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5 Easy Dental Care Tips

This way, when you do go in for your dental checkups, you can reduce the chances of having a cavity and show off your pearly whites. Although there are dozens of hygienic tips you should follow, these are the top five important and easy to do tips. 1. Brush At Least Twice a Day You've heard this one time and time again, but it is worth repeating. You really need to brush your teeth at least twice a day. After breakfast in the morning, brushing your teeth is going to not only remove your morning breakfast debris but also the build up from the night before. Brushing at night before bed is going to help clean off your teeth, mouth and gums before bed, but, if you have the chance, brushing after lunch is a good idea as well, especially if you are a coffee drinker or smoker. This helps reduce the stains your teeth are likely to develop from these activities, plus it is going to give you fresh breath throughout the rest of the day, especially after you devour your tuna fish sandwich at lunchtime. 2. Brush Your Gums and Tongue Brushing is not just about focusing on your teeth.  While your teeth do receive all of the attention, it is not the only part of your oral health. It is the same as going into the shower and washing your hair but not the rest of your body. You need to brush your gums, the roof of your mouth and your tongue. Plaque and other food debris clings to just about anywhere in your mouth, so washing these areas are not only going to help keep your mouth clean but it also helps avoid gum and mouth diseases such as gingivitis. 3. Floss at Least Once a Day Make sure to floss. It is something far too many people do not do on a regular basis, and while you might tell the dents you do floss, they can tell rather quickly whether you do or not. Your tooth brush is simply not able to clean in between the spaces of your teeth, so who knows how long that apple skin has been stuck between the two back teeth of yours. With floss, you can clean out the debris stuck between your teeth. Plus, there are different devices now that make it easy to floss, if you have never been a fan of the string or tape versions of floss. 4. Eat Calcium Your teeth and gums are both made up of calcium. Not eating enough calcium not only weakens your bones, but it also weakens your teeth and oral health as well. So, the next time the server at your favorite restaurant asks if you want cheese on top, feel free to say yes. Just make sure to brush your teeth later. 5. See Your Dentist It is very important to see your dentist every six months. It can be hard to see if your teeth have any sort of problem, but your dentist can spot it and help stop growing cavities or other problems from developing further. This is an extremely important checkup for you to make.  

Posted by Reston VA Dentist

How To Prevent Clenching and Grinding Your Teeth

If you are a grinder or clencher and have been for some time you could be at risk of gum disease, bone loss, joint degeneration and more. More women grind their teeth than men and children tend to be at a high risk for this problem as well. The most common age group for clenching and grinding is 20 to 40 years of age.   There are a number of things you can do to help prevent clenching and grinding your teeth and they include:   Mouth Guard You can get a customized mouth guard from your dentist but a traditional, store-bought boil and bite can also be effective enough for occasional teeth grinders. Wearing a mouth guard will not stop you from grinding your teeth necessarily but it will help protect your teeth if you do clench or grind. You are essentially redistribute the pressure that would otherwise be placed on your teeth and jaw. Some people find a mouth guard uncomfortable or don’t end up putting it in if they are someone who falls asleep on the couch or while watching television so this might not be the best option for everyone.   Retrain Your Muscles During the day do a few different mouth exercises to try and retrain your muscles to relax more. Seal your lips but make sure your teeth are apart. Let your jaw drop and let the muscles relax. Your teeth should really only be touching each other when you are eating or chewing. Periodically, check in with yourself throughout the day and make sure you maintain a relaxed disposition.   Relax Before you head to bed for the night do something that relaxes you. This could be a warm bath or shower, meditation, reading, doing yoga or guided relaxation. If you go to bed more calm and relaxed you may find you clench and grind less at night.   Exercise Regular exercise during the day and not necessarily before bedtime can really help you reset your sleep patterns and reduce the stress you feel in your life. This can make for a better night’s sleep and help you protect your teeth and jaw.   Apply Heat If you have an aggravated jaw or pain in your teeth or gums you can apply heat to reduce the inflammation and pain that you may be experiencing. This can also help relax your jaw muscles quite a bit so that when you do fall asleep you won’t clench or grind quite as much or as hard.   Avoid Hard Or Crunchy Foods If you eat a lot of hard and crunchy foods such as steak, gum, crusty bread, raw vegetables, etc. you could be aggravating your jaw. If you have a swollen and inflamed jaw during the day then you are almost guaranteed to keep the clenching and grinding going at night. This article is written by Dr. Nguyen, a Family and Cosmetic Dentistry in Rocklin, CA. He received his DDS degree from the University at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine, NY.

