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  Orthodontic treatment by My La Mirada Dentist can improve the condition of the patient’s dental hygiene, reduce the wear and tear of teeth and in the process can improve one’s bite and chewing capability. Braces have been a remarkable concept for corrective therapy of misaligned teeth. But whether one is considering the use of traditional braces or alternative to braces that are now available too, one must consult an orthodontist first. An orthodontist has the expert’s knowledge, training and the experience to offer the kind of braces that would suit the patient’s need best. There are ceramic braces which are greatly popular among older teens and adults who are looking for a less blatant appearance in front of the corrective therapy they are undergoing. Ceramic braces are one of the most effective solutions for straightening of teeth available. But they can be slightly more expensive than their metallic counterparts and are also prone to staining. Then there are lingual braces which are custom made braces fitted onto inside of the teeth instead of the front. However, as because they are located close to the tongue they can, at times, impact speech and eating. The patient might require some time to get used to them. Although invisible to anyone, due to a difficult process of application and an added difficulty of adjustment, these are significantly more expensive options. Another option is clear aligners which go by the name of Invisalign. They are custom made 3D printed invisible aligners that suit the requirement of individual patients without being visible and without the discomfort of the lingual braces. Since they are custom made, they require high level of expertise to design to suit the needs of the patient and hence are moderately costly. They are not suitable for complex dental problems, but are suggested by orthodontists after the conclusion of the orthodontic treatment. These devices maintain the results the patient wants when the teeth have settled down and stopped moving. The damon braces are currently having their time in the sun as they are enjoying a wave of popularity among orthodontists and patients alike. These particular kinds of braces are self-ligating and use slide mechanism instead of elastics to connect the arch wires. Children with the problem of difficult overbites are generally suggested forus appliances. There is a kind of spring worn inside the cheeks and attached to the braces in order to align the jaws. Few people are lucky to have the perfect set of pearly whites. For the rest, orthodontic treatment and the use of the kind of braces that would suit their need are prescribed by leading orthodontic specialists.

  A dentist is a doctor whose area of expertise includes the jaw, teeth, gums, mouth and nerves associated with it and its affordable in orange county. Orthodontists are a more specialized section of dentists who work in a specific field. Their area of work includes straightening of teeth or treatment that is corrective in nature. So in a way, it can be said that all orthodontists are dentists but all dentists are not orthodontists. Orthodontists are experts in the diagnosing of overcrowded mouths, teeth and jaws that are misaligned, occlusions and overbites. These conditions if left untreated grow worse over time and become extremely painful for a patient. The most important function of an orthodontist is to recognize and rectify issues related to teeth and mouth. The gap between the teeth, also known in medical terminology as diastema, grows larger over time. Owing to the functions of our mouth, it needs a tight structure to function well, misalignment causes it to suffer. An orthodontist has several appliances to treat these disorders. Braces are the most traditional of these appliances and perhaps the most famous. If the patient is skeptical about braces an invisible aligner known as Invisalign is suggested by orthodontists. By design it is invisible from a distance. In extreme cases, the orthodontist treats his/her patient with a palate expander. Its function is to widen the upper jaw, giving the area more space. Headgear is another slightly more dramatic possibility for correcting misaligned teeth. An orthodontist must finish medical school first, which is generally a four to five year curriculum. Then the specialization over this discipline of dentistry takes another two years. In this phase an orthodontist takes an extensive university-based study of all the existent cases which graduates them to being a clinician. Many of them start practicing their trade from this point on, but some go for further specialization. So it is safe to say that orthodontists are dentists with double the training specifically in the area of corrective therapy. This kind of treatment is moderately costly. But there are certain things that an orthodontists will not disclose unless asked and one must be pragmatic about these factors. First among them is that the braces being fitted may have been previously used by someone else. The duration of the treatment can last longer than the orthodontist estimates it to be. And last but not the least, the fee that an orthodontist charges is certainly negotiable to a limit.

