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There are many different types of skin cancer. The stage of the cancer determines which treatments are available for you. While it might seem complicated, find out in this article how to make the right decision for your personal situation! The Different Types of Skin Cancers Skin cancers are the most common cancer in the United States. There are a total of over 3 million cases of skin cancer in the United States each year. Skin cancers can be broken down into four main types: basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, melanoma, and Merkel cell carcinoma. Squamous cell carcinomas can also be broken up into solar keratoses and actinic keratoses. The Stage of Cancer There are many different stages of skin cancer. These can form from the lightest stage of melanoma to the most advanced stage, squamous cell carcinoma. Other challenges include finding a dermatologist who specializes in cutaneous oncology and understanding the treatment history. How to Find the Right Treatment for You When it comes to finding the right treatment for you, there are certain questions that need to be asked. The first question is whether you have a primary cancer or whether you have precancerous lesions. Another key question is what type of skin cancer do you have and what treatments are available for it. If the tumor is one that responds well to radiation therapy, then that would be your best option. Things to Consider when Choosing a Skin Cancer Treatment It's important to find a skin cancer treatment that is right for you. Here are some important things to consider when choosing a treatment: Common Treatments There are three common treatments for skin cancer. The most common is a topical cream or ointment that has both an antiviral and an antipruritic component. Another treatment option, if possible, is to remove the tumor by surgery. A third option worth considering is radiation therapy. As many as 30 percent of patients may need additional medical care, so it's important to talk with your doctor about any unusual symptoms you're experiencing. What Happens During a Skin Cancer Procedure? Skin cancer treatments include removal of the skin cancer, application of a topical treatment, or permanent tattooing. The doctor will look for cancer cells and treat any that are found. The doctor will remove any cancers and apply a topical treatment that is usually acid or laser. If your skin cancer is large in size, the doctor may choose to remove too much skin and use the tissue for transplantation to improve the condition of another patient. If your cancer is small in size, you might be given a permanent tattoo that contains skin pigments to treat the problem area. Risks and Side Effects of Taking a Certain Skin Cancer Treatment: What to Expect Before, During, and After the Procedure Most patients who have skin cancer will be treated with radiation therapy. This is recommended because it is a safe, effective and quick treatment for most types of skin cancer. Patients will likely stay in the hospital for about six to eight hours before returning home. Radiation therapy can cause many side effects, ranging from minor to severe. Some of these side effects may last a long time or even be permanent.

Posted by adamdeloach

Waiting any longer will do no good as your tooth can get even more damaged. It can also become infected, leading to possible tooth loss and other serious health risks. Accidents happen, but knowing what you need to do if things go wrong is crucial. So be sure to schedule an appointment with your dentist and get the chip examined. The good news is that your dentist can fix a chipped tooth with various options. Let’s discuss what to do when you break your tooth and each treatment option. What to do when you chip your tooth When you have a chipped tooth, make sure to see your dentist right away. In the meantime, here are some home remedies that can help reduce swelling and discomfort. Take an over-the-counter pain reliever Rinse your mouth with a mouthwash Apply an ice pack near the affected area if the pain persists If you chipped your tooth due to a severely hurtful incident and experienced extreme bleeding and pain, visit your local emergency room at your earliest. 1. Dental Bonding Dental bonding is the solution of the smallest and simplest chip in teeth. The procedure consists of applying a tooth-colored resin material over the chipped tooth to create a mold. The dentist will then shape the material to look exactly similar to part of the tooth. After that, they will apply a special light to harden the material. This procedure is simple, cheap, and looks natural. 2. Veneers Veneers are likely a better option if the chip is slightly bigger. You can fix minor chips with dental bonding, but veneers are porcelain covers mounted on your tooth. They are reasonably priced if it’s only one chipped tooth. If price is your concern, you may look for another option for fixing several chipped teeth. That being said, veneers are longer-lasting than dental bonding, and with proper care, they should last for more than a decade or two. 3. Crowns Crowns are very similar to veneers as both are typically made up of porcelain. While veneers are placed over the front of your chipped tooth, crowns completely surround your tooth. Crowns can be an excellent treatment option if the chip is significant and you’ve lost much of the tooth. There are various types of crowns. Ask your dentist about their types so you can make an informed decision. 4. Dental Implants The dental implant is an excellent treatment option for the most severe cracks, and very little of your tooth remains intact. If this is the case for you, your dentist may remove the tooth and let it heal before placing the implant. Once it is fully healed, your dentist will insert a permanent metal post into your gum line, followed by an artificial tooth that looks and works exactly like your natural tooth. This procedure is expensive and time-consuming. However, it provides a permanent solution to your chipped tooth problem. Conclusion Each chipped tooth case is unique. That’s why your dentist requires a proper exam before you decide the best option. Whichever option you choose after being informed and examined, it’s important to maintain proper oral care to keep your repaired tooth healthy and long-lasting. If you suffer from a chipped tooth, please contact the Houston dentist at Champions Dental. We believe a healthy, beautiful smile goes together with overall health and confidence.

