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Dentistry is said to be the study or oral issues and especially teeth. It sometimes consists of conditions related to face and jaw area. It is said to be a branch of medicine but can also work in the area of cosmetics. It is always important to have dentistry for the whole family who knows the history and common problems related to oral issues faced by your family. The problems with teeth are sometimes related to genetics too. Cosmetic Dentistry This term is normally used when any type of dental work is done just to improve appearance. There are different types of surgeries done in this context like whitening which is the most common one where discoloured tooth are bleached and made white. There is a process called as tooth reshaping where part of the enamel is removed just to make the teeth appear in proper shape and position. False teeth is been placed in areas where teeth is missing. To improve the shape of the gum line a procedure called as gum lift is done. You can do any type of cosmetic dentistry with the offers available at dentistry for the whole family as you will get good treatment at a reasonable and affordable price. Effects of diabetes on oral health It is seen that people who have diabetes get oral infections than non diabetic people. It is essential to have dentistry for the whole family who will have a detail about your family history and problems. It is been proved that diabetic patients are more tend to have an oral infection. As the individual who suffer from diabetes has a low level of body’s resistance to infection they suffer from gum problems especially gingivitis. They always have a risk of tooth loss if they don’t take proper care of their oral hygiene. Dental Restoration from dentistry for the whole family Dental Restoration is dental filing which is used to restore the function and structure of a missing tooth. It is also stated as the method of replacing the missing tooth structure. It is categorised in two type direct method which is normally the filling done inside the tooth and indirect method is said to be the outer covering which is done on the tooth. The materials normally used in filing is gold, silver, cobalt, nickel etc. It can be done with the consult of dentistry for the whole family.

Make your smile lively and dazzling with the best and supreme service offered by the dental practitioners at For You Dental in Dallas. Get the confident smile you desire and look beautiful by making use of the exceptional dental service offered by these dentists of Dallas. This article is all about the various services offered by the dental practitioners at For You Dental. Cosmetic Dentistry The branch of dentistry which deals with the appearance of the teeth is referred to as cosmetic dentistry. This dentistry deals with improving the shape, color and arrangement of the teeth which give a very wonderful and natural look to you in a healthy way.  Due to the advancement in medical science and technology, there are various cosmetic procedures which may range from There are various types of cosmetic dentistry say teeth whitening, porcelain veneers, crowns and bridges and many more. These cosmetic procedures are provided by the dentists at For You Dental to the people in a very safe and secured manner. General Dentistry There are various general dentistry services offered by For You Dental which include dental filings, dental implants, dentures, root canals and extraction of tooth/ teeth.  The dental practitioners at Dallas use high quality, state-of-the-art plastic materials and offer the function of natural teeth in very less time.  With the development of science and technology, these cosmetic dentists offer the best and modernized treatment to the people in a very effective manner. Restorative Dentistry This type of dentistry includes scaling and root planning and root canals. The scaling and root planning is the process of elimination of the dental plaque (yellow color substance) on the teeth. This plaque may cause inflammation which thereby establishes a healthy and disease-free periodontium. The root canal treatment The root canal treatment is the elimination or removal of the pulp of the tooth which is typically a small, thread-like structure present at the center of the tooth. The space which is left after removing the damaged or diseased pulp is then cleaned, filled and shaped which closures the root canal. This treatment saves numerous teeth which would have got lost otherwise. These Dentists at Dallas offer the dental services using extremely safe and comfortable procedures. These services are provided at much lower cost and thereby dramatically improve your appearance by providing you with the best natural smile.

When it comes to your teeth, you want to get the very best for them.  Your teeth are important and you of course want them to look great.  At times, you can lose a tooth and you don’t want to have a missing tooth or a gap in your teeth.  So, what can you do?  Well, to be honest, the very first thing that you need to do is to find the very best and the right dentist. Getting dental implants Reston can be so very simple, if you find a good dentist to help you.  So, the very first thing you need to do is to find out how much money the implants may cost you. Shop Around For Quotes You may not have a regular dentist and if you don’t then you should consider shopping around to get the very best prices.  However, if you do have a permanent dentist then you want to go to them and ask for a check up.  You want them to take a good look at your teeth and find out how they can help you to replace the missing tooth or teeth. You can get the price for the implants and get a date to get the work done.  However, you also need to think about the cost to you. How Much Do Implants Cost The real cost for implants can vary.  You are going to find that this will vary because of the simple fact that if you only have one or two teeth need replacing then it won’t cost as much.  However, if you have several teeth that you wish to replace with an implant then the costs can be quite costly.  Usually the prices are very affordable but depending on the exact tooth the price can vary.  However, you shouldn’t have too much trouble with the costs as most of the time they are very affordable. Dental implants Reston treatments can be availed at a very affordable cost. For any and all of your dental needs, you should come to us!  Here, we are one of the very best and leading Herndon VA Dentist and we are going to be able to offer you the very best care when it comes to your dental needs!  Our expressions dental care Reston is some of the very best services available to choose from today.  We can offer you everything you need and more and we really can offer you some of the very best services for you today also.  No matter what you are looking for, we can help you.

