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We are not afraid to say that the Philips Zoom affordable teeth whitening Melbourne is part of the world’s most requested teeth whitening treatment clinic. We are best teeth whitening Melbourne services provider with Philips Zoom technology. More than 14 million patients trust the brand, since those who have used it have managed to achieve a brighter and healthier smile. Philips Zoom WhiteSpeed offers movable powers and can be altered to lessen affectability and augment comfort, in contrast to other brightening frameworks. About 90% of people surveyed in the same study experienced little or no sensitivity with the Philips Zoom. The LED technology of the Philips Zoom can achieve whiter smiles in just 45 minutes. How does it work? The Philips zoom teeth whitening Melbourne has been designed by dentists and dental practitioners, striving to reduce side effects such as tooth sensitivity and improve safety, without compromising on professional quality results. The Philips Zoom lamp carefully protects the gums with a special cover, before the dentist applies the hydrogen peroxide whitening gel. Zoom WhiteSpeed’s LED Accelerator Light increases process speed, improving results by up to 40%. Philips Zoom DayWhite and NiteWhite, the professional bleaching recommended to prescribe patients to complement treatment and achieve better results, contain amorphous calcium phosphate (FCA), fluorine and potassium nitrate to reduce sensitivity and, at the same time, polish and polish the tooth enamel, and in Australia teeth whitening cost Melbourne is very affordable. The Zoom WhiteSpeed ​​lamp uses light-activated technology for a better result and includes a variable intensity adjustment so that the treatment can be personalized and provide maximum comfort to the patient. With the Philips zoom Teeth whitening Melbourne your patient’s smile will be healthier. This is largely because the dentist is administered and supervised by the treatment. In addition, Philips Zoom DayWhite and NiteWhite are the only outpatient whiteners with a unique combination of amorphous calcium phosphate (FCA), fluorine, and potassium nitrate to help reduce sensitivity, protect enamel, and improve gloss and tooth surface. The whitening treatment with the Philips Zoom is only available in dental offices, in order to guarantee maximum patient safety. It is offered in treatments of different types and intensities to adapt to the needs of the patient. In-home Whitening Treatments Philips Zoom DayWhite and Philips Zoom NiteWhite Philips Zoom DayWhite and Philips Zoom NiteWhite are triple action whiteners for home use: they create a natural, white smile, stronger and brighter teeth, and treat sensitivity. This means that they make your patient’s smile healthier, as it whitens improving the enamel, leaving it more uniform and glossier once the treatment is completed. Philips Zoom DayWhite and Philips Zoom NiteWhite allow the patient to whiten their teeth when it is most comfortable for them. You only have to use the trays for 15 or 30 minutes twice a day, depending on the formula that you recommend. Best of all, the patient can start and stop the whitening program in a way that suits their lifestyle. With Philips Zoom DayWhite and Philips Zoom NiteWhite, the dentist can create a custom whitening tray that perfectly matches the contour of the patient’s teeth, to achieve the same result across the entire smile. Philips Zoom DayWhite and Philips Zoom NiteWhite is backed by studies that have shown it to be a safe and effective treatment for teeth and gums. In addition, since dentists recommend it, its results will always be expected and safe for any filling or restoration that exists in the patient’s mouth. The only thing that differentiates them is their occasion of use, in the day or at night. Recommend to your patient the best to whiten their teeth.

