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Even infants can have cavities that will require fillings. It’s never too early to start looking after your child’s teeth, and the best solution is by cleaning with a Waterpik. A Waterpik will help to clean out the bacteria that can rest between the cracks and crannies of your teeth. A Waterpik is a type of water flosser. While it can’t replace a toothbrush or floss, it’s still a helpful tool in looking after your child’s teeth. Infants feed several times a day, but it simply may not be feasible to brush their teeth each time. This is why a Waterpik would help, because it decreases the irritation to the gums, and can also make the process simpler and happier for both child and parent. It may take some time for your boy or girl to get used to the feel of the Waterpik. Be patient, and never get angry with them. Treat the situation like fun time. Smile at them and pretend that it’s a game. Before you do their teeth, clean your own first. Children are naturally curious about what you do. When you brush and floss your teeth, they’ll want theirs done too. After a few times, your child will get used to the sonic brush. If there is a lower setting, use it on your child. If you use one that takes batteries, or is rechargeable, let the battery levels run low, and then use it on your child. This will provide less intensity and be much quieter when you use in it on them. You’ll need to attach the smallest and softest brush that you can find. You may need to experiment with handles to find the best that will work. It’s up to you if you use fluoridated toothpaste. If your city fluoridates its water you may not wish the double-dose. Aim to use the Waterpik on their teeth about twice a day. You can use a regular brush in-between. It’s important to still use a brush, as that’s what will best remove the plaque that sticks to their gums, while the Waterpik will remove the debris that gets stuck in-between teeth and under the gum line. If you have trouble trying to remember to take care of your infant’s teeth, it’s best to clean theirs when you do yours: after each meal. The last thing you want is to have your toddler have to undergo a bunch of new filings because their teeth are full of cavities. Teeth need to last us from infancy into early childhood, then our adult teeth need to last us the rest of our lives. With good care, our beloved should never need a filling, a crown, or an implant. 

Back Exercise Lower Discomfort Relief Techniques Knowing back exercise, lower discomfort soothe is going to be vital to living more pain free. Much of the back pain that individuals really feel can be prevented with appropriate workout. The exercises that you provide for your back isn't really normally exactly what you would consider exercises. They are more like stretches however they do much more than stretching out the muscular tissues. They advertise back and specifically spinal wellness. Back exercise, lower discomfort relief is going to be located in doing these stretches. Prior to you get started you need to always talk to your medical professional to earn certain that it is the ideal point for you to do if you have poor back issues. Additionally remember that each stretch you do ought to be done gradually as well as without bouncing. Make a stretch and also hold it for 8-10 seconds. Do not stretch past the point where you begin to feel extreme pain. If it hurts, quit it because you have gone as well far. Back workout reduced pain ease movements that you will certainly be doing are the pelvic tilt, knee to breast, reduced torso turning, hamstring stretches, and the bridge. The initial of the back exercise lower pain alleviate motions is the pelvic tilt. This will certainly not only enhance your reduced back and also lumbar yet your lower abs also. You will certainly do this by lying on the ground with your back on the flooring. Your legs will be curved as well as your feet flat on the floor. Imagine your stomach being pushed to the floor. And squash your lower back. Each time you squash your lumbar and also lower back to the ground is a stretch. The 2nd exercise is the knee to chest stretch. In the exact same beginning placement as the pelvic tilt, slowly pull one knee right into your upper body. You will certainly feel your hip and reduced back stretch. This offers assistance for your nerves that are exiting your spine. Bring one knee to your upper body and hold for the 8 secs and then repeat with the various other knee. The 3rd back workout lower pain alleviate is the lower torso rotation. From the exact same placements the previous exercises keep your knees together and then transform them away benting at the hip. Hold it while you tighten your belly. Go back to the beginning position and afterwards go the contrary instructions. This helps with flexibility. The 4th that you will certainly do is hamstring muscle stretches. The objective of this is to stretch the hamstring to ensure that it will create much less tension on the lower back by pulling much less. From the very same position as the other exercises, except with your legs right, lift one leg straight up. It could help to have a towel under your leg in order to help you draw it up. Hold it for the 8 seconds and after that repeat with the other leg. The final back exercise lower pain relieve method is the bridge. Similar to it sounds your are going to be forming a bridge form with your body. With your body in the same position as the first 3 workouts and also your arms setting by your sides, lift up your back as well as hips off the ground. This will reinforce and also maintain your back and also lower back muscles. With each of the back workout lower pain ease methods perform each stretch 5 times and you will certainly be really feeling practically immediate relief.