What are Dental Crowns? Dental crowns are like tiny caps for your damaged or broken teeth. The cap, made from a durable and strong material, encases the damaged tooth and protects it from further deterioration or decay. The cap looks and feels like a regular tooth and no one will know you have capped your tooth.   Usually, you need to consult a qualified cosmetic dentist to find out whether you are the right candidate for dental crowns. Once the dentist gives the go ahead, you can proceed with the fixing of the dental crown.   How are Dental Crowns Fixed? Just like most other dental procedure, even the procedure to fix dental crowns begins with first taking an impression of your teeth. Based on this impression, the dental laboratory will make a customized crown that is as per your teeth size. This molded impression is sent to the dental laboratory and while your crown is being made, the dentist will initially fix a temporary crown over your damaged or chipped tooth. Usually, you would have to wait for 2 to 3 days before the laboratory sends your permanent crown and once it is received, it is fixed to your tooth using permanent dental cement.   If the cosmetic dentist uses CAD/CAM technology, he will be able to take a 3D image of your teeth and this allows the dentist to prepare the crown in-house. If this is the case, there is no waiting time to get the dental crown.   Types of Dental Crowns There are different types of dental crowns, based on the material used to make the crown. The material also dictates the cost of the crown. You will have a choice between the following types of dental crown:   Porcelain fused with metal is the more common type of dental crown. This crown has a natural look and is often preferred by most patients. All ceramic crowns are made from aluminum or zirconia. They look natural, but are prone to cracking. Porcelain crowns also look natural, but are prone to cracking or chipping if you bite down on hard things, such as candies. Gold crowns are made from gold and are extremely durable. However, they are not recommended for front teeth, as the person can look strange with a gold tooth.   Speak to your dentist to make an informed choice when selecting the type of dental crown.   Why Go in for a Dental Crown? Dental crowns are extremely versatile and can help improve the functioning of your teeth if you suffer from gum disease, tooth decay, tooth injury or have too much wear and tear of teeth. They are also great for root canals that have failed.   When you have a dental crown, it will protect you from further bone and gum loss. In addition, it will also protect your affected tooth from further damage.   Dental technology allows you to match the color of the dental crown to your teeth, so that they become virtually identical.   However, dental crowns also have some disadvantages. Sometimes, a part of your tooth may have to be removed to accommodate a crown made from thick material. If you use metal fused crowns, there are chances of a dark line being seen at the point where the crown meets your gum. To overcome the disadvantages of dental crowns, people are opting for dental implants. Though expensive, implants looks and feel more natural than crown.   Now that you know everything about dental crowns, you can see that it is advantageous opting for one if you have a damaged or chipped tooth. The key is finding the right cosmetic dentist. So do your due diligence.   Acton Miller works along with a leading dental implant surgeon and is well aware of various dental procedures. If you are looking for a cosmetic dental treatment you may seek advice from Acton over email Also, visit his website for details on various dental procedures.

