewed teas without additives have been found to have a low pH. Green tea is also considered safe to drink and beneficial to gum health thanks to fluoride content. Avoid iced teas that are typically loaded with sugar and are acidic. Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE TH /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-para-margin-top:0in; mso-para-margin-right:0in; mso-para-margin-bottom:8.0pt; mso-para-margin-left:0in; line-height:107%; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri",sans-serif; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Cordia New"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi;} Best Practices for Healthy Teeth Here are some good habits to adopt that can greatly reduce the risk of your tooth enamel being corroded and developing cavities. If you must, only drink energy drinks, diet sodas, or concentrated fruit juices once a week. Drink it quickly or with a straw to limit exposure and chase it down with water or milk to dilute the effects. Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE TH /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-para-margin-top:0in; mso-para-margin-right:0in; mso-para-margin-bottom:8.0pt; mso-para-margin-left:0in; line-height:107%; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri",sans-serif; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Cordia New"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi;} Chew sugar-free gum that will stimulate saliva production and will help clean out the remnants of the drink. Brush your teeth an hour after finishing your drink. This is the optimal time to get rid of any remaining acids without risking harm to your enamel. Comment below on this article and share with our readers what has been your experience with how energy drinks have affected your oral health. Reference: NPR: Citrus Damages Teeth University of Rochester Medical Center: OJ Worse Than Teeth Whitening  

  Think Good: Our mind is like a magnet and it can attract whatever you think good or bad. So when you think well your mind attracts good in abundance. If you want to get fit then think about fitness, losing weight and get in shape. Eat Balanced Food: We cannot live without eating and that is the reason you need to eat good food. If you are having a balanced meal, avoid carb and fatty food. We try many things to get fit but ignoring diet is not a right way to enjoy good health. Exercise 5 out of 7 days: If you are a lazy person and don’t want to do exercise regularly then it is advisable that you exercise at least 5 days in a week. If you do it for half an hour then that is enough. Exercise helps in inducing positive energy in our body and eliminating negative energy. It is also good to control your stress and anxiety. Manage your Stress: Stress is an everyday problem of the world. Almost everyone is dealing with stress. Stress can harm our self esteem so managing your stress can help you to lead a happy life. Know the source of stress and work on that to eliminate it. Create a work life balance: Working is good but so is spending time with your loved one. If you are not able to spend time with your family and friends then you need to balance your work and life to get your life on right track to enjoy good health. Have eight hours sleep: Sleep is the best anti dispersant and if you are not getting enough sleep then you will have a low energy and your efficiency of doing the things will be less. So getting enough sleep is as important as having a good diet. If you are looking for more information about a good physical and mental health then you can visit Here you can share your health information and get other kind of health related information from other users.