For these situations, an emergency 24 hour dentist Singapore who provides after-hour treatment will provide the care you need. Locating an emergency dentist If you need timely and accessible emergency dental treatment, search for a local dentist with "Dentist Near Me" keyword and add your zip code in the search bar on Google and ask for an appointment online or by phone today. Alternatively, you can visit a dental health portal like Dentaleh where you can easily find a dentist or dental clinic nearby who offer the services and treatments you need, accompanied by user reviews all neatly packed in one place. The dental problems mentioned below require immediate care if you do not want to experience more severe consequences along the way. Emergency 24 hour dentist walk-in Whether you have slight tooth discomfort, poor breath, swollen gums, or other fairly minor dental problems, make a check-up with your regular dentist. Although these conditions need to be treated immediately, they are not dental emergencies. On the other hand, the conditions listed below require emergency treatment. DENTAL ABSCESS A dental abscess is an infection that develops in or near the root of a tooth.Abscesses may cause extreme dental pain and can be harmful because they can spread to the jawbone, other teeth, or even your blood. Abscesses are also treated with root canal surgery. If your tooth is seriously infected, extraction is an effective treatment choice. LOST OR DAMAGED FILLING If you chip or break a filler and do not feel extreme pain, you might be able to wait until your regular dental clinic is open for medication. If you lose your filling absolutely, you can place some sugar-free gum in the empty room. If this makes you happy enough, you can see that your usual dentist should have the filling repaired within a few days. KNOCKED-OUT TOOTH Having a tooth knocked out of your mouth can be distressing but breathe deeply and know that emergency dentists often handle this kind of scenario. If you're able to see a dentist in an hour, there's a decent chance that the dentist will be able to fully-insert the tooth in its socket and save it. Let a friend call your dentist right away while you're concentrating on your chipped tooth. Often raise the missing tooth by the crown rather than the root, because you do not want to add any bacteria or other diseases to the root of the tooth. Move it back into its socket, make sure it's facing the right direction, and bite down gently to hold it in place before you meet the emergency dentist SEVERE TOOTHACHE Toothache pain can be debilitating, making it difficult to eat, sleep, and perform your everyday duties. Significant tooth pain is also caused by dental abscess or fungus, or severe decay that has damaged the nerves in and around your tooth. If tooth pain does not respond to over-the-counter pain relievers, you can find it a dental emergency. • Keep a cold compress on the outside of your mouth over a sore tooth. • Rinse the mouth with salt water to remove bacteria and reduce swelling. • Utilize dental floss to eliminate any food that is stored near a sore tooth. • Apply an oral numbing cream, available in most pharmacies, to the sore tooth and the gums surrounding it. • Never apply aspirin or any other pain reliever straight to your tooth or gums, as this can aggravate the gum tissue and make it even worse. • Your emergency dentist will assess your tooth and start taking x-rays to establish the cause of the issue. LOOSE BRACES BRACKETS A loose brace is not a warning to see your emergency dentist at 12:00 a.m., but it is a warning to see your orthodontist or general dentist as quickly as possible.In the meantime, you can use orthodontic wax to keep your loose bracket in place. Additionally, add some wax over the surface of the bracket so that it doesn't press on your cheek.If the metal in your braces comes off or starts scratching you in the cheek, it's just as much an emergency that can wait until the day after. LOST CROWN A missing crown is a dental accident, but as with a missing filling, you will be able to postpone care until your general dentist is accessible. In the meantime, you should add clove oil to your tooth to ease some distress. You may also add some denture glue to the tooth and slide the crown back through it. Never use super-glue to re-attach the crown. If you can't get the crown to remain stable on your tooth, put it in a plastic bag until you could go to the dentist. Remember that you should schedule an appointment as early as possible. TOOTH DAMAGED OR SPLIT When you chip or break a tooth, whether you're eating or playing a sport, it’s crucial to see the specialist as quickly as possible. The earlier you get care, the more probable it is that your dentist will be likely to re-attach the broken piece to your damaged tooth. Here are tips you can follow to care for a damaged or chipped tooth: • Save any bits of your chipped tooth and rinse it gently in warm water. • Put them in a cup of milk and take them with you to the dentist's office. • If your chipped or damaged tooth is painful, you can alleviate the discomfort by having an over-the-counter pain reliever like ibuprofen. • Keep a cold compress around the outside of your cheek, and if you're bleeding, chew on a sheet of gauze to hold back the bleeding.

