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Sometimes, we can end up losing our teeth, this could be due to trauma, disease or extreme tooth decay. Often is the case, when you would get a root canal, and it turns out that the tooth falls off, as the root canal surgery has failed. Other times, you may have to have your teeth extracted because the root canal cannot be performed to save the tooth. In the past, people had to opt for dentures which often feel unnatural in the mouth. Today, that is no longer the case because we have dental implants. Whether you are old or young, a tooth implant can be a great way to restore your smile, and your ability to enjoy hard foods. Also, you don’t have to worry about removing them like dentures, as they are a permanent fixture in your mouth that feels like your real teeth.  Accordingly, if you are considering getting dental implants this Christmas, then this article is for you – so you should carefully read and understand the content of this article to help you become more informed about the procedure and everything else that you need to know about dental implants. Accordingly, there are a set of questions you should ask your dentist before getting dental implants. Certainly, asking the right set of questions are important, because you should always know what is involved in your dental implant surgery. So, here are those all-important questions you should ask your dentist. Do I Have Enough Bone to Support a Dental Implant? Often, patients may skip a bone graph, this is a cost saving option that patients may opt for, but it is not recommended that you skip a bone graph. If you don’t have enough bone density, then it is useless for you to get an implant. Therefore, make sure your dentist is honest with you when it comes to assessing the bone density for the implant.   Do I Have Enough Attached Gingiva? You see, there are two types of Gingiva. There is the attached gingiva that surrounds your teeth. Then there is the mucosa type that is below the attached gingiva, it is usually redder in color compared to the latter. Mucosa gingiva is hard to clean and can become inflamed. So, asking this question is imperative, as it can save you a lot of trouble and heartache with your dental implants. Will my Surgery Be Guided or Freehanded? Modern technology has enabled some dentist to do computer guided surgery. This type of surgery is also known as CGI surgery. CGI surgery enables the dentist to see exactly where the implant will go, and how it will look. However, CGI surgery can be more expensive compared to traditional means, so if money is no object, and perfection is important for you, then CGI surgery is the way to go for your dental implant surgery. The reason for the higher cost is that your dentist will have to take additional steps that come with computer guided surgery.   Conclusion: Now that you know what to ask you’re your dentist when you go in for a Dental Implants in Orleans, you will be a lot more confident going in for the surgery.

There is now a better way to do what you love. Damage Control Mouthguards finds it is most successful when they find innovative oral solutions, and share it with others.  When they do this they know they make difference in the lives of their customers. Damage Control Mouthguards has recently released a new oral protective product called Vertical Force Protection™.  “There are millions of athletes that clinch and grind their teeth while they exercise”, says dentist Vesna Delic, “the side-effects can be damaging to an individuals oral health.” Dental issues that can arise  from grinding your teeth while your exercise are numerous, like chiseled down teeth, gum recession, periodontal disease, chipped teeth, tooth misalignment, and damage done to previous dental work. Clenching and grinding while you exercise can also cause headaches, tooth sensitivity, neck, jaw and TMJ pain.  Most people grind their teeth unconsciously, and clenching is a natural reflex when you exert your body during physical exercise.  “Our Vertical Force Protection™ device isnot a mouth guard” says founder Delano Romero, “unlike a mouth guard this device is invisible, low profile, and has minimal interference with breathing, talking and hydrating”.  Damage Control Mouthguards has introduced this new deviceto their line of products this month.  Damage Control Mouthguards sells their VFP™ devices through their network of dentists, or they can be purchased directly from the company’s website.  “It’s a pretty easy process”, says Romero, “you purchase the VFP™ device from our online store, we send you a self impression kit system, you send your self impression back to us, we pay for the shipping, and then we will have your VFP™ fabricated and returned to you in a matter of days.”  Damage Control will also digitally scan your impression, so you will not have to worry about taking another impression.  “We now do digital scanning and 3D printing,” says Romero, “so once you send us back your impression of your teeth we will scan it and keep your teeth records on file for future orders.” Vertical Force Protection™ is formen and women who do active lifestyle sports like biking, running, weight lifting, skiing, snowboarding etc.  Also this device can be used by people who grind and clench their teeth when they sleep at night.  “We now offer oral protective solutions to a new category of athletes and exercise enthusiasts”, says Romero, “before we released the VFP™ device, the only thing we had to offer were mouth guards, which were too much coverage for the type of protection needed by these types of athletes.  The VFP™ is designed to cover only the essential areas needed for people who clench and grind while they exercise”   These VFP™ devices are currently sold for $125 for VFP-3mm, and $145 for VFP-4mm, or both can be purchased in a duo set for $195.  Damage Control strives to be the leader in oral protective technologies by offering innovative solutions to help athletes across the world to play harder and live better lives.  