In today’s world, we are busier than ever. None more so than mom’s with young children traveling from event to event. Spending countless hours in the car and on the go. During these hectic times we tend to neglect the basics of maintaining our teeth. It is important to remember that our teeth need continual care to stay healthy and looking our best. Dental Tips For Moms -Drink Lots Of Water. Drinking water is not only good for our bodies but also for our teeth. We tend to snack more when we are going from different events with little to no time to worry about our dental health. Drinking water will keep you and your kids hydrated but it will also reduce the effects of frequent snacking on your teeth. Rinsing with water following snacking will help reduce the food trapped between our teeth as well as reduce the acidic levels which lead to tooth decay. Flavored waters and gatorade are loaded with sugar, so stay away from sugary beverages. -Travel Toothbrushes And Floss. These compact brushes and floss picks are great for a quick toothbrushing and flossing in the back of the car before going to a new event. They will not only keep your teeth clean but they can also freshen your breath. Many travel toothbrushes already have toothpaste on them. Wetting the brush will release the toothpaste. -Snack Wisely. Not all snacks are created equally when it comes to our teeth. Snacks high in sugar and carbohydrates are worse for our teeth over the course of a long day. Choose snacks like fresh fruits, Not “fruit snacks”, (which tend to stick and stay between the teeth ) raw vegetables, lentil chips, edamame, milk, cheese, granola, whole wheat crackers, and nuts. You can even make quick oatmeal cookies by mixing an overripe banana with plain oatmeal or flavored instant oatmeal and placing spoonfuls on a cookie sheet with parchment paper, bake at 325 about 20 minutes. These can be eaten as a meal or a snack. -Drink Sugary Drinks Through A Straw. Due to the sugary deposits left in the mouth, using a straw while drinking the soda will have less contact with the teeth. Of course, it is better to avoid sugary beverages entirely, but if you must do them, use precautions and drink water directly after. -Chew Gum. Pack sugar free gum that contains Xylitol (sugar substitute) to help kill bacteria in the mouth after eating during the day. Gum will also help pull food particles off the teeth and stimulate saliva flow to help neutralize acids. -Keep A Set Of Toothbrushes By The Kitchen Sink. When mealtime needs to be rushed, most kids will not go back to the bathroom to go and brush. If the toothbrushes are right there when the dishes are going in the sink, they are more likely to find the time to brush and rinse after the meal. -Use Fluoride Rinses. Be sure to have children rinse with a fluoride rinse before bed, this should help strengthen teeth and make cavities less likely to happen. -Prepack Your Fridge. If you have pre-made sandwiches and healthy snacks like washed grapes, apple slices, or cheese cubes in ziploc bags, it is easy to grab what you need and not have to stop for unhealthy fast foods, donuts, and snacks. -Educate your kids. When kids learn about making healthier choices, have them readily available, and start to enjoy the bag of fresh berries over the flaming hot cheetos they will start feeling better and enjoy a more healthy lifestyle. -Don’t eat gummies! For some reason, packaged processed “fruit snacks” have become a new food group. Parents are under the false impression that they are healthy. They do not take the place of fresh fruit, and are one of the leading causes of tooth decay in toddlers and children. Remember, natural cane sugar is still sugar. When it sticks and stays between your child’s teeth, it will cause decay.  Moms On The Go Conclusion Life is hectic. We all seem to be constantly on the run trying to keep our children happy and entertained. Wanting the best for our kids includes their health. Teach your children about better options, give them healthier foods to choose from, and make sure that toothbrushing and flossing is not only being done, but being done properly. No tooth decay means no toothaches, easy dental appointments, and better overall health. The younger you are when healthy habits start, the easier to keep those habits with you throughout life! © 2014, Marielaina Perrone DDS. All rights reserved. Las Vegas Family Dentistry

  Remedies from the Refrigerator   Figs are a great way to decrease some of the pain that results from a new set of dentures. They are extremely potent against mouth sores and are used extensively in the Arabian countries and the American Southwest. However, in order to utilize its maximum potential, you need to have sufficient time on your hands along with some degree of coordination and, of course, a fresh fig. As soon as you find the fruit, you need to cut it in half and set a single half in the area between your cheek and the sore region on your gums.  You might find it somewhat tricky to keep the fruit in place for an extended period of time and so you can distract yourself by watching TV or reading a book while the fig works its magic.   Soft foods are equally effective at reducing denture pain. During the adjustment period, it is best if you can subsist only on soft foods. Not everything needs to be mashed together into an unpalatable mess but you must try and consume soft, easy-to-chew food such as pastas, soups and stews. These are not only healthy and nutritious but easy on the gums. Chewing on hard food substances like pretzels and carrots can increase the risk of damaging the tender tissues present in your gums. You can try numerous items from dessert ranging from gelatin to pudding to applesauce.   Sink Trick   You may find it hard to believe but one of the most effective solutions for denture pain can be found right near your sink – soap. Once your teeth have been extracted and you have been fitted with a new set of dentures, you must make it a priority to keep your new teeth as clean as possible. If you allow excess bacteria to build up in your dentures over time, it may hamper the healing process of your gums. All you need is warm water, plain soap and a hand brush to reduce your pain by cleaning out your dentures. You must remember to scrub a minimum of two times a day and rinse well.   Spices as Remedies   Several spices have healing and curative properties that form a great defence against denture pain. Aniseed, for instance, serves as a soothing herbal mouth rinse and is ideal for sensitive mouths. You require 2 teaspoons of crushed aniseed along with 2 cups of boiling water and 1 tablespoon of peppermint leaves. You then need to cover and steep the brew for a period of 8 hours. Strain the mixture and add a tablespoon of myrrh tincture to it. This acts as a preservative and an antiseptic. For the purpose of rinsing, use 2 tablespoons of the mixture two times a day. You can save the rest of the rinse in a glass bottle. Shake it well prior to use.   Salt gargles can also help deal with denture pain. It helps prevent mouth sores during the initial adjustment period. It can prevent the development of infection or inflammation in the sore spots. Keep in mind that you need to rinse between every 3-4 hours. The salt water is effective for cleaning the bacteria out and shrinking the swollen tissue. It is also useful for the toughening of the tender tissue. Gargle and spit using the saltwater rinse at least twice in a day.  