The following are some procedures and medications often used in dental care that you may encounter while pregnant, as well as information on their safety: X-Rays Generally, x-rays are not recommended for pregnant women. But if you absolutely must get one, the risk to your unborn baby is pretty small. Your uterus will be shielded by a special lead apron which will block most of the radiation. So if you’re pregnant and develop a serious dental condition which calls for an x-ray, you shouldn’t worry about any harm being done to your unborn baby. Fillings There is no connection between receiving amalgam fillings during your pregnancy and low birth weight, according to the American Dental Association (ADA). Although this remains a controversial topic with many people still remain unconvinced that mercury amalgam fillings are safe. Tooth Extraction and Root Canals Although tooth extractions and root canals aren’t recommended recommended during a pregnancy, they can still be performed in a safe manner. Just make sure you notify your dentist that your pregnant and use local anesthetic if possible. Anesthetics Pregnant women should only use local anesthetics like novocaine or lidocaine. Intravenous or inhaled products should be avoided. The use of epinephrine should also be avoided, which is commonly added to local anesthetics to prolong their effect. It’s use on pregnant women increases risk of minor birth defects. Pain Medications Pregnant women should avoid non-steroidal pain medications like ibuprofen (Advil, Aleve) and aspirin. You can however use acetaminophen (Tylenol) which is considered safe. Stronger medications for pain such as Percodan or codeine can be used, but you should limit their use to less then a few weeks. Keep in mind that your fetus will be less active when taking those pain medications. Antibiotics If you get an infection, you may be prescribed an antibiotic by your dentist. Antibiotics from the cephalosporin and penicillin families are safe to take, unless you are allergic to them. Metronidazole and Erythromycin are also considered safe to take. However, tetracycline can affect the bones and teeth of the fetus and thus should be avoided. Fluoride There is some conflicting evidence about taking fluoride supplements during your pregnancy to reduce the amount of cavities your child will develop later in life. It’s also not know if supplemental fluoride poses risk to the fetus. There are small levels of fluoride in the city water supplies, which is probably sufficient for the prevention of cavities in your baby. Final Thoughts The bottom line, the healthier you are during your pregnancy in dental care, the healthier you baby will be born. Try to avoid cosmetic or unnecessary procedures, but do not avoid seeing the dentist. Take care of any dental problems you may have, hopefully before getting pregnant. If you are seeing a dentist when already pregnant, make sure your dentist knows about your pregnancy. Check with your obstetrician if you have any questions regarding the safety of any medications or procedures. 