Very few people keep up with the recommended visits and as a matter of fact people wait until the circumstances force them to visit their dentists. What many people do not understand is the fact that the longer you stay without visiting a dentist, the huge the amount that you pay for the one-time visit. One of the major reasons that you need to regularly visit your dentist, is the fact that it will reduce the risk of getting infected with the teeth-related illness such as tooth decay, gum bleeding, cavities or better still oral cancer. It is very vital to deal with these problems as not only will you save on your health, but you will also save greatly on the amount spent during the visits. This is the case because of the earlier the disease detection, the easier it is to treat. For instance, if gum disease is left untreated, it may in the long run result to extensive and expensive treatment. Regular dental visits will help in removing tartar which is usually a hardened plaque. It is not enough to brush and floss regularly as it does not prevent tartar from building up. Visiting one of the best Plano Texas dentists for a regular cleaning and you will end up saving the money that you would end up filling the damage after it has occurred. The bacteria that come as a result of periodontal disease can enter your bloodstream which might then attach to the heart’s blood vessels thus causing blood clots which may be quite dangerous. The plaque buildup, caused by periodontal diseases, can cause the swelling of the heart’s blood vessels. The minimum time that is recommended to visit a dentist is once a year and you should ensure that your time frame does not exceed that. The ideal time for dental visits is six months. It would be an added advantage if you have dental insurance as it covers twice a year visits thus you can always go for regular cleaning and check-up. Scheduling dental visits is a habit that needs to be prioritized thus reducing health risks which may result to greater pain and more money usage. Having covered the above benefits of scheduling dental visits, it is important to pay regular visits to your dentist so as to get to understand how to get and maintain the best oral health. Oral health is important in ensuring that your overall body health is at its optimum level.

Do you have missing teeth? You are not alone. American Dental Association/ ADA says every 20 to 64 years old American, has at least three teeth missing on an average. The good news is, your dentist can replace your missing teeth with the help of a bridge. As the name suggests a dental bridge bridges the gap between two teeth with artificial teeth. Bridge is also known as a fixed partial denture. Unlike removable partial dentures, a bridge is a permanent partial denture which is attached to the adjacent teeth. The adjacent teeth act as anchors and are known as abutments. The artificial teeth, which are replacing the lost ones are known as pontics. A bridge can be made of porcelain or gold or alloys or can even be a combination of different materials. Bridge helps you: Speak well: Teeth have an important role to play in your speech. Your tongue and teeth also decide how you sound. Have you noticed how an edentulous/ teeth less person speaks? Look good: Your teeth and jaw bones support your cheeks. Missing teeth also makes sure there is more bone loss. Thus, they change the way your face looks. Eat what you like: Missing teeth put a lot of restriction on your diet. You can overcome this with a bridge. Chew well: Due to missing teeth, chewing forces are not equally distributed. You may be chewing only one side when your posterior teeth on the other side are missing. This gradually leads to pain on the functioning side. Prevent further bone loss: If you don’t replace your missing teeth in a couple of months, from the time of tooth removal, bone loss exceeds. When there are multiple teeth missing, over a period of time, there may be a huge bone loss (alveolar bone loss) to the extent that it may not allow you to replace other missing teeth as well! This is why some senior citizens cannot have complete dentures. They want to replace teeth after they lose all their teeth, but alveolar bone loss by then makes sure dentures don’t fit well. Prevent the other teeth from drifting: When a tooth is missing, the adjacent teeth begin to move in that space gradually. Opposing teeth also start shifting. These processes disturb the alignment of teeth. Teeth alignment facilitates chewing and other functions such as speech. When the alignment is disturbed, all the functions get disturbed. The disturbed alignment may also cause pain when you chew food and may need further tooth removal! Feel good: When your teeth are missing, you may want to hold your joy. You may not want to laugh or even smile when