Menopause can be a time of tremendous anxiety for many women. As their bodies change and hormone levels rise and fall during menopause, there can be some unforeseen consequences. Many women only notice the outward changes that occur to their bodies but fail to look internally especially the changes that can occur in the mouth. These changes are quite natural but being informed can help you stay one step ahead and keep healthy through this time of change. What Are Some Of The Potential Oral Changes With Menopause Onset? -Xerostomia (Dry Mouth). As a woman’s estrogen levels decrease it can lead to a drier mouth. Saliva is nature’s way of keeping our mouth clean and hydrated. Without sufficient amounts of saliva our teeth become more susceptible to tooth decay and periodontal infections. Dry mouth can also come from many medications (prescriptions or over the counter) that are commonly prescribed as we get older. -Menopausal Gingivostomatitis. This can occur to a very small percentage of women but can be very damaging. Gums that look dry or shiny, bleed easily and range from abnormally pale to deep red are hallmarks of this condition. Estrogen supplements are usually able to help to relieve these symptoms. -Bone Density Changes. The decrease in estrogen that occurs with menopause also puts women at greater risk for loss of bone density. Loss of bone in the jaw area can lead to tooth loss. Gum recession can also be a sign of bone loss in the jawbone. Receding gums also expose more of the tooth surface to potential tooth decay by exposing more areas of the tooth to the acids in the mouth. Gingival grafting may be necessary to cover the receding areas. -Change In Taste. This is especially true for salty, peppery or sour. -Burning Mouth Syndrome. This can affect the tongue, gum tissues, lips, and possibly the tissues inside the cheeks of the mouth. The burning mouth sensation generally occurs from changes in taste and the sensory nerves in the mouth. It can also be caused as a result of dry mouth, poor nutrition, and even allergic reactions to food or drug. If you note any of these symptoms contact your dentist immediately for help in relieving the discomfort. -Eating Disorders. Nutritional changes can occur from a woman’s change in her own body self image. These changes can lead to poor nutrition and improper eating habits. These changes can make our teeth more susceptiple to teeth damage. How To Avoid Menopause Dental Issues? -Maintain Good Oral Hygiene. This should include brushing 2x per day, flossing, and rinsing with an antibacterial rinse. This should also include regular dental visits for routine examinations and professional cleanings. -Eat Properly. Maintaining good nutrition will help not only your oral health but your overall health as well. -Salivary Supplements. These supplements can keep the oral tissues moist and make your mouth feel better throughout the day. -Estrogen Supplements. While a controversial topic for many, the lowered estrogen levels are a main reason for the periodontal issues that arise going thru menopause. Menopause Conclusion Maintaining a healthy oral environment improves the quality of our lives especially as we get older. It is important for a woman to be aware of the changes happening in her body and to make the simple changes to keep on a healthy lifestyle path. © 2014, Marielaina Perrone DDS. All rights reserved. Family Cosmetic Dentist

DentalSense Turnkey Solutions...a concept from years of proven success.    DentalSense Turn Key Solutions would like to offer you the opportunity to own a brand new DentalSenseDental Office.  We will begin construction of your new office immediately and it will be completely set up and ready for your first patient in approximately 120 days.  Your DentalSense partners will work closely with you to employ a fully trained staff including Dental Assistants, Lab Technicians, an Office Managers supervising the front-end staff.    State-of-the-art dental equipment will be installed.  There will be a complete dental lab in house so that all dental work can be completed the same day. Our second generation family run businesses have successfully opened over 300 dental practices so you have everything you need is included.  We can provide up to 100% financing of your new practice through several major financial institutions.  DentalSense conducts intensive marketing and demographic research to ensure that we strategically locate your new DentalSenseoffices where they will be the most successful.  Give us a call.  We would love to discuss our program with you in person