Posted by Pro Dental

A better and a more confident you always begin in the morning and ends in the evening. This is undoubtedly attainable, given that you stick with a good oral hygiene practice. Such is important not just for you to look great and feel good about yourself, but to avoid unnecessary bills and have improved day-to-day social interactions. It is never difficult to understand the basic routines needed to maintain a good oral hygiene. But one thing is certain, if you want to maintain your dental health, it takes more than brushing your teeth. Be consistent in following the easy, yet useful oral health tips. Easy Steps to Dental Health 1.    Brush and Floss Everyone needs to brush their teeth properly twice a day. In addition, flossing at least once a day is necessary. These activities will help remove plaque- a complex mass of bacteria that builds up on the teeth. When plaque is not removed, it turns the sugar in food and drink into acids, leading to decay. Bacteria in plaque also cause gingivitis and other kinds of periodontal diseases. Therefore, brush the teeth thoroughly, making sure to remove plaque to avoid cavities and gum problems. 2.    Quit Tobacco Smoking increases the risk of oral cancer, tooth decay, periodontitis, and gingivitis. It also contributes to stains on the teeth and bad breath. 3.    Eat a Balanced Diet When you eat, some bits of food lodged in and around the teeth. This triggers bacteria in plaque. And every time you eat food high in starch or sugar, the teeth becomes exposed to acids. This happens when you eat snacks and the food stays on the teeth for a while. This repeated acid attack breaks down the enamel surface of the teeth which leads to cavity. Thus, if you need to eat, make sure to brush your teeth afterwards. Additionally, a balanced diet plays an important role. Not having enough vitamins and minerals can greatly affect the oral health. Munch the healthiest food, especially fruits and vegetables. 4.    Regular Mouth Examination You are the one who is always in the best position to notice the changes in your mouth. Examine your mouth on a weekly basis and look for changes which may include chipped teeth, discolored teeth, swollen gums, sores or lesions, etc. Examining the mouth regularly is more important for tobacco users as they have higher risk of developing oral cancer. 5.    Regular Visit to the Dentist Talk to your dentist and ask how often you should have a visit. If you are wearing braces, or history of cavities more visits is necessary. Smokers and people who have diabetes are more prone to gum diseases, thus they need to visit more often. Visiting the dentist regularly, or as advised is essential in order to maintain good dental health. A good oral hygiene affects overall health and promotes confidence. As much as dental health care is concerned, prevention is a must which is made possible by following the above mentioned easy-to follow oral health tips. Remember, there is no such thing as too late to have a healthy smile. For more information:

Posted by Mint Dental

The Causes Of Tooth Decay There are several reasons why teeth decay. Take a look at these major ones to know what you are dealing with when you end up with cavities.   Poor Hygiene Is A Main Reason For Tooth Decay When you don't brush your teeth on a regular basis, which is two times a day, you can have problems with tooth decay. If food particles are allowed to rest on the teeth for long periods of time, it can lead to tooth decay.   A Poor Diet Contributes To Tooth Decay Eating too much sugar and drinking soft drinks is very detrimental to oral health. The sugar will lead to tooth decay, and in many cases, cavities will appear and will need to be filled.   Some Illnesses May Cause Tooth Decay There are certain illnesses that can lead to tooth decay. Two of them are cancer and AIDS. There are other illnesses that can affect oral health too, so it is important to get regular checkups from a physician.   Not Visiting A Dentist For Cleanings And Checkups Can Lead To Tooth Decay It is very important for you to visit a dentist on a regular basis. The visits are usually spaced out every 6 months. This can make a huge difference in the health of your teeth and gums.   Prevention Is Key To Keeping Teeth Healthy It is important to prevent tooth decay. Here are several ways that you will be able to prevent to decay of your teeth, as well as your family's.   Regular Brushing And Flossing Can Help With The Prevention Of Tooth Decay On a daily basis, you should get in the habit of brushing and flossing in the morning and at night. Doing this regularly will keep the teeth and gums in good shape.   Eating A Healthy Diet Is Also Preventative Against Tooth Decay A diet rich with fruits and vegetables is healthy for your mouth and your body. Make sure that you limit the intake of sugar and soft drinks. Brush quickly if you do decide you want to partake in desserts that can linger on the teeth for a long period of time.   Visit Your Dentist On A Regular Basis Make sure that you keep your dental appointments. The dentist will usually want to see you every 6 months. During these visits, your teeth will be cleaned, and they will check for tooth decay.   Getting A Medical Check Up Yearly Can Help To Check For Other Illnesses That Can Affect Oral Health Once a year, you should receive a physical checkup by a physician. This is for your overall health. This can also help with your oral hygiene by checking for any type of illnesses that may affect your oral health. By practising good oral hygiene, you should be able to keep your teeth and gums healthy. Remember to visit your dentist on a regular basis and feel free to ask them any questions that you might have. You can find a good dentist by asking friends and relatives for recommendations. Another way to find a good dentist is by searching online for ones in your particular area. Make sure that you have a good rapport with your dentist because you will need to visit them on a regular basis.