your front teeth are missing. How are bridges made? To begin with, your dentist assesses the health of the adjacent teeth and surrounding dental tissues. If they are appropriate, your dentist trims the adjacent teeth so that they can hold the bridge. This process is known as tooth preparation. Then your dentist takes an impression of your teeth and the surrounding areas. Then you and your doctor, select the shade of the teeth for making the bridge. Your dental surgeon sends these to the lab and gives you the next appointment. Meanwhile, your doctor will give you a temporary bridge to wear till the permanent bridge is in place. In the next appointment, your dental surgeon makes necessary adjustments and replaces the missing teeth by cementing the bridge. There may be a few appointments in between, to ensure the bridge is fitting well. How long does a bridge last? A bridge lasts for 7 to 10 years, may last longer if you maintain it well. 4 Post-bridge instructions: Till you are comfortable with the bridge, eat soft foods in small bites. Avoid eating anything that is too hard or sticky from that side. Otherwise, it may dislodge the bridge. Maintain your oral hygiene. Brush twice daily and floss every day. Meet your dentist at least every six months for a professional cleaning of teeth. Adopt a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and fibre. Avoid meat and sweets. Make sure you rinse your mouth thoroughly each time after you have food, especially sweets/ chocolates. Read more about dental bridges:

Many Americans dread the dental office, yet go to the emergency room at the slight sniffle. Your dentist plays just as an important role as your doctor. We all know that a health ailment can shut us down and impact our daily lives. Dental ailments are no different. An abscessed tooth, TMJ pain, crooked teeth or gum disease can cause unbearable pain and make everyday activities like chewing, and speaking difficult. A dentist can help you prevent future dental problems that can cause major complications like a doctor can. We take care of our bodies because we don't want to get sick or injured. What about caring for our dental health as well? More and more research and studies have shown the interrelation between dental health and overall health. Heart disease, Alzheimer's, high blood pressure and diabetes are just some of the health conditions that have recently been linked to poor dental hygiene. Poor dental health, on the flip-side, allows additional germs to enter the body, heightening the risk of medical issues. How can a dentist change your life? Well, a dentist can bring a positive impact to your emotional, relational and physical well-being. Emotional Health Are you confident with the look of your smile? Or is that gap between your front teeth forcing you to be a hermit? A dentist can place crowns to close spaces between your teeth to make your smile look beautiful, fix cracked teeth and use Implants, bridges or dentures to fill in gaps caused by missing teeth.A cosmetic dentist can whiten teeth, add veneers, beautiful tooth-like porcelain crowns to enhance the look of your smile so you can show off your beautiful, natural smile. A dentist can also apply braces(Invisalign), and retainers to correct the bite and straighten your teeth.A dentist can give you back your lost confidence and self-esteem. When you feel better about yourself you'll be happier and have better relationships. Relational Health When you're embarrassed about the appearance of your smile, it can be easy to withdraw and feel isolated. Even if you have a healthy social life, are the one that avoids being in pictures or the only one not smiling in pictures? Taking care of one's teeth can greatly reduce the occurrence of cavities, gum disease, bad breath and stained teeth. Regular visits to the dentist can help your efforts in preventing these avoidable issues. For dental issues, such as missing teeth, crooked teeth or misaligned jaws, a dentist is the only one who can address and treat these issues. Physical Health Aside from the less desirable look of a poorly cared mouth, the pain can be enough to impact your daily life. Our mouths were made to make eating, speaking and drinking possible. Living in constant pain or discomfort is not a pleasant life. Dental pain can also occur at night, negatively impacting one's sleep. Sleep apnea, TMJ and bruxism can cause dental pain and other dental issues. When one's sleep is negatively affected, one health, mood, productivity and relationships suffer. A dentist can diagnose and treat these conditions as well, giving you back the needed, restful night's sleep. A dentist can restore the health of your mouth and treat the source of your pain and discomfort. A pain-free or discomfort-free mouth will enable you to enjoy life to the fullest.