Posted by gumdiesase12

Whаt аrе dеntаl imрlаntѕ? Dеntаl imрlаntѕ invоlvе thе рrосеѕѕ of rерlасing problematic, miѕѕing or bаdlу dаmаgеd teeth. The рrосеѕѕ соnѕiѕtѕ оf аn аrtifiсiаl tooth thаt is соnѕtruсtеd by many diffеrеnt materials. Thеу аrе usually made in dеntаl labs; thеу аrе uѕuаllу imрlаntеd bу a ѕurgiсаl dentist. Whеn getting such a рrосеdurе done, thе ѕurgеоn will typically lооk аt the ѕtruсturе and nаturаl соnditiоn of уоur jаwbоnе.  This is a еѕѕеntiаl part of the process in order to determinethе рlасеmеnt during thе surgical рrосеѕѕ. Thе dеntаl imрlаnt will bе ѕurgiсаllу рlасеd intо a реrѕоn’ѕ jаw bone.  Onсе hеаlеd, thе fuѕеd titаnium рrоvidеѕ a strong, sоlid rооt and this allows thе рlасеmеnt оf аrtifiсiаl tееth. Alternatives tо this ѕurgеrу inсludе dеnturеѕ but thеу аrе not a реrmаnеnt ѕоlutiоn and аrе uѕеd аѕ dеѕirеd. There аrе all different рlасеѕ ѕрringing uр thаt оffеr thе dеntаl imрlаnt trеаtmеnt. Sо, whаt are they еxасtlу? Is it a рig’s tooth thеу аrе going to imрlаnt intо уоur mоuth! This is not an option for vegans or vegetarians. Proper dental implants are the best choice.  Thе gооd news iѕ thаt it is a synthetic tооth, аnd nоt a pig’s tооth оr anything like thаt. Rеmеmbеr thаt a dеntаl tооth imрlаnt is a ѕуnthеtiс tооth thаt connects to уоur jaw bone with the аid оf a titanium rооt. Thiѕ mаkеѕ thе treatment аmаzing because thе painless process actually rеѕultѕ in getting whаt асtѕ аnd feels likе a rеаl tooth! Fixing a missing tooth. Fоr mаnу people, thе рrосеѕѕ оf fixing a missing tooth iѕ оnе thаt involves еithеr keeping it as it iѕ оr gоing gеtting dеnturеѕ or a dental plate. Hоwеvеr, dеnturеѕ have the problem thаt thеу can bаng оn other tееth which causes thеm tо аgе ԛuiсkеr. Thiѕ is why ѕоmе people whо get dentures or dental plates, end uр nееding dеnturеѕ fоr аll thе tееth in the mоuth! Dоn't let thiѕ happen to уоu. Whеn уоu consider thе dangers of miѕѕing tееth, уоu will ѕее whу dеntаl imрlаntѕ are thе bеѕt fоrm оf treatment, even thоugh they соѕt more. The missing tооth оftеn саuѕеѕ thе jaw bоnе to соntrасt, аnd аѕ such, the fасе can сhаngе shape. Dеnturеѕ саn't ѕоlvе thiѕ, ѕо hаvе a lооk аt long term dental implant options. Dental tooth imрlаntѕ аrе currently thе bеѕt орtiоn, ѕо invеѕt the timе and initial financail outlay into them.  You will appreciate thе bеnеfitѕ оf an implant thаt acts аnd fееlѕ likе a rеаl tооth.  Whаt makes it even better, iѕ thаt your friends аnd family won't bе able to tеll thе difference.  Dental implants are the best investment for your smile.  