Posted by DentalSense

  What is it about cosmetic dentistry in Mexico that makes it so popular nowadays? Well, as you may notice, a lot of cosmetic dental services are intended to make some changes on one’s appearance by improving their smile. So with this said, is it really just for vanity? If you have spent several of your years trying to cope with a bad set of teeth, for instance, or maybe endure the after-effects of an accident that led to some teeth loss, cosmetic dental services in these situations are not simply intended to address vanity issues alone. More than just the physical improvements, cosmetic dentistry can also transform these people’s lives by improving their smile. With a little tweak on how their teeth look, having a good set of teeth can boost self-confidence, ease difficulties in speaking and eating, and help you generally feel good about yourself. So whether you are planning to avail yourself of smile makeovers because of vanity alone or for deeper intent and health purposes, here are some tips you can find useful when you look for a cosmetic dental clinic. Get referrals and words of advice from people you know. Start by asking for recommendations from your social circle. Apart from the referrals, also make it a point to inquire about their particular experience of dealing with the dentist and the smile makeover itself. Was the price reasonable enough for the quality of services rendered? Was the dentist accommodating enough? Aside from personal suggestions, you can also take a look online to check some dental clinics in your area. Just remember, though, that what you see first on search results does not automatically guarantee excellent services. You still have to dig deeper so you can find a dentist you can trust. Know about the dentist’s professional and medical affiliations, as well as training background. Since you surely want only the best for your investment, it will help a lot if you check the dentist’s professional affiliations to respected and well-known dental organizations worldwide. Also learn about his training background and areas of specialization so you’ll have an idea about the particular types of dental services he usually offers. Check references, testimonials, and before-and-after images. With their long list of professional affiliations and credentials, as well as various accomplishments connected to their names, a lot of cosmetic dentists may seem too good to be true at times. To avoid those who are just all-talk, make it a point to check their references, as well as the general feedback and reviews about them. What do their previous patients have to say about the quality of their services, as well as the patient support their clinic offers? You can also take a look at before-and-after pictures of patients’ smile makeovers so you’ll have an idea what to expect. Know about pricing and financing. While there are more and more people aiming for cosmetic dental services, these smile makeover options can still be a bit expensive. When finding a dental clinic or dentist, also make inquiries about their service costs and possible options on financing. This will also help you compare how much you’ll likely pay for the kinds of services you need. Assess the clinic ambiance and staff service. If everything is looking great – from patient feedback, service costs, and professional affiliations, how you feel about the particular services rendered, might be considered a deciding factor. Go for a clinic that has good and comfortable ambiance, along with a courteous and accommodating staff. At the end of the day, it will all boil down on how comfortable you are getting along with your dentist. We  Welcome each and everybody interested in the very best Dental Options in cancun, Mexico to contact us here at Dentaris. See for yourself why Hundreds of Canadian and American dental patients visit the most Experienced and Capable Dental Professionals in cancun - Dentaris Call U.S. 504 324 1490 BA Alejandra Moreno e-mail: Antony De Sousa e-mail: from Mex Cancún 998 887 25 79 998 887 39 79 Playa del Carmen 984 80 33 461 *TinV