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Many expecting mothers realize that another important trip that they should make is to their dentist for routine dental checkups. One of the biggest concerns that expecting mothers can have during pregnancy is related to gum disease, as this can have disastrous effects on the health of your child. In order to avoid this from happening, here are some tips for keeping healthy teeth during pregnancy.   Visit Before You Are Pregnant Before you and your partner make the decision to start trying to get pregnant, it is a good idea that you make a visit to the dentist. Visiting the dentist before you plan to have a child will allow for them to check out your teeth and gums to ensure that you have a clean bill of oral health. During your visit, your dentist will clean your teeth and gums, while also informing you of other issues that you may want to be aware of throughout the entire pregnancy.   Maintain Frequent Visits While Pregnant Many dentists will tell you that you should be visiting them at least twice a year in order to ensure that you are keeping up with proper oral healthcare. However, this will change quite a bit during your pregnancy. Instead, you’ll want to make sure that you visit your dentist during the first, second, and third trimester of your pregnancy to check in on how your teeth and gums are doing. During pregnancy, women are at a much higher risk for gum disease due to the fluctuations that are occurring with their hormones. During your visits, your dentist will check your teeth and gums to see that everything is in good condition and that you are as healthy as possible.   Some other changes that you may want to make during your pregnancy include changing the type of toothpaste that you are using. Many women experience morning sickness during the time that they are pregnant, so changing to a bland-tasting toothpaste can help to alleviate this.   Check Back In After You Have Had Your Child After you’ve delivered your baby, that doesn’t mean that you are in the clear just yet. Instead, you’ll want to plan for an additional checkup with your dentist. During this time the dentist can perform a digital x-ray -which they should avoid during your time while pregnant- to get a better look at your gums and other oral issues. In addition, visiting your dentist after you’ve had your child gives you the chance to have your baby’s teeth check out, which will instill proper oral habits throughout their life. Your schedule may get quite hectic during your time while pregnant, but it’s important that you keep up with many routine exams to ensure the healthiest conditions for your children. From the time that you plan to have a baby and through the entire pregnancy, consider these tips for ensuring that your child will not be affected by any issues that could result due to improper oral care maintenance. To learn more about Oral health care you can visit Dr. Paul Blog, Click here.

Most people will go most of their lives with gum disease and never realize there is a problem. The biggest mistake people make is avoiding the dentist, rather than having regular checkups, which could catch the problem early and fix it within a few simple steps. Luckily for anyone suffering with this problem, gum disease treatments aren’t as unpleasant as you may think. In fact, taking control and fighting this problem is much easier than you may have imagined. Gum disease is when the gums get inflamed; there are many reasons for this. This is categorized in a number of different types with gingivitis being the early sign of the problem and one that is easily rectified. With gingivitis you will notice red and swollen gums; sometimes they may bleed when you brush your teeth. Periodontitis is a more serious condition where the gum pulls away from the tooth. This causes pockets which traps food and bacteria that regular brushing cannot reach. Over time the gum shrinks and the tooth becomes lose. This is a cause for tooth loss if ignored for long periods. There are signs to look for when you are unsure if you have a problem or not. Sometimes you will find your gums will bleed when brushing, this may be caused by something you ate, which has cut the gum slightly and is not reason for concern. This is why you need to watch for swelling, discomfort, bad taste, wobbly teeth and redness around the teeth. There are a number of gum disease treatments available which will start rectifying the problem. The good news is that as long as you get professional help, you can reverse the damage caused and enjoy healthy teeth and gums again. The first gum disease treatment option is a professional cleaning. This removes any built up tartar and plaque, leaving your teeth clean and reducing the bacteria getting into the gums. The last resort is surgery, but this is not as daunting as it sounds. The dental industry has become technologically advanced and most professionals will use a laser treatment which is almost painless to eliminate any problems you may have. If you’re worried you may have gum disease and are waiting for your dental appointment, it’s advisable to brush your teeth regularly and ensure you floss, keeping your mouth clean and free of bacteria. Remember to watch for the tell-tale signs and don’t panic if you bleed once when brushing, this may not be a problem at all. If you suspect you do have a problem, get professional help as quickly as possible. They can check your mouth and confirm whether or not you have a problem. If a problem is found, the professional will put a treatment plan in place to eradicate the disease, leaving you with a health mouth, teeth and gums. Ensure that the surgery you choose offers this type of procedure. Your private dentist may send you to a specialist, should the problem require surgery. Don’t be alarmed; remember it can be rectified in an almost painless process, which is also fast healing. With so many people being afraid of the dentist, this type of problem is very common. It’s essential you keep your annual dental checkups with your regular dentist, so problems like this can be identified and treated early, rather than leaving it until you feel your teeth are loose, or worse, one even falls out. Choose a surgery that will provide you with experienced, professional and understanding help. One that will make you feels comfortable and offers you the best possible treatment options available.