Below are the main reasons you should go for teeth cleaning at least once in every six months. The dentists are able to detect and sterilize early infections. Do you often bleed when you re flossing or brushing? The blood is not normal and that a symptom that you have an infection. There are situations where you may brush as it is recommended that it twice a day and fail to have a cavity but ongoing for dental cleaning, you find that there is some bleeding and this is also a symptom that there is an underlying infection. Normally, mouths do not bleed and it does not necessarily have to be caused by cavity problems. There are a lot of fluorides in tooth gels and brushes and in the long run thee brings infections. Going for regular cleaning ensures that any infection that you may be having is sorted out. You avoid bad breath. In addition to detecting and treating infection, this is one of the major reasons why you need to undergo cleaning. By cleaning, a dentist can sort out your bad breath issues and in the long run, you are able to improve your confidence. The bad breath is usually a smell of an infection and it’s unfortunate that most people do not notice the smell in themselves. A dentist is able to remove any biofilm and calculus. Biofilm is a colonizing bacteria that usually forms in your mouth and it sticks to the surface of your tooth. Apparently, it is the same bacteria that is found in the human waste. This sticky bacteria makes other organisms to remain on the surface of the teeth for a longer period of time. By going in for a dental cleaning, the dentists are able to remove it using the right dental tools. In many times, a patient can feel the bacteria with the tongue. Regular dental cleaning ensures that your teeth are always white and pretty. White teeth is one of the things that build the confidence of a human body. A smile says a lot about an individual and by regularly going for dental cleaning, the dentist is able to remove any available plaque which often becomes stained. Removal of plaque restores the white nature of the teeth but even if you feel that they are not white enough, click here to learn about the whitening procedures offered by many dentists.  

Measures to Gain the War Versus Gum Disease A shortage from great dental hygiene can induce you to drop over your teeth. This may be severe. Latest research studies show that gum disease, an infection of the tissues that sustain your teeth, is urled to three primary fantastics: heart disease, diabetic issues and respiratory system disease. Sadly, gum disease is actually quite typical, affecting three in four adults over 35 in the United States, inning accordance with the American Dental Association. Gum disease is brought on by certainly not adequately removing plaque, a film of bacteria that frequently bases on the pearly white's surface. Symptoms from the disease differ from red, tender gums to loose teeth that need to be actually extracted. Listed below are actually some reliable tactics for gum disease prevention: * Make healthy selections. Eat a well balanced diet and quit tobacco make use of. Analysis reveals that cigarette smokers fall to six times most likely to create gum disease than nonsmokers. Gum Regrowth Treatment * Brush effectively. Brush your teeth at the very least two times a time. For the very most effective brushing, the ADA advises brushing your teeth at a 45-degree angle from the gums, relocating the brush in other words movements and brushing all surfaces from your teeth. To perform this without mistake, some dental professionals recommend utilizing the HydraBrush Express. Developed by Oralbotic Investigation Inc., the HydraBrush Express cleans all 6 areas from your teeth simultaneously, doing away with the human error aspect of brushing. The toothbrush utilizes automatic rage setting up, massages the gums and possesses brush scalps that move at 810 movements per moment. To utilize this, you attack into the brushes and direct the handle toward the rear of your mouth. The procedure takes 40 seconds or a lot less and, with regular make use of, you can delight in whiter teeth, far healthier gums and a reduction in plaque. CLICK HERE To Investigate: Home Treatment For Raw Gums * Remember to floss. Tidy between your teeth at least once a day with floss or even interdental cleansers. Accomplishing this will certainly remove bacteria and food items bits coming from areas that a toothbrush can not arrive at. * Browse through the dental expert on a regular basis. Receive your teeth properly washed every six months. Currently, state any concerns or even concerns you possess relating to oral care.