Advancements are all over  the world as the digital world has overtaken everything. Healthcare industry  advances as new and modern technologies are leveraging greatly for the care of  human bodies. According to the World Dental Federation, oral diseases affect  approximately 3.9 billion people worldwide. With the rising rate in oral  diseases, oral hygiene mistakes result can result in costly  dental procedures. However, the technological  advancement in the healthcare sector has eased the complex medical treatments  and increased their success rate. In light of this  information, let's take a look at some of the most amazing technologies in the  field of dentistry. Advancement In Dentistry Over The  Years Dentistry has advanced to a significant  amount with the rise in technological improvements for global dental care. The  advancements over the year made it more accessible and streamlined the process of  dentists. Here's how? Implementation  Of Robotics Robot assistance and  implementation have been serving the dentistry for quite a long time. In 2017,  the first robot-assisted dental  surgery was  performed in China. A robot was performing the  surgery under the supervision of a dentist team. In this surgery, the robot has  performed two dental implants in a woman's mouth, which was a great success. The dentists supervised the  entire surgery, but none of them does a single thing. This technology means  great development in the dentistry sector. Role of  Artificial Intelligence AI is a heated topic and has  taken the world by storm. Humans are surrounded by artificial technology. For  instance, Apple's Siri and Amazon's Alexa are best-found examples of artificial  intelligence; they play as virtual assistance and help users in their  day-to-day lives. The effectiveness of artificial intelligence in  dentistry can be understood with this simple example—artificial  intelligence used in diagnosing and reading the dental X-rays and scans. This technology has helped the people who only want a  diagnosis without consuming precious time of dentists. With this diagnosis, you  can detect the problem immediately, and if it has to be checked by the dentist,  you can only go for further treatment. Laser  Treatment For Cavity Using modern technology, the  dentist can easily locate and cure dental cavities. The device used for  detecting cavities is known as 'Explorer.' This instrument pokes around  in your mouth during a checkup, and after poke, it sticks with the tooth to  check the intensity of the cavity and further for decay. Another advanced technology  in this regard is the diode laser, to which millions of dentists  are rapidly switching. It is a higher-tech device or instrument for detecting  tooth decay without wasting time. Use of  CAD/CAM Technology Computer Assisted Design  (CAD) and Computer-Assisted Manufacture (CAM) are state-of-the-art methods for faster  dental care. Using these advanced methods will lessen the visits, and the  treatment will be done in a matter of no time. This technology works perfectly  as the tooth is drilled carefully with the help of a computer screen. The image  gets the right adjustment for the crown and bridges process. Tech-Based  Treatment For Gum Diseases Gum diseases mostly occur because of the bacteria that cause bone destruction and tooth  loss. There are varieties of treatments that dentists use for treating gum  diseases. This treatment helps in reversing the damage caused and helps clean  the roots by applying actions that prevent the bacteria from harming the  teeth.  The technological steps taken to cure this are by  laser membrane, bone grafts, and protein insertion that stimulate tissue growth  that strengthens the tooth to fight against gum diseases. Advanced  Dental Implants In the past, it seems like a  problem, but not anymore. With recent advancements in technology, tooth  replacement and implants have been more common. Advanced dental implants include  processes in which a titanium screw-like implant device is inserted to serve as  a replacement root, contact with the jaw bone, and finally sticking with the  gum line. In the past, implants failed  massively, but now the dental implants are 95% safe, according to the American Academy of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgeons. Comparison In 2000-2020  Methodologies Dental problems have been  exasperating and distressing for long. Although dentistry has been evolved  since the 20th century still the advancements were not satisfying  and solution-oriented.  The new advancements in the  early 21st century have been notable for their extraordinary  capacity. But, as years pass and we have been in the second decade of the 21st  century, modernization has been noticeable and flourished. The uses of AI and  modern instruments have changed the paradigms of dentistry. Conclusion The improvements and advancements in  dentistry are sure to benefit the people in the longer run. Dentists all over  the world are benefiting with modern innovations in the field of dentistry. Author Bio Samantha  Kaylee is presently working as a Dental Assistant. She has a lovely inclination  towards writing, and she often write blogs on oral health topics. She believes  that teeth are meant to be carefully handled, and for that, she provides  write-ups that help people with their tooth problems. Samantha also assists  students at Dissertation  Assistance.

Posted by Object Me