If you’ve grown up watching traditional braces treating crooked and misaligned teeth, it can be difficult to trust modern treatments like Invisalign for your kids. But do you know in the year 2016, 4.3 million teens and kids who were either 17 years old or younger were treated with Invisalign?   Thanks to the invention of Invisalign, your child doesn’t need to wear traditional metal braces to get the perfect bite and smile. Let’s take a deep dive into some of the details that would help you choose between Invisalign and braces for your kids:   1. Convenience Dietary restrictions during metal braces are difficult to follow for kids. On the contrary, Invisalign is super convenient. Your kids can remove them and eat their favorite food. Invisalign can be removed before brushing and flossing to maintain better oral hygiene. In the case of braces, it becomes difficult for kids to clean their teeth properly due to brackets and wires. Also, Invisalign is far less painful than braces. 2. Time-consuming Nowadays, parents are busy with their work, and kids are also occupied with homework, sports, etc. But braces wires need to be adjusted frequently to correct the alignment of your teeth. So you need to make more time to visit the orthodontist. Invisalign treatment doesn't need as many frequent visits. The aligners can be changed at home itself. You only need to see an orthodontist to check the progress of the treatment. 3. Chances of losing aligners It's pretty common for children and teens to be forgetful. Therefore there are chances that they might lose their aligners. This may hamper the desired result of the Invisalign treatment. And as a parent, you might worry about the additional cost of the replacement. However, replacing lost aligners is cheaper in many clinics as they understand this concern when treating kids and teens. 4. Simple cleaning & care It’s easy and simple to clean and care for your aligners. Your orthodontist will recommend using Invisalign cleaning crystals to clean your aligners. You only need to mix those crystals in the prescribed amount of water and soak your aligners for 15 minutes. All the stains, bacteria, and foul smell gets eliminated. Apart from that, always keep your aligners in their case and don’t let them be exposed to heat. 5. Less risk of cavities Brushing teeth with braces is not easy for adults, so obviously, it’s an arduous task for kids as well. The wires and brackets used to treat crooked teeth sometimes trap the food inside. This can lead to cavities. Invisalign can be simply put aside, and your kids can brush normally without spending extra time and effort. Therefore it’s natural that the chances of cavities are less with Invisalign. 6. Visibility & embarrassment Unfortunately, parents are often not worried about how visibly awkward braces are. But your kids go through a lot of embarrassment (and sometimes bullying) because of wearing braces. Living with misaligned teeth is not easy. This makes it worse. On the contrary, the Invisalign aligners are not easily visible and not at all striking as metal braces. Your kids can get their treatment in peace which is good for their self-confidence. 7. But, not everyone can get Invisalign Invisalign seems to be a better and more viable option for treating the misaligned and crooked teeth of your kids. However, it’s not for everyone. For instance, kids or teens playing contact sports or patients with back tooth bites can’t be treated with Invisalign. Our doctors at Brite Orthodontics will inspect the severity of misalignment and suggest the best suitable treatment option for your kids. Book a free consultation now!