Posted by Recedinggums12

Dental Crown Dental crowns are as much of an investment in a healthy self-image as they are to your continued dental health. Dental crowns and dental caps are a solid way to repair your smile by making it stronger and improving its appearance. Teeth crowns also restore your teeth’s natural shape and size. A dental crown serves as a cap to cover either one of your own existing teeth or in conjunction with a dental implant. The tooth-shaped cap fits like a glove over your own tooth or the implant, covering everything above the gum line. A Variety of Reasons Dental caps and crowns are often used to strengthen teeth if you have a large filling and there isn’t really enough of your own tooth left to support the filling. Your Brooklyn dentist may also decide that a crown is the best way to anchor a bridge. But dental caps and crowns are also used to: Protect teeth that are weak Restore any that may already be broken Cover ones that are discolored or badly shaped Protect a dental implant When you’re dealing with a leading family dentistry practice in Brooklyn, you know your smile and your oral health is the primary concern. While a crown can treat or correct the issues listed above, it’s possible that you may need additional dental work such as root canal or filling to prepare for teeth crowns or dental caps. You Have Options Dental crown cost can be a little steep, especially if you don’t have dental insurance. But you can choose from several types of crowns, which affect the price: Stainless steel crowns are pre-fabricated and typically used as a temporary fix while waiting for a permanent crown to be made. Other metals and alloys with high gold or platinum content rarely chip or break and resist wear the longest. They’re ideal for out-of-sight molars, which are subject to lots of force and wear. Porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns have a much more natural appearance than metal ones. Your crown is color-matched to your surrounding teeth. These crowns put more wear on the opposing teeth and are more prone to damage. All-resin crowns are less expensive than other types, but wear down over time. They’re the most prone to fracturing. All-porcelain or all-ceramic crowns have the most natural appearance. These teeth crowns are suitable if you suffer from a metal allergy. All-ceramic crowns can be used for front and back teeth. Acrylic or metal-based temporary crowns restore or maintain your tooth until a permanent crown can be custom made for you in a dental laboratory. The dental crown cost varies, depending on an array of variables. But the type of crown you choose and how much additional dental work you need have the greatest impact on your final costs. Generally, an individual dental crown cost between $800 and $1,700 or more. Most dental insurance policies cover at least a portion of this expense. Be sure to check with your insurance company. Read more: Do you have any questions for Dr. Ella Dekhtyar a Brooklyn dentist regarding dental crown, tooth crown cost and dental caps in Brooklyn? Would you like to schedule an appointment with the top Brooklyn cosmetic dentist, Dr. Dekhtyar, please contact our office for a consultation. Working Hours: Monday – Friday: 10am-6pm Saturday: 10am-5pm Sunday: Closed Payment: cash, check, credit cards. Endodontist in Bushwick 372 Stockton St, Brooklyn, NY 11206 (718) 455-4400 Web Address: e-mail: Our location on the map: Brooklyn Nearby Locations: Bushwick | Williamsburg | Bedford-Stuyvesant | Fort Green | Ridgewood 11221, 11237, 11201, 11203, 11206, 11207, 11211, 11213, 11213, 11216, 11233

Scaling and Root Planing: How Might It Help You? Scaling and root planing procedure deep cleans your gums, taking things much further than a normal dental cleaning. With an ordinary dental cleaning, only your teeth are scaled and polished, but with scaling and root planing, tooth roots that have become exposed are also thoroughly cleaned. As a side effect of gum disease, the gums gradually begin to pull back from the teeth, causing gum recession and exposing the tooth roots. This also creates deep pockets in between the gums and the teeth that can be very difficult to keep clean. The aim of scaling and root planing is to thoroughly clean out these pockets, helping the gums to fit more closely to the teeth as they gradually heal and become stronger. During scaling and root planing procedure, your teeth and tooth roots are carefully scaled, removing any tartar buildup. Afterwards the exposed tooth roots are planed or gently smoothed, a procedure that helps to make it easier for gum tissue to heal by making it harder for bacteria to stick to the smooth surfaces. more information Would like to schedule an appointment with an internationally recognized, best periodontist NYC, please contact our Midtown NYC office for consultation with a top periodontics and laser specialist. It's a place where the care and comfort of our patients is our highest priority. Contemporary Periodontics and Implant Surgery 225 East 64th St Ste 1 New York, NY 10065 212-644-4477 