Posted by Dentaris

Cosmetic dentistry is not just about the outward appearance of a smile. There are many aspects that go into creating a beautiful and healthy smile. There are also many benefits to having a great smile that many of us do not really think about. Below are some of the effects cosmetic dentistry can have on your overall well being. Cosmetic Dentistry More Than Meets The Eye It may come as a surprise to some patients, but cosmetic dentistry procedures can actually help patients realize improvements in overall health. Specifically, patients who elect to have certain cosmetic procedures can significantly improve physical, mental, and emotional well being. -Improved Physical Health. For patients who suffer with Temperomandibular Joint (TMJ) pain, bite alignment issues, and other craniofacial conditions, cosmetic dentistry can help to reshape affected areas in a way that is optimal for physical health. Examples include: *Stronger teeth. Dental Bonding, dental implants, and porcelain crowns can be used to restore chipped, cracked, damaged, or missing teeth. The goal of any good cosmetic dentist is to preserve as much natural tooth enamel as possible while still developing a smile any patient can be proud of. When cosmetic dentistry treatment is complete, patients will experience a stronger, fuller, and more properly aligned smile that stays healthier, longer. *Healthier gum tissues. A smile free of periodontal disease is important to maintaining optimal overall health. Recent research has linked periodontal disease to diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. Cosmetic dentistry should never be performed on a patient with progressive periodontal disease or poor at home maintenance. Without a proper foundation, any cosmetic dental care will be doomed to fail over time. *Realignment of the jaw and/or TMJ, reducing joint pain and preventing teeth from becoming misaligned over time. *Natural realignment of the airway and oral soft tissues, making it easier for the body to breath at night. Such procedures have been shown reduce snoring, curb sleep apnea, and improve overall quality of sleep. -Increased Self Confidence. Cosmetic dentistry can improve how we perceive ourselves. An increase in self confidence and self esteem will give ourselves a greater self image. Research has shown that an increase in self esteem is vital to physical health. -Increased Smiling. With a new-found smile, you will find yourself smiling more. This will make you more attractive to others whether in love or business. Research has also indicated that those who smile frequently often live longer and lead a higher quality of life. Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures To Change Your Smile -Teeth Whitening. This has become a billion dollar cosmetic dentistry business with products ranging from in office whitening to at home whitening with customized dental trays, whitening strips,  paint on gels and even whitening toothpastes. The differences between the types has to do with speed and depth of whitening. Teeth whitening can have a dramatic effect on almost anyone’s smile for a relatively low cost and minimal time involved. -Dental Implants. Missing teeth can make you feel uncomfortable with smiling, socially awkward, or may make you look older than you are. Replacing lost teeth can be done with very natural results. Dental implants are a great way to achieve cosmetics, strength, and durability.  Dental implants can be used to replace a single tooth or multiple teeth. The best part is, once restored, the dental implants should last a lifetime. -Dental Bonding. This cosmetic dentistry procedure involves using tooth colored materials that can be bonded to teeth to change shape, color, and length. This same material can also be used to fully cover the front surface, (called a composite veneer). Dental bonding can generally be completed in one visit. -Porcelain Veneers. While the initial cost is higher than the other cosmetic dentistry options, this may be cost effective if extensive changes need to be made. Porcelain veneers can change shape, color, length, and even correct minor misalignments of teeth. This will last a long time, will not stain, and is a very strong, natural looking material. -Porcelain and Zirconia Crowns. These types of crowns are the strongest and most cosmetic options available. They are made from modern dental porcelains that range in strength and esthetics. If done properly, no one should ever be able to tell a porcelain crown from a natural tooth. Modern porcelains possesses strength, color properties, and light reflection properties that very closely mimic our natural teeth. Porcelain crowns can be used to change bite alignment issues as well as change alignment of front teeth which are more extreme such as those issues that porcelain veneers alone cannot fix. More natural tooth structure needs to be removed in preparing a porcelain crown vs a porcelain veneer. -Snap On Smile. This is a modern, conservative way to improve your smile without any permanent dental work. All that is required is having your dentist take impressions of your teeth, choosing a color, and the dentist sending them to a lab to have your snap on smile fabricated. Once the snap on smile is made, you simply clean your teeth, apply a fluoride gel inside, and slip it on over your teeth. You can talk, eat and smile with it all day long. -Gum Contouring. For those with a gummy smile, this can be a real confidence booster. This cosmetic dentistry procedure is generally done in one visit and can give incredible results for many with an overly gummy smile. Gum contouring simply removes the excess gum tissue and reshapes the gums to ensure you obtain the desired look. For some, this may require reduction of bone, in this case, it is recommended that you see a periodontal surgeon. -Tooth Recontouring. Changing the shape or alignment of teeth in a minor way can have a dramatic effect on a persons smile. Tooth recontouring involves removing small amounts of tooth structure from edges of teeth to correct a tooth that might be misshapen or slightly misaligned. -Orthodontics. Minor tooth movement can be utilized by your cosmetic dentist to bring your smile in line and allow for a better harmony between your smile and function. Cosmetic Dentistry Conclusion  A well trained, experienced cosmetic dentist can not only transform your smile but your entire well being. Your cosmetic dentist can improve the outward appearance of your smile but also bring it back into balance. © 2014, Marielaina Perrone DDS. All rights reserved. Family Cosmetic Dentistry