Asthma is a breathing issue. At the point when you are experiencing issues in breathing or when you notice that your breathing has gotten boisterous, it implies you are experiencing asthma. It is a typical sickness. Over 10 million individual experiences asthma consistently in India. Particularly in chilly climate instances of asthma twofold ups. Asthma regularly changes with time. You ought to counsel your PCP all the time and talk about all the manifestations.  The inner cause At the point when additional bodily fluid square the aviation routes in the lungs, the aviation routes become tight and you feel that it is becoming harder to inhale appropriately. This is one of the most well-known aspiratory blood vessel cases. In chilly climate it deteriorates, with the increase of dryness in the air, the liquid present in our aviation routes gets dissipated so quickly that it doesn't get an opportunity to supplant and aviation routes become dry. The dry aviation routes cause disturbance just as dry hacking just as brevity in relaxing. Asthma can't be completely relieved yet its side effects can be constrained by appropriate meds or by receiving some specific self consideration along with the proximity towards Asthalin inhaler. Manifestations of asthma – how it can be Asthma manifestations are normal and not a serious deal. The main things you are going to face are as follows – • Shortness in relaxing • Wheezing • Frequent hacking • Headache • Poor craving • Tightness in chest • Feeling tired at all the time  • Trouble during the time of resting • Changes in lung-work • Pale sweat-soaked face These manifestations are not dependable to acknowledge the hack. In any case, it isn't so much that following 4-5 minutes they will return once more. Particularly, if you have an asthma assault over and over the recurrence of these indications will increment. In case, you experience the ill effects of asthma it's not required that your indications will be the equivalent or you may have totally various manifestations on various occasions or some of you may invest a great deal of energy with asthma without having the side effects. Poor craving and asthma Asthma has a mellow impact on your hunger. A few people who are experiencing asthma however didn't control asthma adequately, finds so difficult to inhale that it gets hard for them to eat appropriately. The best thing they can do is eat a limited quantity of dinners throughout the day. These things influence the stomach yet not firmly. Yet, asthma can be controlled with an ideal digestion rate which can possibly occur on the off chance that you have a solid stomach. Impacts of digestion rate on asthma Digestion puts the number of calories your body consumes. Furthermore, the higher your pulse the more calories you will consume. Along these lines, if your heart isn't sound it will influence your digestion and a terrible digestion rate is the explanation of your overweight if your body. The additional load of the body exacerbates the side effects of asthma. So a sound eating routine can assist you with the two reasons. is a best firm, here you can get more information about asthma treatment and solution. Need for an eating routine to standardize digestion rate Overweight is a hazard factor for asthma. It triggers the side effects of asthma and furthermore, it exacerbates the present wellbeing condition. The better capacity to burn calories the more your body will consume calories and your body will dispose of undesirable weariness. So a solid eating regimen, along with Asthalin inhaler, can improve your digestion rate just as other wellbeing conditions. A solid eating routine incorporates Vitamin D-rich nourishments Consuming the proper amount of vitamin D will assist with lessening the number of asthma assaults. Wellsprings of nutrient D are: salmon, milk, and eggs, sustained squeezed orange and so on. On the off chance that you have hypersensitivity from eggs, you should quit consuming unfavorably susceptible nourishments right. Beta carotene-rich vegetables Beta carotene: It is a cancer prevention agent that changes over nutrient An and improves your wellbeing essentially. Beta carotene builds the lung limit. Once in awhile legitimate utilization beta can be extremely valuable to decrease the impacts of lung malignancy. Nourishments that contain beta carotene are carrots, sweet potatoes, squash, apricots, red and yellow peppers, peas, broccoli and so forth. Other than these nourishments, protein-rich nourishments can help your digestion and outs down the bulk from your body. Nourishments wealthy in iron, zinc will standardize the capacity of the thyroid, capsicums will assist you with increasing fat oxidation, the caffeine found in espresso will assist your body with increasing the measure of calories your body consumes each day, cacao has digestion boosting characteristics. Magnesium-rich nourishments Magnesium: It is additionally another approach to decrease the dangers of Asthma assaults. Here are nourishments that contain magnesium: Spinach, pumpkin seeds, Swiss chard, dull chocolate and so on. Appropriate eating routine alongside activities or yoga won't just increment the digestion rate yet additionally will improve personal satisfaction. Counsel your primary care physician or your dietitian. They will enable you to out. Possibly you have hypersensitivities to some nourishment. They will check the entirety of your clinical history and may prescribe you a few tests at that point at last hand you over your eating regimen outline. At the same time, keep the Asthalin inhaler always with you to get the proper results, where the inhaler has to be kept for your safety. 

Posted by Arrowmeds

When it comes to orthodontic correction a patient will most likely require some type of braces. The type will be determined depending on the individual person's dental needs.  Traditional metal braces are amongst the most common and are still as effective as ever.  Throughout the years, orthodontics has developed different types of braces to cater to people's cosmetic appearance. In this post, we will cover the differences between the variety of braces available. Traditional Metal Braces | The Original Braces Metal Braces are a great choice for anyone looking to get a straight smile. These braces can be for kids and adults but are generally the go-to option for children. Metal Braces are made of a very strong stainless steel alloy. They are super strong and durable.  Metal braces are by far the best option to correct severe cases and can also cut your treatment time down. Other teeth straightening options like Invisalign can take longer to achieve the same result.  Advantages: Less expensive than clear braces or Invisalign Better at treating severe overcrowding of teeth Durable and Strong Better for more difficult orthodontic cases Faster treatment time Can pick the color of your braces. Disadvantages: Metal Braces are more noticeable than other braces types Can be harder to clean Clear Braces | Also Known as Ceramic Braces  Clear Braces are much less noticeable than metal braces. These braces are favored by teens and adults who are self-conscious about the way braces look. Ceramic Braces are still effective at treating your orthodontic problems and do not increase your treatment time. This is a more expensive treatment option than traditional metal braces. They do cost more to purchase and often take more visits and more time to install also.  Advantages: Less noticeable than metal braces. It does not increase treatment time. Effective at treating most orthodontic problems Disadvantages:  More expensive than metal braces Can take more time to install The patient is required to qualify Incognito Braces | Also Known as Hidden Braces Lingual Incognito hidden braces are a unique treatment option in orthodontic dentistry. The braces are customized to be placed on the backside of your teeth so they are completely hidden from view. The price range can be about the same as metal braces or can cost up to $5,000 more. You will have to consult your orthodontist to determine a final price.  Advantages:  Completely invisible The cost can be about the same as metal braces Easy to keep clean Effective Treatment Option Disadvantages: Will take getting used to and affect your speech initially Cost may exceed metal braces Invisalign | Also known as Clear Aligners Invisalign is one of the more modern approaches when considering orthodontic treatment. Clear Aligners now addresses many cases, from simple to more complex. These aligners are made of a smooth, comfortable, BPA-free plastic that won't irritate your cheeks and gums like traditional metal braces often do.  Simply wear them throughout the day, and remove them when you eat or to brush and floss your teeth. You need to wear them at least 22 hours each day. As you wear each set of aligners, your teeth gently and gradually begin to shift into place. And because they're virtually invisible, most people won't even notice you're wearing them Advantages:  More comfort than metal braces More attractive and less noticeable than metal braces  Can be removed to eat, brush and floss Minimal Maintenance Disadvantages: More Expensive than traditional metal braces Patients are responsible for wearing them 22 hours a day Brushing is required after removing to eat