What is Invisalign? Invisalign is the clear alternative to braces. The treatment involves the use of 3D computer imaging technology to create a series of clear aligners, which are changed every two weeks, to gradually move the teeth into a beautiful, healthy smile. Our Invisalign Dentist Melbourne treatment is ideal for patients who want a more incognito teeth-straightening solution. They are often more suited to people with more minor teeth misalignments. Is Invisalign pain-free? The level of pain is dependent on your teeth sensitivity; however, most people experience some pain for the first day or two of each aligner – which is generally changed every two weeks. This is because the new aligners cause the teeth to slowly shift into the correct position, and this can result in discomfort. Although it is important to note that this discomfort is far less than the pain of traditional braces, and the results really are worth it! Are aligners completely invisible? Invisalign aligners are transparent, making them extremely unnoticeable – especially when compared to traditional braces. However, depending on your treatment requirements – you may need some small attachments placed onto your teeth to help with the movement process. Attachments are the same colour as your teeth, although they may be slightly more noticeable. At the completion of Invisalign treatment, any necessary attachments will be removed, leaving you with a flawless smile. As Invisalign is far less noticeable than traditional braces, it is an extremely popular option for Adult Orthodontic Treatment. How long do I have to wear them? Invisalign patients are required to wear their aligners for 22 hours a day to achieve the best teeth straightening results. It is important to remember that while wearing your aligners, you can only drink cold water. They must be removed while eating, drinking alcohol, hot beverages or sugary drinks to avoid damage and staining. We also recommend bringing you Invisalign case and a small toothbrush with you when out and about, so when you eat and drink, you are able to clean your teeth before putting your aligners back in. While this is not essential, it helped to keep your teeth and aligners clean. What are the Invisalign costs? At Gorgeous Smiles, we offer a free first consultation in which we can give you a quote on the cost of your personal Invisalign treatment. As the Invisalign treatment duration and requirements are dependent on the dental needs of each patient. There is no blanket price for treatment. The best way to get an idea of the costs of your treatment is to speak to an Invisalign dentist; who can provide you with a personalised and accurate figure, as well as talk you through our payment plan options. Invisalign Before After Honest Review Visit our Before/ After page to view our lovely patients before and after images. To read our patient’s honest review after Invisalign treatment, please check out our Google review. How long does the treatment take? Like the cost, the treatment duration is dependent on the specific needs of the patient. However, the average treatment time is generally between six months and two years. Contact Us Today If you are interested in our Invisalign Braces Treatment in Melbourne, do not hesitate to contact us for more information. Or to book in a free consultation with our friendly staff. If you had your Invisalign treatment with Gorgeous Smiles, please drop us an honest review of your treatment. Our Melbourne always looking forward to improving and deliver the best dental service to our Melbournian patients.  Visit our Invisalign website to discover everything you need to know or call the Gorgeous Smiles team today on 03 9042 0483. Book your Dental appointment HERE.

How Does Teeth Whitening Work? Through years of experience, Philips has come up with the most effective and the safest solution to help you to achieve the whitest teeth possible. At Gorgeous Smiles, our teeth whitening Melbourne treatments are also designed to ensure that your gums will be protected with a special coverage before the treatment begins. Then the whitening gel is placed on your teeth and left for a moment to work its magic. The Light At Gorgeous Smiles, we also use the Philips Zoom WhiteSpeed Whitening LED Accelerator to accelerate the whitening action of the gel. The Philips ZOOM LED light at our Melbourne Central Business District dental spa will improve the results by 40%. Compared to a non-LED using system, Philips Zoom dental whitening is clinically proven to whiten your teeth by eight shades and also it is so far the safest way of having your teeth whitened. There are several options for your teeth whitening treatment. However, we strongly recommend our customers get their teeth Whitening treatments done at the dentist, as this is the most reliable, time effective and the overall best dental teeth whitening procedure available to our clients. There are several factors to keep in mind when undergoing a teeth whitening procedure at our Melbourne CBD clinic. The need to keep your gums, cheeks, and tongue away from the bleaching material is one. This step is essential in making sure your soft tissue is safe from the teeth whitening material before we start. Home Whitening The second option would be to do the treatment at home. For this, we will make your custom-made trays and give you the material to take home. The teeth whitening material for home kits have to be much weaker so as not to harm your oral health. Our recommendation would be 6% Hydrogen Peroxide. It will whiten your teeth, but you just need to do the treatment for longer (usually two weeks at the time). This is a more cost-effective option if you have the time to spare and are concerned about the Zoom teeth whitening treatment cost. If you are ready to undertake a teeth whitening treatment, view our video of our Principal Dentist, Dr Minoo Ghamari, to view our recommendations for what to do post-treatment to optimise you results and reduce sensitivity.  