For some people, the health of their teeth and gums gets put on the backburner in favor of the rest of the body. What many people do not realize is that many health problems can stem from or get worse if the gums and teeth are not in good health. Seeing the dentist, preferably every six months, is very important to your overall health. Here are some signs that you cannot ignore when it comes to your health and when you should visit the dentist: Your teeth or gums are painful.Pain is a sign that something is wrong. You may think that your teeth are just sensitive, but you must get a professional opinion. Infection in the tooth or gums can easily cause tooth loss and major health problems. In order to rule out any problems and before they get much worse, you must schedule a checkup with your dentist. Your gums bleed when you brush them.Bleeding gums are a sign of periodontal disease. Your gums may be swollen and inflamed. Left untreated, periodontal disease can cause a loss of the teeth and other health problems. It is extremely critical that you address this issue as soon as possible with your dentist. You have not seen a dentist in over six months.You should always make time to have your teeth and gums inspected and cleaned professionally. Having these things done will help to prevent new diseases and issues, and you will catch potential problems very quickly this way. Make sure that you see your dentist often to ensure good oral health. You have a chipped or a loose tooth.It is very important to try to save your tooth while you still can. The longer you let the problem go, the more likely it is that you will lose the tooth. Not only can a lost tooth be unsightly, it can also cause health problems. Your dentist may be able to save the tooth or suggest other options to keep your mouth looking and feeling its best. Your old fillings are loose.Fillings may not last forever. In fact, the treated tooth can actually rot around the filling and you may not be aware of it. If you have pain behind or around your filling or if the filling has become loose, you absolutely need to see your dentist as soon as possible to fix the filling, replace it, or have other treatment options done. You have facial pain.Facial pain may be a sign that you have an infected tooth or gums. There are many nerves running throughout your face and mouth. Sometimes when a tooth or the gums become infected, they can make other parts of the face hurt. Talk to your doctor and dentist about any facial pain that you may be experiencing right away. You are a smoker or chew tobacco, have diabetes, or are pregnant.These are conditions that can take a toll on your oral health. You may need to be seen more frequently in order to stay ahead of these conditions and to make sure that problems are not developing in your teeth and gums. You notice anything different about your teeth.Discolorations, bumps or spots on the gums, and other issues should be addressed with a dentist immediately. The longer you wait to be seen by your dentist, the worse the problem could get. Eventually it may be untreatable if you do not contact a professional right away. It is better to be seen right away while the problem can still be managed, so make sure you do not put any oral health issues out of sight. About Us: The Beverly Hills Periodontal Institute is the unsurpassed leader in periodontics and dental implant procedures. With standards of excellence that cannot be matched by others, the Beverly Hills Periodontal Institute offers concierge-level services for all of its patients. Complete satisfaction, comfort, and convenience are focal points of the practice. With recognized professionals and state-of-the-art techniques, Beverly Hills Periodontal Institute is the only place to choose when dental health is at stake. There is no reason to suffer from embarrassing smiles or painful gums and teeth when the Beverly Hills Periodontal Institute can help. For more information, please visit or call 310-553-2940.

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At Standard Dental LLC our mission is to provide the highest quality service at the best possible price. We aim to create the standard for dental health care and to pass the saving to our patients and community. We differ from ordinary offices in that our approach is not only to fix current dental problems but to spend the extra time to prevent future problems. Dr. Arta has created a simplified, easy to follow regiment that has proven to save time, money and patient discomfort.