Posted by Dentistry

We hear it all the time when someone says that technology is always improving and is always changing. And not many people may be aware, but dental technology is one of the types of technologies that improve at a quick rate. You could literally hold off on seeing your dentist for an entire year and when you do decide to drop by a year later, you’re bound to see a plethora of new tech in the office. Don’t believe me? Ask this Watford dentist. To me, it’s amazing to find that a field that takes years to successfully perform a procedure is able to come up with innovations on a regular and yearly basis. And it’s also understandable why there’s an apparent need for new technology — these procedures take too long as it is. Dental braces take at least a year to show any results and not only that, but after your teeth are aligned you need to wear retainers to prevent your teeth from reverting to their former alignment (or rather, misalignment). So, is this the year that dental procedures are going to be much quicker? You’ll have to see the new tech to be able to determine whether what the answer is. So, to start off: What Technologies have Greatly Improved? Bond Material These are the adhesives that dentists use to attach objects to each other. A common use of bond material is during the installation of dental braces, where brackets have to be attached to your teeth. Modern dental adhesives are able to stick for longer periods of time. Fillings As the name suggests, fillings are used to fill up spaces in tooth cavities. This is to help prevent infection, as well as to hide the cavities. New iterations of fillers come in more shades than before, thus making it easier for the fillings to blend in with the rest of your teeth. Cavity Detection Via Lasers Cavity detection isn’t something new. It’s a common process in almost every dental procedure. However, because of modern innovations, dentists no longer have to poke around in your mouth with that dreaded explorer tool — it’s sharp, cold, and the sensation of metal grinding against teeth makes for a very unpleasant experience. Laser cavity detection not only eliminates the need for the invasive assessment, but it also detects cavities at a quicker rate. The Integration of CAD Technology Computer-Aided Design (CAD) is more commonly used in architectural design. CAD software is used to create two-dimensional and even three-dimensional designs. In the past, after dentists take a mold of your teeth, they have to build a temporary replacement for your tooth. And while this happens, the lab has to create a new permanent replacement from scratch. Now, with the integration of CAD technology, dentists simply have to take a picture of your teeth and feed the data to the computer, which will then relay the designs to a machine that can create your permanent crown without the arduous task of molding and sculpting by hand. Digital X-Rays X-rays are dangerous and expensive to use. This technology works by passing a beam through the area that we intend to diagnose and the image is printed onto a metal sheet. Different body components react differently to X-rays. For example, skin and soft organs do not absorb the energy, thus the beam simply passes through them. Denser parts such as bones and teeth, on the other hand, absorb the rays and that is what produces the image. Now, digital X-rays are much more convenient to use because the data is no longer printed onto a metal sheet, but rather, it’s stored directly to a computer. Results can be viewed in mere seconds compared to when the metal sheets still had to be processed like film photography. Not only that, but the radiation levels found in newer X-ray machines are significantly lower than that in older iterations. So not only is the process quicker, but it’s also a lot safer. Conclusion The best part is that all this technology is still being improved in one way or another. There is an inborn thirst that lives in the human species, and that thirst is the pursuit of greater knowledge. Technology has always been our strongest asset and it will only keep getting better. The thought of being able to create something that can help make the world a better place is one of the most beautiful, yet unsung hymns of our existence. Lora Young was born in January 1992. Today, she is a digital marketer who has several years of experience in working with non-profit organizations. She has extensive knowledge in the fields of Education, Computer Science, and Psychology. When she isn’t helping build brands, she practices Muay Thai and run marathons. BIO: Lora Young was born in January 1992. Today, she is a digital marketer who has several years of experience in working with non-profit organizations. She has extensive knowledge in the fields of Education, Computer Science, and Psychology. When she isn’t helping build brands, she practices Muay Thai and run marathons.

Posted by Dental Magic Ltd

"Integrated Medical Center of Corona (IMCC) has made the City of Corona its home for more than 63 years. Though the name of the practice has changed in that time, the care has not. In our 6 decades of providing care, we have helped thousands of people in the community with recovery, relief from chronic pain and long term health. Our philosophy is to treat patients how we would like to be treated, therefore, we treat our patients as family. It is that simple. As a part of IMCC you become family to us and we look forward to hearing the stories of how much better our patients feel after letting us help them with their health issues. When you come into IMCC, you we treat you with gentle guidance and respect to make sure that your path to wellness is the right one for you! IMCC is a wellness center that combines both Western Medicine and alternative therapies to develop the best holistic individualized treatment plans for patients. If you are looking for an integrated approach to your health, take a look at IMCC, we offer a wide variety of doctors and medical providers, to get your health back on track and keep it there. IMCC offers a highly trained team of doctors and staff who are committed to providing our patients with the most advanced diagnostics and treatment options available. The treatment programs offered at Integrated Medical Center blend the most current technologies available into a seamless program that addresses the cause of your specific health concerns and needs. Integrated Medical Center’s goal is to make sure your treatment programs are holistic and all inclusive, so we have many disciplines to serve you. Our health care divisions include physical medicine, chiropractic, Regenerative Medicine (Stem Cell Therapy), orthopedic spine surgeons, medical weight loss, acupuncture, therapeutic massage, spinal decompression, laser therapy and other aspects of wellness care."