Sleep apnea (SA) is a medical disorder related to breathing. The patient unknowingly stops breathing while asleep, and wakes up due to shortness of breath. Breathing gets interrupted hundreds of times, and this not only disturbs sleep but also results in a lack of oxygen for various parts of the body. There are three types of this disorder, complex, central, and obstructive sleep apnea. The OSA or obstructive sleep apnea is the most common type. In this condition, the patient snores loudly, takes a sudden pause in breathing, and wakes up. Such individuals do not realize they were snoring unless informed by their partner about the same. Possible causes Throat muscles offer crucial support to the tongue, the sidewalls, the tonsils, and soft palate. In patients suffering from OSA, the airway narrows as soon as the muscles relax abnormally and reduce the amount of air the patient can breathe. As a result of problems in throat muscles, the body gets a lower amount of oxygen, and the brain signals the individual to wake up from sleep due to the inability to breathe correctly. The awakening is just for a few seconds to reopen the airway, and the patient may not even realize that there was a disturbance in sleep. This can happen as many as thirty times in an hour, impacting the person’s ability to sleep properly. The deviated nasal septum, lower jaw overbite, and enlarged tonsils can also be among the reasons behind this disorder. Central sleep apnea is triggered when the person’s brain fails to send proper signals to muscles that handle breathing. Complex sleep apnea is often reported by patients who suffer from both central and OSA. It is also known as treatment-emergent central sleep apnea.  Individuals suffering from the same find it difficult to stay asleep for longer. Side-effects of the condition If left untreated, this medical condition can trigger other problems like diabetes, heart failure, depression, headaches, stroke, high blood pressure, and worsen ADHD. It can also negatively impact the patient’s ability to perform day to day activities. Most reported symptoms Sore throat or a choking sensation, loud snoring, forgetfulness, and a feeling of sleepiness and tiredness throughout the day are some of the symptoms reported by patients suffering from SA. Diagnosing the condition A sleep medicine physician or an experienced dentist asks questions concerning the patient’s sleep history and symptoms. Along with physical examination, the health care professional may ask the patient to undergo a sleep study, diagnostic polysomnogram, or sleep apnea test to determine if the person is suffering from SA. If required, the physician or dentist may recommend a blood test to check the oxygen level and examine the throat for enlarged tonsils and adenoids. Sleep apnea treatment options There are several treatment options, and the physician recommends the same depending on the patient’s medical history and the severity of the condition. Lifestyle changes, including avoiding sleeping pills, alcohol consumption, quitting smoking, changing sleeping positions, and taking efforts to lose weight, are crucial. CPAP mask-based treatment is one of the most recommended options. The patient needs to sleep with the mask that ensures a constant flow of air to the nose. Dentists may also recommend other oral appliances or devices, including mouthguards and upper airway stimulators, designed to help patients suffering from SA. In severe cases, the expert might suggest the patient to undergo nasal surgery, mandibular maxillomandibular advancement surgery, and somnoplasty. Sleepiness can be handled with medications like solriamfetol (Sunosi). Interesting facts More than 22 million Americans and 3.9 million Brits suffer from this medical condition. Studies point out that the disease affects more men than women. The ration is about 2:1. Obese and overweight persons remain more prone to SA. The medical condition’s severity can be reduced with bariatric surgery and caloric restriction. A study published by the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine has recently highlighted that OSA can cause adverse outcomes in the case of COVID-19 infection. Researchers are carrying out further studies on the link. However, findings do make sense as sleep deprivation has been linked to an increased risk of pneumonia previously. Thus, opting for treatment at the right time has become more crucial. Getting proper sleep is crucial during the current era of coronavirus pandemic. If you and your partner experience symptoms and feel you are suffering from sleep apnea, you can approach your physician or dental office for a checkup. Ignoring the problem or delaying the treatment can worsen the problems with patients during the coming days.

Unfortunately, oral trauma is common in children, especially when babies are learning to move and walk. About 50 percent of kids will get some type of injury to a tooth, many of which are preventable. In most cases, oral injuries are not dangerous, but rarely, a child might develop serious complications. Dental injuries might also have long-lasting effects on the child’s appearance and self-confidence. So, it’s essential for every parent to know what to do for their kid’s dental injury. You can help your child have the best chance of recovering quickly. Keep reading to learn more about children’s oral trauma and first aid for it. What causes oral trauma? Oral trauma in kids includes lip and mouth burns, cuts, teeth injuries (chipped and displaced teeth), scratches, and cuts on the inside of the mouth. It’s essential to assess your kid for more serious injuries. The first thing you should do is to check your child’s head for bleeding and swelling. Continue to check the head for some hours after the accident. If you notice a head injury and breathing problems, go to the emergency room as soon as possible.  First aid for tooth injuries Once you notice a tooth injury in your kid, contact the kids dentist. Tooth displacement can lead to gum inflammation and damage. If your kid’s tooth is knocked out, you should place it in saltwater or milk to keep it moist and go to an emergency dentist as soon as possible. In no case try to push a knocked-out tooth back into a kid’s socket as it can lead to infection or damage to the permanent tooth. First aid for lip and mouth burns If your kid has lip or mouth burns, you should run cool water over the burnt area and provide painkillers if necessary. Afterward, you should apply soft white paraffin or lanolin to your kid’s lips. However, don’t apply ice to a burnt area since this can provoke further damage. Mouth burns can appear if a kid inhales gas or hot steam. This type of burn might be potentially life-threatening since it might cause swelling and prevent the kid from breathing. If you notice that your child is breathing hard, call an emergency dentist. Emergency dental treatment for oral trauma During oral trauma treatment, the dentist will perform a physical exam to evaluate the injury. Depending on the degree and nature of trauma, the dentist might perform the following procedures: A chest x-ray (if the child is suspected to have swallowed a tooth) A 3D x-ray of the mouth called an orthopantomogram (if your kid has a fracture) A dental x-ray (to check other oral structures) If your kid’s injuries indicate they might lead to additional injuries, the dentist might refer them to a primary care doctor. Your kid should also see a primary care doctor if they are having bleeding that doesn’t stop, difficulty breathing, loss of consciousness, nausea, or vomiting. Remember that timely treatment can help your child avoid complications such as scarring, acute infections, excessive bleeding, and damage to the permanent teeth. Mouthguards can help reduce the risk for getting mouth and dental injuries and the incidence of jaw fracture if your child does sports.