The internet through websites can help connect people for business from any part of the globe in good speed and this has created boom and increased sales for many businesses. As many more people get to know about the opportunities provided by the internet through websites, the competition soon became very stiff to the point that only the people that knows about internet marketing or digital marketing soar above the competitors. Businesses are in different forms and types. We have construction and civil businesses, hotel and hospitality businesses, tourism and travels, restaurants, agricultural and lots more. The Dental practice business is also very important and for dental clinics and dentist that practices in their various dental centers to record good sales, they must embrace the use of digital marketing to promote what they do through hiring DentalClix for the internet marketing services for dental services. Digital marketing is a very broad concept and it encompasses lots of things like Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, Search Engine Optimization and Ranking, Search Engine Marketing etc. I will discuss how you as a dentist or as an owner of a dental services firm needs to get involved in internet or digital marketing. Reach and Exposure It is a very good fact that no business thrives without good exposure to the people. There are well more than a billion people on the internet. These people are potential customers for your dental services if you can expose and reach then using digital and internet marketing. Internet marketing only reaches people based on the target audience for your business. DentalClix is very qualified for the digital marketing services of any dental business. Targeted Traffic Another amazing importance of the internet and digital marketing is that you get traffic of people that are interested and seeking for the service you offer in your website every day. With this, you are guaranteed a good number of sales and recommendations that will impact positively on your dental services. Makes and Creates Brand Everyone knows about one or two world brands. Every entrepreneur seeks to have a brand with the name of his company and so is the thought of any dental practitioner for hi dental services. The power of digital marketing as described by DentalClix will give make your dental business name very popular for brand promotion. Branding will give your dental services the recognition it requires as clients will be assured that your dental services are safe and in line with government recommendations. Consistency If you decide to employ and hire DentalClix for a perfect internet marketing services for your dental business, you get consistency even when you do not spend money for online adverts because the website ranking through Search Engine Optimization (SEO) will put your business website at the top of every searches conducted in relation to what you offer at your dental services firm. 

There are so many things like work pressure that we need to deal with first before we get time to hit the dentist’s office. If you are in excruciating pain and are waiting to see the doctor, there are certain methods that you can try in the meantime to relieve the pain. Here are the top remedies that you can try for getting wisdom toothache relief. The use of clove oil Clove is perhaps one of the oldest remedies for relieving wisdom tooth pain naturally. Clove oil has anesthetic properties that numb the pain. It also comes with antiseptic and antibacterial qualities that prevent any infection. You can take some of the oil on a cotton ball and then hold the ball directly on the gums and tooth. Hold the cotton place in the affected area until the pain dies down. The flavor of clove oil is really strong, and you can mix it with some olive oil to make it milder than before. You can repeat the process several times in the day as and when you feel the need. Rinsing of the mouth with salt water This is one relief that comes as a suggestion from the doctors themselves. It is not only the most effective but also the easiest. Take eight ounces of warm water in a glass and mix two tablespoons of salt. Stir until both the things get mixed thoroughly. Keep rinsing your mouth until you can stand the salty taste and then spit it out. You can repeat the process after every few hours, and you will gradually get the relief from pain. Using Tea Bags on the affected area Tea bags are an excellent remedy for the swollen gums that comes as a part of the wisdom tooth pain. Tea has tannic acid that comes with anti-inflammatory properties which makes it perfect as a home remedy for tooth pain. The best way to proceed is to first brew a cup of tea and then put the cup in the refrigerator with the tea bag inside the cup. Once the bag has turned cold, bring it out and place inside your mouth over the gums. The swelling will reduce, and the pain relief will come gradually. The other remedies of tooth pain relief Benzocaine and ibuprofen are the two great medicines to be used for the wisdom toothache relief. There are several of the gel-based products in the market that contain benzocaine. You can first wipe the area dry and then apply the gel. The application can get repeated throughout the day as and when you need. Ibuprofen is one of the most used over-the-counter pain relief. You will get it at any medical shop. See more than 50 + Home remedies for wisdom tooth pain relief.