The NYC Dental Implants Center only uses the highest-quality dental implants from Straumann (Basel, Switzerland). It’s the largest and most advanced dental implant company in the world. Internationally recognized, board-certified periodontist and top-rated dental implant NYC specialist Dr. Rahmani performs all the surgeries in our Midtown Manhattan dental center. Destructive Disease That is Similar to Periodontal Disease Peri-implantitis is a destructive disease that is quite similar to periodontal disease. It can affect the gums and bone surrounding dental implants and, without prompt treatment, may lead to implant failure. What is Peri-Implantitis? Peri ImplantitisDental implants can’t become decayed like natural teeth as they are made from inert materials. However, patients often overlook that implants are surrounded by living tissue that includes gum tissue and bone. Peri-implantitis is an inflammatory condition similar to gum disease, where the gum tissue and bone around the implant become infected and inflamed. It can cause the gums around the implant to shrink, and the bone surrounding the implant may begin to break down. Ultimately this condition can lead to the loss of the implant. Read more: If you have any questions about Benefits of Dental Implants, Dental Implant Surgery procedure in NYC or to make an appointment please call the Midtown Manhattan dental implants center Working Hours: Monday - Thursday: 8am -  6pm Friday: 8am - 2pm Saturday, Sunday: Closed Payment: cash, check, credit cards.    NYC Dental Implants Center 121 East 60th St, Ste 6C2, New York, NY 10065 (60th St. btw Park Ave / Lex Ave) (212) 256-0000   Web Address: e-mail:   Our location on the map: New York   Nearby Locations: Upper West Side | Upper East Side | Lenox Hill | Diamond District | Hell's Kitchen 10023, 10024, 10025 | 10021, 10028, 10044, 10065, 10075, 10128 | 10036 | 10019