Posted by Dentistry

As we all age, the nerves in our teeth shrink typically and even more so if there is an atypical enamel wear issue that can make teeth more vulnerable to additional dental problems. This is not a normal aging process but unfortunately, is a common issue. Improper occlusion (how your teeth come together), any grinding or clenching issue and minor general use combined with certain medications and medical conditions can adversely impact your oral health. Today and don’t delay” is the best time to take ideal care of your teeth, routine care is essential. Prevention is always most comfortable, least costly, and it preserves your teeth! Being able to eat normally with a full set of teeth helps one have the best nutrition for one’s only oral health and overall health. There are many myths regarding dental conditions in older people or in an aging population. For example, many people still think that losing one’s teeth is common when you get older. This is not true. Losing teeth is a disease process. If cared for properly, teeth can and will last a lifetime. How Age Can Affect Teeth: Certain changes in your body may occur gradually over time as you get older: Cells can renew slower than usual. Weaker immune systems can increase the risk of infection. Tissues can become less elastic and thinner. Bones can become weaker and less dense. These changes can impact the bone and tissue in the oral cavity and may lead to future dental problems. Common Oral Problems in Older Adults 1. Dry Mouth A dry mouth is a typical oral health issue in the older adult population. Saliva helps clean and wash away food debris and bring your mouth back to a neutral pH after eating; therefore, your saliva helps protect teeth from decay and damage and keeps gums healthy. However, saliva production can decrease with age, and one of the most common reasons for this is medication use. The results can be anywhere from replacing the decreased flow of saliva by simply drinking more water throughout the day to fully life-altering issues where xerostomia (a condition with no saliva flow) can put one’s teeth in dire risk of rampant decay and tooth loss. Common causes of dry mouth are: Certain medications that can decrease your saliva production Health conditions including stroke, diabetes, and Sjogren syndrome can affect saliva production Cancer treatment may cause dry mouth Dry mouth can increase your risk for: Yeast infection(s) (thrush) Gum disease Tooth decay Difficulty tasting, chewing and swallowing Mouth sores 2. Gum Disease It is estimated at least 75% of the adult population has gum disease. Gum disease is an infection of the gum tissue that holds and protects the teeth. A major reason for this is that gum disease or gingivitis is not painful! If you have ever seen any bleeding (even just a little) with brushing and flossing, that is a visual sign that you have gingivitis. Oral bleeding is NEVER normal. Gingivitis is highly transmissible, and the bacteria that cause gingivitis is unfortunately shared between partners. It has two stages: Gingivitis: It is an early stage of gum disease that can be reversed with good oral hygiene and professional treatment. It is mostly caused by bacteria found in plaque, which irritates the gums and makes them red and more likely to bleed. If not treated, it can lead to periodontitis. Please note, one may have gingivitis, you may not see any bleeding on your own. As your dental care provider, we are readily able to explain all your oral conditions and needs specific for your mouth.   Periodontitis: It is when the bone and supporting structures around teeth have been affected since the gingivitis had not been treated for a period of time. On a dental film or X-ray, bone loss is visualized, and often, the first sign of a problem for a person is that tooth roots are starting to show in the mouth. It is not attractive but still doesn’t hurt until it often is very advanced, and teeth are mobile. Your gums may begin to recede, and if not treated, it can lead to tooth loss. The thing is periodontal problems have a particular odor. Usually, the person affected cannot smell it because the smell is always with them. Sometimes one can feel embarrassed to discuss this issue as well as other specific issues, but we assure you, we are professionals & we provide a number of periodontal treatment options to help you look and feel your very, healthiest best! Factors that can increase your risk for periodontal disease are: Poor oral hygiene- Remember, we are in charge of our own oral care. Poor dental care - Routine dental care will help keep you in excellent overall health. Weak immune system - Eat right, sleep right, and get exercise daily! Smoking and Vaping – Quit tobacco use to protect your oral health. Uncontrolled Diabetes - Eat right and take your medication, follow all directions. Dry mouth - If on medications, ask your medical doctor if there are alternatives. 3. Cavities As one ages, your gums may recede from improper brushing, bite issues or illness, and exposed root surfaces of your teeth, making them more vulnerable to decay and cavities. Also, if one suffers from decreased saliva production, this creates a more acidic environment that is necessary for bacteria to cause decay and attack teeth causing cavitation and holes. People with dry mouth have an increased risk of developing cavities. 