Posted by Brite Orthodontics

If you are not comfortable with your teeth and are considering improving the perfect smile with the help of cosmetic dentistry, a professional dentist recommends cosmetic dentistry veneers. This is why cosmetic dentistry veneers are an extremely popular choice among dental treatments in Miami. With many dental clinics in the USA, it is important to choose the cosmetic dentist in Miami such as Sher Dental offering affordable and high-standard cosmetic dentistry veneers of all types. To help you understand, in this blog, we take a look at why cosmetic dentistry veneers are popular in Miami. Variety Of Dental Imperfections While cosmetic dentistry veneers are extremely versatile, they can be used to fix a range of flaws affecting the teeth and smile. For instance,  professional dentists can install a veneer over a tooth affected with a small crack or a tooth that is unusually shaped or sized to fix the look to a perfect state. Also, dentists can install a set of cosmetic dentistry veneers over teeth that are stained, and not responding well to teeth whitening solutions. Even if your front teeth are having space between them, the dentist can also place a set of veneers over them to mask them. Customized to Meet Your Needs Another reason why cosmetic dentistry veneers are also popular is that they are constructed and designed to meet individual needs and they look completely natural. The dentist makes sure that the veneers are meticulously constructed to the patient’s exact specifications so that they can perfectly blend in with the natural teeth and flatters the overall facial appearance. Direct Placement Process On average, a minimum of two visits are needed to complete the cosmetic dentistry veneers placement process. On the first visit, consultation and other records are taken to assist with the design and construction of the cosmetic dentistry veneers, next, the teeth are made ready for the veneers, and temporary veneers are installed. Once the permanent cosmetic dentistry veneers are ready the temporaries are removed and the permanent ones are installed. After this, the dentist is satisfied with their look, fit, and feel, and he will then bond them into place. Durable And Long Lasting Lastly, the material used to construct cosmetic dentistry veneers are extremely durable and long-lasting. All you need to do is to practice good oral health habits and stay away from any habits that could crack the veneers, this includes chewing on shells or ice, or opening packages with your teeth. This helps your restorations last for many years. The best dentist usually provides complete instructions for increasing the life of the cosmetic dentistry veneers as long as possible. The Final Word The aforementioned are some of the reasons why cosmetic dentistry veneers are popular in Miami and around the USA. Search for a reputable and the best cosmetic dentist in Miami and book an appointment to start your journey to your perfect smile. 

Posted by Sher Dental

Dental Emergencies Special During this pandemic crisis, Palm Springs Dentistry will be accepting all dental emergencies. Give us a call at (760) 320-6506. ✅Tooth Extraction ✅Surgical Extraction ✅Root Canal Therapy #specialoffers #palmspringsdentistry #drguzak #dentalemergencies #dentistpalmspringsca #toothextraction #surgicalextraction #rootcanaltherapy

During this pandemic crisis, Palm Springs Dentistry will be accepting all dental emergencies. ✅Tooth Extraction ✅Surgical Extraction ✅Root Canal Therapy Give us a call (760) 320-6506 we are OPEN for Dental Emergencies! #PalmSpringsDentistry #DentistPalmSpringsCA #DrTerryJGuzak #ToothExtraction #SurgicalExtraction #RootCanalTherapy #DentalEmergency #DentalEmergencies

A Great Smiles requires MoreThan Luck! Happy St. Patrick's Day! Call Our Office Today To Schedule Your Appointment (760) 320-6506 #specialoffers #drguzak #stpatricksday #dentistpalmspringsca

We want all of our Palm Springs patients to have a good time this St. Patrick’s Day, but we also want everyone to stay safe and healthy. Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Call Our Office Today To Schedule Your Appointment (760) 320-6506 #specialoffers #drguzak #stpatricksday #dentistpalmspringsca