Although this connection is clear, there are many women who get dental issues during or after their pregnancy. This can be problematic since medications and x-rays involved in dental treatments are contraindicated during pregnancy. It’s important to know what is allowed before pregnancy, during and what needs to wait until after pregnancy. Before Pregnancy If you are planning on getting pregnant, it’s recommended to see a dentist beforehand for a check-up and cleaning. Although this won’t guarantee that you won’t have dental problems during pregnancy, it’s a good way to make sure you start your pregnancy without any dental issues.  For example, if your dentist tells you that you need a wisdom tooth removed or a root canal, than it’s much better to get this fixed before you get pregnant. Both of those procedures involve the use of anesthetics and x-rays, which aren’t recommended while your pregnant. During Pregnancy During pregnancy, your chances of getting sensitive gums or dental infections is increased. If you decide to see your dentist during this time, make sure you tell him your pregnant. Even though most dental procedures can be done safely during your pregnancy, it’s still important for your dentist to know your situation. Also tell him any medications you might be taking and the stage of your pregnancy. Besides pain and discomfort from dental problems, there’s a big concern about the relationship between premature birth and gum disease. Studies have shown a link between the two issues, which is why proper oral hygiene is really important for expectant mothers. After Pregnancy Many women might go through their whole life and pregnancy without dental problems, but may find that after giving birth, that they start to have problems in their mouth. If after giving birth, you start to feel any pain or discomfort in your mouth, see your dentist right away. It’s common for pregnancy to set off tooth decay or swelling of your gums. But don’t worry, since your no longer pregnant, your dentist will be able to easily treat your condition. Dr. Pedram Bral from Manhattan Women's Health & Wellness in New York, recommends that if you have any questions about undergoing specific dental procedures while pregnant, make sure to consult with your dentist and your OBGYN first.

Posted by Dentistry

A smile is a magical spell that works wonders. It is a real charmer that lifts a somber spirit. A simple cheer that boosts confidence a long way, even at disappointing times. It is a contagion that spreads good vibes from one person to another. An expression that can melt a man of steel. Whatever form it takes, a smile has a magnetic force that pulls everyone to the side of happiness. The beauty of a smile is an inside job — it means to say because of the teeth. A healthy set of teeth radiates self-esteem while a bad one can be a source of doubt or self-consciousness. Speaking of health, it is more than just beaming pearly whites. Apart from a captivating smile and cosmetic advantages, good teeth also mean strong gums, a better bite and responsible oral hygiene. It is never too late to take big leaps in taking care of your teeth. You may regret eating most of the candies after Hallowe’en, or miserably remember skipping all your appointments to the dentists. But still, all is not lost. There is so much you can do to keep every tooth healthy or to restore your smile to its prime. Here’s a prescription for your beautiful and — more importantly — healthier teeth regimen. Discoloration The inner health of your teeth becomes the outer health of your mouth. A discolored tooth can mean bad stuff you’ve already invested in — smoking, cola, coffee, or simply poor oral hygiene. You need to instill a culture of discipline to shy away from yellow or discolored teeth. Regularly brush and floss your teeth after every meal, and rinse your mouth after you take soda, coffee, wine or other fluids that stain your teeth. Professional cleaning is also available in a clinic, and whitening toothpaste can be purchased at stores. Crookedness Holding back a smile is at times caused by misaligned teeth, which can also prevent communication. Crookedness does not necessarily mean all teeth — most people have at least one tooth that is out of alignment. Then again, having straight teeth is not about producing a perfect smile. It’s more of a health and sometimes social concern, rather than an aesthetic one.  Crookedness is like a Pandora’s box that opens abundant complications. For one, it makes chewing difficult to do. On top of that, it engenders poor dental health. Since teeth are out alignment, it does not make brushing as effective as it should be. In turn, cavities are stuck in between teeth, which will lead to decay and gum issues. The best response to wayward teeth is braces. These defensive fences are customized to treat your specific problem, even the most severe cases. They hold fast to your teeth for years to fully straighten them. Options as to the type of braces are now made available, depending on your concerns and your orthodontist’s recommendations. This has relieved many patients who are avoiding metal braces. A more palatable alternative is Invisalign — clear, invisible, plastic braces that can be removed during tooth care. Professionals like Invisalign Perth have relied on the straightening technology and convenience that these clear braces provide. Gaps A picture of a missing tooth can be the butt of jokes, but it’s not really funny for those with gaps.  And although having a missing tooth doesn’t seem to be a serious concern, it may lead to chewing and speaking problems later on.  Gaps can be addressed by a number of options. Dentures are the most popular — they are removable and mimic a full set of teeth. Another option is a bridge which is attached to adjacent teeth on both sides of the missing tooth. There is also dental implants, a long-term solution which replaces the root of the missing tooth. It acts akin to a natural tooth when smiling, eating or doing dental hygiene. Our childhood is a time too often spent missing some of our teeth, putting them under our pillows in utter belief that the Tooth Fairy will replace them with a dime while we dream of our own fairytales. Soon, we discern that a bad or missing tooth is a Bogeyman lurking in the darkest roots of our mouth,  a nightmare that — if we do not confront it — will haunt us for the rest of our dental lives.    