Posted by Dr. Navid Rahmani

What if I told you that you have a certain finite amount of life energy and that the success you have in managing it either results in long-term peak performance or the greater risk of illness and an earlier death? Your active response to this truth will either help to set you free or produce undesirable consequences. What is the primary secret that if acted upon will set you free to build and sustain health over your lifetime?  It is the creation and multiplication of positive momentum. Momentum in this case is the force of your life in motion in a given direction. Momentum is critically related to energy utilization since it requires large inputs of extra energy to create or change momentum. For example, it takes considerably more energy in the form of fuel, manpower and time to turn a big cruise ship traveling at a high rate of speed toward the opposite direction versus continuing along the same path. Consider a basketball game. One team will often get on a roll. The other team can become tentative, lose their flow and very quickly get way behind. The coach will often call a timeout to refocus the players and shift them back to their game plan. Soon the announcers are discussing the change in momentum and the trailing team now regains the lead. However, since it requires a large input of focused energy to move momentum in the other direction, sometimes late in the game when the players are tired it becomes too difficult and therefore too late to turn the tide and mount the comeback. The same is true relative to your health status. Adelle Davis said that “every day you do one of two things: build health or produce disease in yourself.” Your thoughts and actions are daily contributing toward momentum in either a positive or negative direction. What daily choices have you been making over the last months to years that have created momentum toward greater health (wholeness) or toward disease (loss of system integrity)? Momentum carries you like a river. This can be incredibly advantageous if moving in the right direction.  Which way and how fast is your river of health or disease choices carrying you? Hopefully you are not rapidly approaching Niagara Falls looking in futility for something to grab onto in a last ditch crisis effort to survive. If the injuries and stresses of life, your responses to them, and your lifestyle choices have created momentum in the vitality — depleting direction, then you must make a change before it is too late. It can become too late you know. Cancer is an unfortunate example. It doesn’t develop until cumulative life distress has interfered with vital function for so long that the immune system is incapable of providing sufficient protection. Typically, at this point, even if radical lifestyle changes are made, there is insufficient life energy available to shift momentum and bring enough healing to restore vitality and save the life. We typically do not become aware of our accumulated negative momentum until we experience significant and /or prolonged pain or an illness. The common response at this point (frequently due to lack of awareness) is not to make any significant changes that add life or promote healing. Instead, we only treat the symptom manifestations of pain, sickness and declining health. The superior choice is to summon radical amounts of energy and focus to take multiple daily life-restoring actions to create self-healing momentum. This is imperative even when you choose to treat the symptoms or illness as well. Several strategies are mentioned in Healing Hints below : What if you have already established momentum in a health- enhancing direction through positive lifestyle choices and healing interventions? Your river is already carrying you toward your full potential of body, mind and spirit well being. You have two basic choices here as well. You can stop investing during these times of wellness and coast. However, as a result of ongoing stresses and injuries, you will be prone to drift and lose your momentum. It will then require more energy to work your way back to the previous level of vitality. The other option is to continue to invest in your health and build more momentum while you are riding the crest of the wave. The positive motion over time then begins to multiply exponentially rather than add incrementally. It is like the difference between simple and compound interest. It takes so much more energy to start rather than continue in a positive direction. There is an incredible long-term cost savings as well. It is like the difference in fuel costs and car wear between stop/start city driving versus highway travel. It becomes even better when shifting over to cruise control. This is akin to making routine, automatic health investments. It takes much less vital energy to run an existing business rather than start one and a high percentage of an airplane’s energy expenditure occurs during take-off. Don’t wait until your health fuel tank is critically low to take off on your journey toward wellness. It may cost more than all of your reserves. Also, don’t stop regularly refueling if your desire is to run well the marathon race of life with abundant joy and a diminished risk of damage. Healing Hints on “Life Energy and Momentum” These are just a few of the daily vitality momentum builders that, if routinely practiced, will yield a huge life energy bank account.  There are many others that we will discuss, as well as revisiting these in more detail in future issues. Try walking, running, swimming, bicycling, treadmill or some other aerobic activity.Any combination of these should be incorporated into your daily routine at least 3-4 days/week (preferably more). These capacity-expanding sessions should be easy at first and then gradually be increased in intensity. 20 to 30 minutes initially becoming 40-60 minutes as fitness increases. Dietary fine-tuning is another important element.It is important to consume abundant servings of fresh fruits and vegetables each day (organic when possible). Minimize processed foods (including white sugar and white flour). Avoid all hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils. Avoid all foods with MSG and Aspartame (NutraSweet), as they are central nervous system excitotoxins. Drink more pure water and less coffee, sodas, and other sugar and caffeine-rich fluids.Reduce alcohol consumption. Newer research is touting the benefits of all types of tea, black and green. Beware of those with excessive sugar. Making your own at home with pure water is best. DO NOT SMOKE The cost here is incredible. It is the single greatest cause of preventable death! Sleep 7-8 hours per night with an occasional nap as often as possible. More sleep is necessary going into and emerging from excessively stressful times. Acknowledge and release distressing emotions. Receive their message, take any necessary actions and then let go and move forward.