Posted by iSmile Specialist

What are Dental Implants? Wikipedia's definition of dental implants "A dental implant is a surgical component that interfaces with the bone of the jaw or skull to support a dental prosthesis such as a crown, bridge, denture, facial prosthesis or to act as an orthodontic anchor". Let's break that down into simple terms. A dental implant is made of titanium and is one of the few metals that will successfully fuse with our bone and tissue. The surgical component is the titanium piece that is surgically installed into your gum tissue. After being installed the implant works as the root of your tooth and will hold a crown, bridge, or denture depending on the extent of your tooth loss. Dental Implants are becoming a popular choice for teeth replacement. In the past, traditional dentures were the only option for replacing missing teeth. As technology and medical advancements increased we were introduced to the Dental Implants. This new breakthrough in dentistry has allowed for people to have their teeth replaced while offering a wide variety of benefits for the patient. In this article, we will explore the benefits of dental implants and give you a better understanding of the process of getting implants. Are dental Implants Expensive? The average price for a single implant can range from $2,500 to $3,000. Dental Implant cost is generally high but the price varies depending on if you need a dental bone graft for dental implants and also depending on the number of teeth extractions.  When the teeth are missing and the root is gone you start to lose the bone that helps maintain your facial profile. The bone graft is usually needed when the patient has suffered significant bone loss due to the teeth missing. Some Cosmetic Dentistries also charge extra for the abutment crown. It is important to get a consultation with your dental specialist in order to get the best idea of the cost. Most patients are offered convenient financing options to help them with the cost of the implants.  What Are All-on-4 Dental Implants? All-on-4® is a dental implant treatment that has been developed over the years to become a viable solution to restoring multiple teeth at once. This type of procedure minimizes the number of surgical procedures and Implants that a patient needs to completely restore their smile. In turn, this lowers dental expenses and also time spent at the dentist's office.  Should I get my implants out of the country to cut costs? Many people choose to leave the country in search of a better deal on dental implants. It is strongly recommended that you DO NOT sacrifice the quality of care needed for this procedure to save money. This procedure requires a great amount of care and the right technology, equipment and most importantly the best dentist! 3D X-Rays allow a doctor to see if you need a sinus lift or if any other complications are present that can seriously harm the patient. Some out of country doctors do not have these types of imaging capabilities and if the patient is not properly examined they can cause irreversible damage. It is important that you know what kind of equipment the doctor you are going to uses and that you also do research on the doctor to determine their success rate. Implant placement is a very sensitive cosmetic procedure that requires a lot of cosmetic training for optimum placement. When placed incorrectly, the metal might show through the gum tissue causing a non-cosmetic appearance. Although some general dentists do place implants, always look for a dental specialist like a prosthodontist or a periodontist. They have at least an extra 3-years of advanced training for implant placement and restoration and usually, they offer the implants at the same price compared to general dentists. What are the benefits of Dental Implants? Maintain Original Bone Improved Speech Comfort and feeling of your natural teeth No movement allowing for easier chewing of food A permanent solution to replacing your natural teeth

Posted by iSmile Specialist