Posted by Dental Magic Ltd

Change is constant and that’s why we are always confronted with a new piece of tech that could disrupt this or that industry. Without a doubt, there will always be room for innovation, just as long as there’s a demand for faster and more efficient apps and tools. In the field of dental science, tech is an important consideration in keeping treatment procedures shorter, and keeping costs lower for patients. To know about these development is one way for dentists to secure a competitive advantage in an oversaturated industry. For this reason alone, practitioners in the field of oral health need to know about these developments and adopt them in practice. Here are the trends you need to know as a dentist. Appointment management systems Dental clinics usually have issues with tracking their appointments. As they handle different cases, it’s easy for them to get lost. Sometimes, errors happen and these can affect the schedules for other patients Fortunately, there are several web and mobile apps that dentists can use to keep track of their schedules. As the mobile app market continues to expand, it will not come as a surprise to see appointment management tools become more accessible to dental practitioners. Records management software Aside from appointments, dentists will also need to document and store a large of volume of their patients’ data. Using web applications and tools, they are able to create effective databases that are easy to navigate and readily accessible. Future developments of patient databases will also see a shift towards a wider adoption of cloud computing services. These services provide effective data backup as well as improved security. Increase in prosthodontic services Prosthodontics refers to a set of processes dealing with tooth loss and its impact to oral health. For a lot of people, prosthodontics would cover dentures and other treatments involving the replacement or rehabilitation of teeth. The practice is gaining even more prominence even though it’s not a new concept in dental science to begin with. Sure enough, there exist auxiliary services that cater to denture repair and maintenance. This would increase convenience for the elderly who need access to repair services for their dentures. For more about prosthodontics and the procedures being used, check out this website. Patient communication As a dentist, you need to make sure your patient is having the best experience throughout the duration of a treatment plan. It’s important to keep tabs on whether or not the patient is taking his or her meds as advised. In this sense, patient communication channels and apps have made it possible for dentists to keep in touch and ensure the optimum benefits of the treatment. New approaches in sedation Anaesthetics is an important part in any dental procedure — dentists are always looks for better ways to minimize the sensation of pain in smaller and younger patients. One important development in this field is oral sedation. This is used to make patients feel relaxed and numb throughout a procedure. Unlike traditional anaesthetic approaches, oral sedation is not administered through needles, which makes it a better option for children as well as first-timers.  