Even though modern braces are designed to stay sturdy and last long, you still need to take care of them if you want the best possible results. Your family orthodontist may want you to change your eating habits to make your transition seamless and ensure your treatment goes smoothly. Learning what you should eat and can’t eat makes it much easier to live with braces. Top 10 Foods to Eat With Braces for a Healthy Smile With so many do’s and don’ts that accompany eating with braces, you may feel confined but there are plenty of food options that you can eat freely while wearing braces and they include: 1. Soft Fruits With new braces, your family orthodontists may want to modify your eating habits by asking you to start with soft fruits like melons, grapes, tangerines, strawberries, peaches, plums, kiwi and grapefruit. 2. Sea Food You also have plenty of healthy and scrumptious options like salmon, tuna, and boneless fish to tantalize your taste buds.  3. Smoothies and Shakes You can make eating with braces easy and enjoyable with green smoothies and luscious shakes. These non-chewy delights offer a convenient, protein-rich option for a delicious, filling meal.  4. Steamed Vegetables If steamed veggies sound boring to you, you can make them interesting by smothering them in butter, tossing them in fresh herbs, adding sliced garlic, and a little bit of lemon zest. You can perk things up by adding soy sauce or fish sauce.   5. Soft Meats Soft meatballs, tender turkey and meat loaf are easy to chew and make a perfect protein choice. You can also cut soft meat into smaller pieces and add it to your soups.   6. Eggs There is just so much you can do to eggs – scrambled eggs, quiche, or omelettes! Having to change your eating habits is a perfect excuse to try a new staple every day. 7. Dairy and Desserts Soft cheese, flavored yogurt, pudding, custard, applesauce, and ice cream – all have a soft texture and require little chewing when eating with braces.  8. Breads You can have soft breads, muffins, pancakes, and tortillas during your orthodontic treatment.  9. Macaroni, Spaghetti, and Noodle Dishes Creamy pastas, casseroles, ravioli, mashed potatoes; noodles and spaghetti make delicious soft food meals and help maintain the good condition of your braces. 10. Soft-cooked Rice and Beans Cooked rice and beans are great foods to eat with braces. They require little chewing and help you maintain a nutritious, healthy diet that is important not only for your oral but also your overall health. Top 10 Foods to Avoid when Eating with Braces The general rule of thumb when eating with braces is to avoid sweet, sticky, chewy, hard, crunchy, gooey, and thick foods. 1. Raw Vegetables Raw vegetables can wedge themselves beneath the braces and cause decay. 2. Corn on the Cob When you are eating with braces, you should avoid biting into something because that can damage the wires. 3. Firm Fruits Firm fruits are great for your body but if you are eating with braces, they can engulf the brackets pulling them away from the teeth causing discomfort and inviting unwanted expenses. 4. Nuts If firm fruits can be bad for your braces, you can imagine what hard nuts would do to your metal braces. 5. Hard Candies and Sticky Sweets Candies are sticky and hard enough to force the wires out of alignment, calling for an emergency visit to fix the issue. 6. Sugary Foods High-sugar foods and beverages have a very high acid content which can result in tooth decay and damaged braces. 7. Chewy Bread and Pizza Crusts Biting into chewy pizza crusts and hard breads with your front teeth is not recommended when you are wearing braces because they put extra strain. 8. Tough Bony Meets Tearing bony meet with your braces on is not a very good idea. 9. Popcorn and Pretzels Pesky popcorn kernels and pretzels can get stuck between the teeth and lodge in deeply damaging the braces when you try to get them out. 10. Chewing Gum Chewing gum can pull on your braces, make them loose and slowly decay your teeth. Now that you know the foods to eat with braces and the foods to avoid, remember to drink lots of water because eating with braces leaves your teeth even more susceptible to cavities. If you want to restore a healthy, beautiful smile with braces, contact your family orthodontist. Author Bio: Sheron William's day job is to handle digital marketing for Koch Orthodontics in Loganville, GA. With a flair for creating compelling content that clears the clutter and connects with the audience in an instant, she writes about dental topics to educate and help her readers. She truly believes that a genuine smile can win a million hearts and talks to her readers about improving their smiles and overall dental health, as well as enhancing their overall lifestyle. In her free time, she likes to organize small meets in her neighbourhood where she brings people together to discuss various topics that she writes about.    

Posted by Koch Orthodontics