4. Oral Cancer The chance of oral cancer increases with risk factors. These are some of the risk factors that can increase your risk for oral cancer: Smoking and tobacco use Drinking Alcohol Poor oral hygiene Taking medication that can weaken your immune system Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection - ask your medical doctor about the vaccination that is available to protect your teen and young adult child. Rubbing soft tissues (on the cheeks and gums) from rough teeth, fillings, or dentures for a long period of time. When you have a sore, consult your dentist for advice and solutions. Tips to Protect Your Teeth and Gums The following tips will help you protect your teeth and gums: Brush twice a day minimum and floss at least daily Using an electric toothbrush Limit the intake of sugary foods and beverages as they can produce an acidic environment in your mouth. Limit the intake of sticky foods as they can contribute to bacterial growth. Avoid (even artificial) sweeteners, as they can increase the risk of diabetes. Eat a well-balanced diet Quit smoking Visit your dentist regularly When to See a Dentist A dental exam is advised at least every six months to help prevent extensive issues. You should schedule an immediate appointment with your dentist as soon as you experience: Tooth pain Mouth sores Poorly-fitting dentures Bad breath Red or swollen gums Loose teeth Dry mouth Red or white patches in the mouth Age-related dental problems are not typical. They are a part of a disease process and can impact your quality of life and cause problems with your speech and self-esteem. Contact us today or schedule an appointment with our dentist in Scottsdale, AZ to diagnose and treat you routinely. Catching problems early is the key to quick and the most economical fixes!

However, these teeth are not always functional and can cause some dental issues in the future. Some dentists recommend removing wisdom teeth to prevent problems, even if the patient is not having common signs. So, let’s review symptoms that are provoked by wisdom teeth and require medical attention: 1. Irritation and pain The growth of wisdom teeth can be accompanied by pain and discomfort. If you started to experience constant dental pain, visit your dentist for an exam and an x-ray. Your doctor will determine whether the pain is caused by wisdom teeth or other issues. If wisdom tooth pain is severe, the dentist might recommend removal. 2. Cavities The position of wisdom teeth might affect cleaning surfaces where bacteria can accumulate. Gum irritation can mean the development of pockets between the teeth which can lead to plaque buildup and eventually infection.   3. Teeth are shifted If the wisdom teeth grow improperly, they can make other teeth move over and even damage them. Wisdom tooth removal can prevent damage and teeth shifting. Experts believe that the improper growth of teeth can be caused by the fact that human jaws are not large enough to accommodate wisdom teeth which can eventually lead to teeth shifting. 4. Impacted wisdom teeth Sometimes, people develop impacted wisdom teeth. Impacted wisdom teeth can provoke jaw pain, bad breath, bleeding and swollen gums, jaw stiffness, and even difficulty opening your mouth.  5. Gum inflammation The growth of wisdom teeth can cause inflammation of gum tissue around the teeth. This is called pericoronitis. The signs of acute pericoronitis include pain when swallowing, bad breath, severe pain near your back teeth, gum swelling, and the discharge of pus. 6. Difficulty eating Having discomfort and pain when eating can be due to the growth of wisdom teeth. This can contribute to many issues, especially if you can’t brush properly the back of the mouth. Talk to your dentist about care products to fix this issue. However, you might also need tooth extraction. 7. Sinus problems Sinus problems can arise when wisdom teeth grow in on the upper jaw. That’s because these teeth can push and rub against the sinuses and put pressure on them. Although this issue is uncommon, the growth of upper wisdom teeth can contribute to sinus, pressure, pain, congestions, and headaches. 8. Dental cyst The wisdom teeth develop in sacs within the jawbone. However, sometimes, the sac can fill with fluid, this is called a cyst. If left untreated, a cyst can damage teeth, nerves, roots, and the jawbone. If a cyst is severe and untreated, it can develop into a cancerous tumor.  9. Incorrect growth Sometimes, when wisdom teeth develop, they can take up too much space in your mouth. Wisdom teeth can’t be straightened out with braces or any other procedures. The only solution is wisdom tooth extraction. Your dentist can decide which teeth might need to be extracted. They might recommend removing all of them or only a few. Before you develop wisdom teeth, you have 28 teeth in your mouth and after these teeth grow in, there are 32 teeth. However, there might not be enough place in everyone’s mouths to fit these extra teeth which can contribute to discomfort and pain.