However, as hard as it may seem, there are several measures that you can take in order to make every clients’ visit worthwhile. When starting out, you ought to give your best of practice but this doesn’t mean that you should reduce your professionalism as you get more clients. You should maintain it. As the saying goes, it takes a long time to build a reputation but just one small mistake to destroy it. Below are some of the ways that can guarantee you success in your practice. Your clients should have a reason to come back and recommend their friends. Once you are established as a practicing dentist, there are many clients that will visit your clinic and it is upon you to make them return to your clinic. Your services ought to market themselves to both the potential and the current clients. Speaking of marketing, there are several techniques you can use to market your practice. For instance, use of dental Seo tools, Use of social media, content marketing, and other offline techniques. Once you get the patients coming to your clinic, you ought to give your level best service. A happy client will always act as your loyal brand thus recommending more people to your clinic. You should have proper conscience. Sometimes it is very hard to make decisions as a dentist especially when it comes to making the patient feel comfortable and reducing the anxiety that they may be having. A patient trust and believes what the dentist tells them and it is for you to properly advise them. Dental care is a relationship that goes beyond the normal doctor-patient relationship. You should, therefore, give your patients confidence and security in the kind of decision that you make.  Another big consideration is that you should ensure that the staffs you have employed have clear knowledge and skills of the type of work you are conducting. Are you treating others as you would like to be? It has severally been said that this world is like a mirror and whatever you do to someone may at some point come back to you. In the dental practice, it is very important that you should treat your staff and patients well. For you to succeed you ought to listen, be cheerful and put yourself in the patients’ shoes. Treat them with utmost care because they will be your mouthpiece. The above ways can and will guarantee you so much success in your practice.

Another great way to keep your practice on the map is use of content marketing and emphasizing on dental Seo tools that will improve your business Google ranking. Yet, once that new patient has discovered you, how would you separate your practice from others, and go from "good" to "great?" According to a research conducted by Futuredontics proposes that the main element determining whether a patient will or won't come back to your practice is being seated on time! Timing one's most basic procedures and utilizing management software with ten-moment increases encourages our capacity to respect a patient's scheduled time. At the point when seeing a difficult patient, or playing out a testing procedure, include an extra unit or two to guarantee to finish those administrations on time. Furthermore, dependably keep an open seat for that emergency or "difficult to numb" patient. Start every day with a team meeting to discuss the requirements of every patient you're seeing. Knowing who's new to the practice, who's being found in cleanliness with inadequate treatment, and who may move from remedial to cleanliness (or the other way around) are only a couple of the many issues that ought to be made plans to guarantee a smooth and gainful day. You should reserve best choices for emergency work-ins and same-day dentistry. At whatever point conceivable, welcome your patients by name! Team members are regularly occupied in the practice or on the telephone when a patient arrives. However, ought to try speaking to them when plausible. Specifically inviting and expressing gratitude toward everyone for their on-time entry is a positive "patient-pleaser!" And, exploring notes made about every patient from past visits empowers staff to reestablish individual "touch-focuses" amid the seating process. At last, patients need to have listened! Listening great has turned into an under-appreciated skill in the health mind field. Painstakingly listening to one's comments and concerns, helps us analyze all the more fittingly, as well as adds to setting up a nearby patient relationship, trust, and improved treatment acceptance.  To facilitate this, it is important to provide a platform where patients can air their opinions about the overall procedures. By doing so, you get to know the areas of your practice that you need to improve so as to retain your patients as well as attract others. There are many approaches to customize your practice which add to your special capacity to provide valued administrations for your patients. Fusing these proposals are only a couple that can help your practice go from "good" to "great!"