In most cases, missing teeth, gum disease, teeth shifting, thumb-sucking as a child, or overgrown tissue above your front teeth causes spacing in your teeth. But the good news is, there are several treatments to treat spacing in teeth. Why Do You Need to Fix the Gap between your Teeth? Besides affecting your confidence, gapped teeth can also affect your oral hygiene. Teeth with spaces between them may trap food debris, which triggers plaque and bacteria formation in your mouth. If left untreated, this may also lead to issues with your gums and teeth, such as tooth decay or gum disease. Spaced teeth can also cause misaligned bites, making chewing painful and difficult. Moreover, a misaligned bite often causes pain in the ear and jaw. Therefore, if you notice spaced teeth, visit your dentist in Houston for the following treatments. Treatments for Spaced Teeth 1. Dental Bonding Dental bonding is the easiest, cheapest, and quickest way to fix gaps between your teeth. In this procedure, your dentist will shape and apply a tooth-colored resin and then harden it via a special light. This will secure the material in place. Dental bonding is often complete in a single visit and doesn’t involve the removal of tooth enamel. While this procedure is cheap and straightforward, it doesn’t last long. The composite material can stain, chip, or break over time. 2. Veneers Veneers may be the best treatment option if you have discolored or chipped teeth with gaps between them. They are porcelain or ceramic shells placed and bonded over your teeth to cover imperfections such as gaps. The great thing about veneers is that they don’t stain and are long-lasting than dental bonding. 3. Braces and Invisalign Traditional braces and Invisalign shift your teeth to their perfect position and enhance your smile while restoring proper functions. Braces use metal wires and are visible, while Invisalign consists of clear plastic trays that aren’t prominent when you smile. These options work similarly but have their benefits and limitations. For example, braces are cheaper but not aesthetically pleasing, while Invisalign is invisible when you smile but are expensive. It would be best if you visited an in-office consultation at Vesna Arezina DDS to help decide which treatment option is suitable for your unique condition and goals. Conclusion Gaps between teeth can adversely affect your oral health causing gum disease, tooth decay, and bite issues. What’s more, this issue can impact your confidence and make you feel self-conscious about your beautiful smile. Thankfully, you can fix spaced teeth and take control of your smile with the dentist in Houston, TX, at Vesna Arezina DDS. We will evaluate your condition and listen to your concerns when you visit us. Then, we will recommend the best treatment option that suits your needs and desires. Contact us today for more information. Our team is ready to help you feel great about your beautiful smile!

If you often suffer from mouth ulcers, this guide is for you. We understand that mouth ulcers are very irritating, as they cause difficulty in consuming your favorite meals and even speaking. At Vintage Oral Surgery, we will discuss the common causes of mouth ulcers and suggest ways to treat them. What are mouth ulcers? Mouth ulcers are small sores that develop on your lips, gums, palate, or inner cheeks. Several factors can trigger them, including hormonal changes, emotional stress, and minor injuries. In most cases, mouth ulcers are harmless and go away on their own within 10-14 days. But an ulcer that won’t heal may be a sign of mouth cancer. Aphthous ulcers These types of ulcers are recurring ulcers, affecting around 20 percent of the population in the United States. In most cases, aphthous ulcers have no known cause. However, in a small number of people, these ulcers may be due to iron, folate, or vitamin B deficiency. Symptoms of mouth ulcers The symptoms of a mouth ulcer typically depend on the cause, but they may include: - Swollen skin near the sores - One or more sores on the skin near the mouth - Tenderness and problems while brushing or chewing - Loss of appetite - Irritation of the sores by spicy, sour, or salty foods Causes of mouth ulcers The following factors can contribute to mouth ulcers: - Injury while brushing - Accidentally biting the inside part of your cheek - Constant wear from sharp or broken teeth - Constant rubbing against braces or dentures - Irritation due to strong antiseptics like a mouthwash - Burning from eating hot food - Viral infections such as cold sores - Skin rashes in your mouth like lichen planus - Certain medications’ side effects - Autoimmune diseases - Gastrointestinal diseases such as coeliac disease or Crohn’s disease - Underlying iron or vitamin B deficiency - Worsening of ulcers because of illness, stress, or fatigue - Mouth cancer Mouth ulcers that don’t heal Visit your dentist if you get mouth ulcers frequently or don’t clear up within 14 days. Remember, never ignore a persistent mouth ulcer, especially if you consume tobacco and alcohol regularly. This is because alcohol and tobacco can increase your risk of developing mouth cancer. Treatment for mouth ulcers Most ulcers resolve by themselves within 10-14 days. Other types of mouth ulcers, like cold sores or those caused by herpes simplex infection, require topical treatment, such as gel, ointment, or a mouthwash. You can manage the symptoms and risk of complications by doing the following treatment options: - Stay hydrated - Avoid sour and spicy foods - Clean your mouth regularly - Apply antiseptic gel to the affected area - Do salt water rinses and keep the solution in your mouth for 4 minutes at a time - Apply a topical alcohol-free mouthwash prescribed by your dentist - In severe cases, your oral health professional may prescribe you immunosuppressant medication When to visit the oral health professional for mouth ulcers If mouth ulcers have persisted for 14 days or more or interfere with your daily activities, see your dentist right away. In some cases, your dentist may require blood tests to check whether you have an underlying deficiency or any inflammatory condition. Please get in touch with the Houston oral surgeon for more information. We look forward to helping you and your family!