Posted by Dentistry

If you are interested in purchasing a new dental practice or selling off your existing one, you will perform a valuation. There are numerous ways to carry this out. However, this can make the process confusing for people who are new to dental practice management. This guide will go through the different methods so that you can determine which valuation approach is right for you. Let’s start by looking at the importance of valuation. Why you need to perform a valuation for your dental practice A valuation can provide you with an accurate assessment of how much your dental practice is worth. This figure will then be used during negotiations between the buyer and seller. On the buyer’s end, understanding the value of the dental practice you are about to purchase informs you whether or not the deal is within your budget. It also lets you know whether or not you are making a good investment. On the seller’s end, understanding the practice’s value can help with financial planning for the future. If you know how much your operation is worth, you can start planning for your retirement and other future investments you wish to make. Valuation methods There are plenty of valuation methods to choose from when assessing how much your dental practice is worth. Each method offers its advantages and drawbacks when coming up with an accurate value estimate. The most popular methods are discussed below. Using capitalized earnings You can perform an income-based valuation method by reviewing your capitalized earning. To use this method, dentists will need to calculate the average net income their practice generates. This can be derived using post-tax earnings from the last year, or by taking an average of earnings from multiple years. Your net income is calculated by taking your average annual net receipts and deducting operating costs, collections, and compensation costs from them. The resulting figure is then divided by the cap rate. This cap rate is usually 20% to 30% (i.e: 0.2 to 0.3) in the dental industry. So if your net income is $150,000, at a cap rate of 25% your practice’s value will be 150,000/0.25 = $600,000. Discounted cash flows method This is another income-based valuation method. The discounted cash flows method projects the next ten years of your net income and uses it to calculate the net value of the income in the present. This cash flow projection is based on a realistic growth rate for operation costs and collections for each year. Once the incomes have been calculated, they are discounted by the price estimate for the capital and the risk premium (around 25% to 31% in the dental industry). This method is useful for dental practices that have been around for a while and are able to demonstrate their growth for many years. Net asset value method You can also assess the value of your practice by looking at appraised value of its tangible and intangible assets. In this case, your tangible assets refer to dental equipment and the building itself. The value of these assets should take depreciation into account. You will also need to estimate the value of your intangible assets such as the practice’s name and reputation. This can be tricky to do, as the share of tangible to intangible assets will rely on multiple factors, such as demand, location, and patients. This method could be useful for dentists with high value real estate, but it should never be used in isolation. Pairing it with another valuation method could give you a clearer estimate. Market based valuation method This method can help you analyze collection trends quickly. Start by calculating a percentage of the average annual net receipts over the last three years. This can be done using seller market data for other dental clinics in the area. You should find that your percentage ranges between 50% and 80% of your average annual net receipts. So a practice with annual net receipts of $800,000 would have a value between $400,000 and $640,000 However, this method may not be suitable for everyone, as finding sales data for similar dental practices can be difficult. How can I estimate the “true” value of my practice? The aforementioned methods can give you a rough estimate of your practice’s value, but they are unlikely to give you its true value. This is because this figure is usually composed of risk and net income. If your practice has a higher risk, buyers are less likely to be interested in it. By looking at the aforementioned valuation methods, you can see that the value of a practice is usually determined by looking at a minimum of three years profit/loss statements and tax returns. However, the most important determining factor will be your cash flow for the previous year. If you are still unsure about coming up with an estimate for your practice, you can use the help of a dental practice consulting firm. The consultants at these firms have experience performing valuations and can guide you through the challenges associated with this process. What are some ways to increase my practice’s value? There isn’t much you can do to increase your practice’s value at the last minute. However, if you intend to sell it within the next two or three years, there are a few things that could boost its value. This includes:   Investing in modern dental equipment. Swapping out the existing furnishings for better ones. Maintaining the floors, walls, and roofing of your building. It’s best to try these methods as soon as possible, as they may improve your return on investment when you finally do decide to sell your practice. So get in touch with a dental practice consulting firm and learn if your practice is actually worth as much as you think it is.

Posted by Linda Clinic