Halitosis, or bad breath, is a common problem that most people have experienced at one time or another. Bad breath in itself isn’t a serious condition — although it can cause embarrassment. Though in some cases, it may be a sign of an underlying health problem. One of the best ways to avoid bad breath is to determine what’s causing the problem and then take measures to fix it. From an oral infection to excessive plaque buildup, many factors can cause bad breath. Improve your breath and overall oral health with these tips for keeping breath clean and fresh. Be Diligent About Brushing and Flossing Not brushing enough or not brushing thoroughly can leave a collection of sticky buildup called plaque on your teeth. That plaque collects bacteria and can also trap food, resulting in bad breath. While you don’t want to brush your teeth too hard (since that can wear down enamel), you do need to spend two minutes brushing your pearly whites. Make sure you reach all surfaces of each tooth. Many people don’t take time to floss. If you’re not flossing, plaque builds up between teeth where it’s tough to reach with a toothbrush. You should floss a minimum of once a day to remove this hard-to-reach plaque. Scrape the Tongue to Eliminate Bacteria A thin coating forms on the tongue, and while it’s normal, it’s the perfect host for bacteria. That bacteria leaves your breath smelling bad. You can brush your tongue with your toothbrush, although a tongue scraper works even better at removing the film, bacteria, dead cells and food debris that don’t disappear with brushing alone. Swish Your Way to Better Breath Since bacteria growth is a big cause of bad breath, anything you do to kill bacteria in your mouth can help keep breath fresher. While mouthwash tastes great and can cover up bad breath, be sure to purchase a mouthwash designed to kill bacteria. Swishing twice daily with an antibacterial mouthwash can stop bad breath where it starts. If you’re in a fix and don’t have mouthwash with you, swishing with water can help eliminate food particles that make breath smelly. Stop Smoking If you’re a smoker, your bad habit could be causing your breath’s odor — not to mention, it also can stain teeth, damage gums and cause oral cancer. Particles left from cigarettes make your mouth smell bad. Smoking can also increase bacteria growth in the mouth, which makes smoking doubly problematic. If you need assistance quitting, talk to your dentist about medications and programs that can help. Stay Hydrated Since saliva contains enzymes that help eliminate bad bacteria, a dry mouth can result in bad breath. Make sure you stay hydrated to stimulate those salivary glands so the mouth stays moisturized. If you drink plenty of water and you still have dry mouth, consider the medications you’re taking. Some medications have the side effect of dry mouth. Your dentist may be able to recommend special products that help fight dryness. If you notice your mouth is especially dry when you wake up, you could be breathing with the mouth open. Talk to your doctor or dentist about solutions that can help you fix that dry mouth and bad breath. Skip Foods That Cause Bad Breath Certain foods, such as garlic and onions, contain sulfur compounds that can cause bad breath. Unfortunately, brushing right after you eat these foods doesn’t always help. Avoid sour breath by skipping these foods. If you love garlic and onions, indulge on them when you’re on your own and avoid eating them right before you head to work or plan a visit with family or friends. Keep Up With Routine Dental Visits Regular dental visits are crucial to your overall oral health and to your fight against bad breath. Those regular cleanings help remove the plaque that can attract bacteria and cause bad breath. It’s impossible to get all that plaque with just brushing and flossing, so don’t skip regular cleanings. A regular checkup of your mouth is also important, since problems such as tooth decay and gum disease can contribute to bad breath. Catch these issues early, and they’re easier to treat so you can keep stinky breath at bay. You don’t have to worry constantly about bad breath. Start using these tips to keep breath fresh and contact your dentist today to make sure you get seen for your next regular checkup.   This article was written by Omaha Oral Surgery

Posted by Omaha Oral Surgery