Posted by Dental Magic Ltd

On the contrary, a huge percentage of cosmetic procedures done is not because people want to become more beautiful. There are other motivations behind them such as to improve function and to prevent health risks. Such is the case with cosmetic dental work. A lot of folks seek cosmetic dentistry treatments for reasons other than “I want to reach the common standards of a beautiful appearance.” A cosmetic dentist in Fort Lauderdale has listed the five “non-vanity” reasons for cosmetic dentistry procedures. 1. Accidents Unfortunate situations such as accidents can alter the appearance and function of original teeth. For example, contact athletes can chip or break a tooth. A chipped tooth can be quite sharp and can make a person more prone to mouth injuries, not to mention unsightly as well. The application of dental veneers can reduce such risks, and restore the look of natural teeth. Dental crowns, Fort Lauderdale dentists say, provide the same benefit. 2. Work requirements For example, in the service industry, flight attendants are required to have a perfect set of teeth – meaning no cavities and crooked teeth. Candidate self-presentation should be impressive. Therefore, those who want to become flight attendants look to everything from orthodontic braces, to porcelain veneers, to professional teeth whitening treatments to achieve a flawless smile. 3. Career boost Several studies show that a pretty smile is always an advantage in searching for employment, particularly when vying for certain job positions. A perfect set of teeth is equated with a confident and friendlier persona. Additionally, some surveys reveal that people who smile a lot and have straight, pearly white teeth, and do not have bad breath are seen as successful in life. Or, they are perceived to have a better ability to do well in any job. Suffice it to say, if you want to become more competitive in the job hunting arena, having great-looking teeth is critical to the success you want to achieve. 4. Issues with natural teeth It is not uncommon for dental woes to arise due to the natural make-up of teeth. Some people are just born with weak and brittle teeth. Meanwhile, others have teeth that just grew having an odd shape or size. Cosmetic dental procedures are some of the best solutions to the functional issues that natural or original teeth come with. For instance, the application of dental veneers on weak teeth can actually strengthen them. On the other hand, when used to correct shape and size, veneers can actually prevent gum recession and the easy formation of cavities. It’s practically the same thing with dental crowns, which can protect the look, function, and structural integrity of weak teeth at the back of the mouth. 5. Effects of certain lifestyle mistakes Smoking and other unhealthy habits are some lifestyle components that can result in damaged teeth. Most people struggle to kick these bad habits, and when they finally do, their overall health has already been compromised. Chain smokers, in particular, usually have stained and weakened teeth that regular dentistry can no longer fix. Thus, expert cosmetic dentistry may be required. The fixes can be anything from a quick application of dental veneers to extensive oral restoration with dental implants because the original teeth are already damaged beyond repair. So, it’s all about dental health It may seem like cosmetic dentistry has always been used for the improvement of people’s appearance. But when you think deeply about it, and find out about other people’s real motivations, tooth restoration is not just about wanting to look beautiful in the eyes of others. It is also about restoring dental health, and preserving the original, pleasant, and respectable appearance of a person so he or she can lead a better quality life. See? Cosmetic dentistry may seem intended for vanity but it is actually a wonderful solution to other health and life quality issues.  

Pregnancy Gingivitis A condition called pregnancy gingivitis, affects about 50% of pregnant women. Gingivitis, which is caused by frequent snacking of sugary foods, can cause bleeding, swelling, tenderness and redness of the gums. Most pregnant women eat smaller portions but more frequently throughout the day without brushing their teeth after each snack. Which increases the plaque and bacteria on their teeth. Best way to avoid pregnancy gingivitis, is to brush your teeth after each time you eat and floss at least once a day. Leaving gingivitis untreated, can cause it to develop into periodontal disease, which is a more serious gum infection. Periodontal disease destroys the supporting bone and attachment fibers that hold your teeth in their place. It has also been linked to low birth weight babies and preterm labor. Certain oral bacteria contain prostaglandin, which is a hormone that's known to cause labor. Pregnancy Tumors Another condition face by many pregnant women is oral tumors. They often appear as raw, painful lumps on the gums usually in the second trimester. They aren’t cancerous, but can indicate a serious oral condition that is usually caused by plaque. In most cases, the tumors go away after giving birth, but if they remain, you can get them surgically removed. It’s highly recommended to have a dental exam and any required procedures performed before your pregnancy. Once you are pregnant, you should continue getting regular cleanings from your dentist. Just make sure you avoid dental treatments like x-rays, bonding, and whitening. Before undergoing any dental treatment, check with your obstetrician, and make sure you inform your dentist that you’re pregnant when you visit him.  

Posted by Dentistry